
MHA: One-Hit Hero

A soul reincarnated in the world of MHA. [Kazuki Uchiku] [Quirk: Crush] [A/n: Still new in writing fan-fics. You can give me ideas on how to improve the storyline. Updates vary when I'm free.]

Ilovefics · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: Eleven Year Time-Skip

Eleven years passed in the blink of an eye. Kazuki turned fifteen years old.

Many thing's happened in eleven years.

Kazuki's grandparents from his father's side, asked them to live with them in the countryside. 

Although Furui was reluctant, he was the only son, and his parents were already getting older, and no one could take care of the farm. 

When they first arrived, Furui was bombarded by his parent's insults. He left the countryside to pursue his dreams of becoming a hero, but he didn't reach his dreams and due to his embarrassment, he didn't return home.

Kazuki's grandparents had a huge acre field. They had many workers managing the farm. 

Kazuki didn't mind, not only that since they had a wide area. Kazuki managed to train his quirk. He could vividly remember his grandparents' shocked expressions.

But his father's expression scared him the most. Furui kneeled and laughed crazily when he saw the power of Kazuki's quirk.

Although it was powerful. However, due to its restrictions, Kazuki couldn't fully utilize it. Nor could he limitlessly experiment with his quirk.

Furui who was a nerd started to train Kazuki. Foremost was trying to enhance Kazuki's overall physical capabilities. Since Kazuki's quirk can only be used once a day, Kazuki had to fill the gap.

His father would regularly train him. It was harsh for a young child to endure. But Kazuki found it to be fun. He continued his training every day, making ten laps around the whole farm. 

One-hundred push-ups, and one-hundred pulls-ups, and squats. The training was intense at first, but as Kazuki started to get used to it, he started to increase his training.

Kazuki had also regained some understanding of his quirk. But Kazuki didn't share such information with his parents.

Crush, Kazuki registered his quirk. His family thought that it was some sort of shockwave quirk due to its effects. But it was the opposite, Kazuki's quirk allowed him to destroy anything he touched. 

Crush, Gildart's signature magic. 

Kazuki was even sure that it could surpass Allmight's One for All. He experimented and found that he could create powerful blasts to destroy an enemy. This blast creates powerful wind pressure due to its destructive capabilities and once hit's a target creates a shockwave.

Kazuki tried to lift a boulder to test his quirk. But his hands drilled and even cut off the boulder in half instead of lifting it.

Thus Kazuki focused on controlling his quirk's strength. But it wasn't easy. He practiced on small rocks using his quirk, trying his best to not crush them into dust.

It took him five years just to control some bit of his quirk. When Kazuki turned nine years old, his mother gave birth to a baby girl. Hinata, that was the name of his little sister. Thus Kazuki became an older brother.

Kazuki also managed to uncover his quirk. If he used only 5% of his quirk, then Kazuki can manage to use his quirk normally. His punches were still powerful, but it wasn't to the point that he would blow up.

'If I don't use my full strength, then I can use my quirk at ease.' That was the solution Kazuki had created. 

Kazuki also experimented with his quirk. By using the shockwaves, Kazuki can enhance his speed. He can also use the shockwaves to improve his durability. 

It was a cheat-like ability.

Kazuki was already fifteen years old. He had jet-black hair covering his eyes, and a well-built body. Six and one feet tall. 

"Brother! Dinner's ready!" Hinata shouted waving her hands.

Kazuki put on his black shirt as he entered the house with Hinata. He sat on the dining table and the family began eating.

"Kazuki, if you don't make it in the entrance exam come home okay? Don't be like your dad." Kazuki's grandmother Yuka said. "Here eat more vegetables." 

"Mother! Don't you have faith in Kazuki?" Furui said. "I'm sure that Kazuki can enter UA."

"That's what you said to us Furui." Kazuki's grandfather, Saburo said. "I do have trust in Kazuki. But...." He didn't continue and sighed.

UA had a 0.2% passing rate. Over 20,000 young aspiring heroes applying for just 40 seats in the heroics section. 

"Don't worry Grandpa. I won't let you down." Kazuki said. 

"I trust you, unlike your father. Do your best and show them your strength!" Saburo smiled and confidently said.

While Furui rolled his eyes. "Kazuki, whether you pass or not. We will always be here for you. Though it would be amazing if you did pass the entrance exam-ow."

Akane pinched Furui. "Kazuki, I'm proud of you no matter what." Akane smiled softly. 

"You'll do amazing big brother," Hinata said while stuffing her mouth.

"Don't worry everyone, I'll do my best," Kazuki said earning a soft laugh from his parents.

Kazuki has to travel on his own to Musutafu City. His parents had to take care of the farm, and they couldn't leave his grandparents alone. Especially since his grandmother was prone to heart attacks. After bidding his farewell, Kazuki boards the train.

It took three hours just to arrive in the city. When Kazuki arrived he immediately searched for a hotel, and after finding a decent one. Kazuki placed all his belongings inside.

Although Kazuki was confident in his skills, he was still a bit nervous, and to ease his roaring emotions he decided to take a stroll in the city.

After eating dinner and taking a stroll. Kazuki heads back to his hotel. After freshening up, Kazuki slept.

Before the sun rose.

"This is the power that you earned because of your effort," Allmight said.

Midoriya nodded his head. A determined expression plastered on his face.

"In my hand." Allmight held a strand of his golden hair. "Eat this," Allmight said with a grim expression on his face.

Midoriya had a blank look on his face as he stared at the golden hair. "Huh?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you take my DNA," Allmight said rubbing the back of his head.

"This is too different from what I imagined!" Midoriya responded.

"Now there's no time. You'll be late for the exam. Come, come" Allmight said.

Hope this explains some questions.

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