
MHA Paragon

Hello boys and girls it’s your favorite eternally bored prince of hell and I hope you guys are ready because I’ve whipped up one hell of a show. For those of you who are new around here allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucifer Morningstar and in my spare time I like to reincarnate mortals into worlds of fiction. The masterpiece you will be reading is called MHA Paragon, where I take my own personal spin on the world of My Hero Academia. In Paragon, humans aren’t the only beings capable of awakening their quirks. Animals have as well, warping them into monstrous forms called Dread Beasts and completely flipping the food chain. Humanity lost their foothold over the earth and has been pushed back into heavily fortified cities called bastions. Now it’s up to the heroes you know and love to repel the Dread Beast invasion from completely wiping humanity out. But that’s not all, in this universe quirks are constantly evolving granting their users tremendous levels of power. So if this sounds appealing please join in and watch as our MC Kenji Aotoma a reincarnated mortal comes to grasp with his new reality after a lifetime to solitude and loneliness. If you cant wait for more visit my patreon for advanced chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/Black_Paladyn

Black_Paladyn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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75 Chs

Exam Pt. 3

"Could you not be so lazy for once?" Toga asked with a roll of her eyes and a frown on her face.

"I just carried twelve people and your fat ass down two city blocks, give me a break," Kenji snapped back as he finished stretching with an eye watering yawn. 

Toga smiled as she bent her knees and straightened her back like a cat getting ready to pounce, "Don't kid yourself, you love my ass." 

Before Kenji could respond Toga launched herself off the ground, almost turning into a blur as she shot down the street towards the rampaging monster. 

"Are you going to help her out?!" 

Kenji shook his head as someone from the crowd he had collected spoke up, "Nah, let her have some fun." 

With an audible thump Toga slammed into the iguana's flank, with enough force to rock it to the side. As the Dreadbeast roared out in pain, Toga unleashed a fury of punches that slammed into the emerald hide cracking scales that seeped bright red blood. 

Throwing its massive body around the lizard tried to squash Toga underneath its considerable weight, but she was too fast jumping back as the ground trembled from the monster thrashing around. 

But the moment Toga's feet grazed the ground she was back in the fight, throwing her at the Dreadbeast, claws glimmering in the sunlight before carving massive rents in its scales. 

Trying to retaliate, the iguana swiped and nipped at Toga trying to catch her with its maw and claws but she was too fast dancing in and out of the monster's reach. The fight would have been assured, aside from the fact that Toga's attacks lacked finishing power unless she hit something vital. 

Perhaps if the fight continued Toga would have managed to bleed the Dreadbeast dry, but as she swiped the beast across in snout in a particularly painful attack the lizard let out a deafening bellow. 

Even from a distance Kenji and the rest of the onlookers winced and covered their ears. So being right next to monster Toga suffered the full brunt of the sonic attack and dropped to her knees as her mouth opened in a silent wail. 

'Shit,' Kenji slapped his hand against the ground before he shot forward on an abyssal wave. Still stunned Toga could barely stand as the iguana's head snapped forward, opening its massive mouth full of razor sharp teeth ready to swallow her whole.

Realizing he wasn't going to make it in time Kenji held out his hand conjuring a ball of dripping black abyss. With a flick of his hand Kenji sent the orb flying and it shot through the air unraveling as it went, eventually turning into a clawing glob of black tendrils that writhed through the air looking for anything to grab a hold of. 

With a wet thwack the abyssal mass splashed across the Dreadbeast's maw making its head snap back. Before the lizard could let out another roar, the abyss across its face moved like a living ball of slime, sealing its mouth shut. 

The iguana shook its head back and forth trying to dislodge the abyssal slime as its mouth tried to rip the slime apart. But Kenji's attack held strong and he rolled in on his black wave and swept Toga off the ground before retreating back. 

Settling back on the ground Kenji grinned down at Toga, "Out for the count already?!" 

"I CAN'T HEAR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING BUT I ASSUME IT WAS SOMETHING RUDE AND SOMEWHAT MYSOGINISTIC SO FUCK YOU!" Toga shouted back making Kenji wince as she stood up and turned to face the Dreadbeast as it finally managed to claw off Kenji's abyss, "ALRIGHT ROUND TWO BITCH!" 

Toga launched herself at the iguana, her fleet flying across the ground before she jumped into the air soaring above the reptile before dropping down on its head. 

Kenji couldn't help but feel his heart jump into his throat as the iguana started to buck in every direction trying to throw Toga off. But with a roar Toga stabbed her claws into the Dreadbeast's scales rooting her in place, before her arms flexed and she hauled back with all her might. 

Kenji watched as the lizard's reptilian eyes shrunk down into pinpricks as Toga ripped off a sizable chunk of scales in a long strip practically skinning the lizard alive. 

The beast let out its loudest roar yet, but either Toga didn't care or she couldn't hear it in the first place as she ran up the lizard's snout and stabbed her claws into one of its yellow eyes. 

With a massive grin on her face Toga sunk her arm up to the elbow into the monster's eye socket and started rooting around for something. The iguana trashed around slamming itself into the buildings around it, before it stiffened and collapsed to the side. For a second its body continued spasm as its nerve endings misfired before it finally stilled. 

'Brutal way to go,' Kenji thought to himself as he stood up and walked over to the body, 'I wonder if I get partial points for an assist.' 

There was a brief flicker of moment and Kenji watched as Toga climbed over the battered corpse, "AND ONE!" 

Watching her climb down Kenji opened his mouth to say something when a high pitch drone echoed through the air. Craning his head back, Kenji looked up just as a shadow passed over them and something massive plummeted through the air. 

Before Kenji could see what was above them a wave of wind pressed down on him, nearly bowling him over and sending debris and dust flying everywhere. 

Pointing his hand at Toga, Kenji conjured another sphere but instead of shooting through the air, the sphere extended a thick tendril that wrapped around Toga before retracting. 

Catching her in his arms Kenji slammed his foot against the ground sending up a wall of abyss just as the wave of dust and debris washed over them. 

I hope you enjoyed this release of MHA Paragon.

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