
MHA: Neutral [Dropped]

Disclaimer: I did not create anything other than the MC and his quirk. This fan-fic is to be re-written for a better experience. I would be fine tuning this for the next week or two. When it is done, I would update this. Don't worry, Ogura Michi would still be the MC however, I would just re-writing this fanfic. (Everything in the 1st volume) On an endless Hiatus unless picked up again. I am just trying to figure out how the story would work after the 3rd chapter. Name: Ogura Michi Quirk: Power Manifestation Story: Ogura Michi was born originally as Peter Haller. Sharing the last name as Legion (from Marvel), he was proud and yearned to one day be like those with powers. He stockpiled his knowledge on powers and abilities people had in hopes that one he will be reincarnated...

Jin_K8po · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Death and Reborn Part 2 [Rewritten]

I have started to learn the ropes of this family. For over 5 years this family has nothing but hospitable to me. They were the picture, perfect family. Rich, and charitable. Nothing could ever go wrong.

Until I met my grandfather, he was a mean man. "A man of action." he said. His phrases were of nothing but insults to my mother - cussing out the fact that they gave birth to a quirkless child - that he should've married someone with a quirk.

He was a selfish man, a man who believed in the pureblood, Quirk theory. Like Harry Potter families. The term mudblood wasn't used, he loved the phrase "You quirkless, Bitch!" It didn't matter though. I was in a happy family. I should start with my family dynamic. My father, was the glue, and the power of our house.

He has different degrees in Quirk studies and usually work as an engineer to manufacture support items for Heroes. His quirk was known as Factory. The ability to create parts of materials and create goods from that. He has a forge in his own body, near the heart. My mother was quirkless, or rather her quirk was stolen from her.

I had overheard the conversation with my Father and my Mother a few years back. Apparently, in that night her quirk was known as Liquid Teleportation, she possessed the quirk to manifest a substance that teleports people. It was stolen by an infamous name All For One.

She knew the name, as her great grandmother fought with the resistance against All For One. "HA HA HA, DO NOT FEAR FOR ALL MIGHT IS HEAR!" I heard the T.V project with a sudden loud voice. A man with blond bunny ears, wearing a full spandex suit showed up on screen. A younger version of All Might. His hair still alive with vigor, his overwhelmingly bright smile showed. 'He's currently 30.' I thought. That means I was born, way before the Canon.


My father was out of town for a meeting, I wasn't worried, my Mother was with him. I was out in the patio of our small mansion, playing with my little toys when I heard the blare of the house. 'The front door!' I thought, my body inching its way to the door. To my surprise it was my parents.

They both embraced my tightly, seeing the absolute excitement brought joy to them. I hugged my father, his core near his heart starting to heat up happily. My mother kissed the top of my head and went in.

The house itself wasn't anything grand, it didn't compare to Momo Yaoyorozu's house or Iron Man's, but it was comfortable, homely, warm, like a cottage mansion. A few visitors would pop in, tutoring me. I was doing well with school, the smartest in my class, of course my adult consciousness and memory were the key prime factor. It was easy as pie, I'm still developing as a person though.


Violence is permeating on the alleys and streets of Musutafu. More and more crime was being enacted on people. Stealing became more frequent, hero work became more demanding, I could tell, I have ears and women gossip - occasionally my dad as well.

Everyday, I arrived at school with 4 bodyguards at my side. My fascination with quirks reached its peak when I turned 6. I pestered them for the information on their quirks. Apparently, all had different quirks and worked together in the army before. They shut up after that, which also, promptly stopped my nonsensical questioning.


2 months later, a party was thrown in a celebration for an achievement my father got. Generally, this would never happen since my whole family was anti-social. This time it was different. Multiple heroes swung by and congratulated my father. "To many more! Cheers!" They all collectively said, like a chorus.

I was starting to drift. The atmosphere was intoxicating, and unsafe. A child shouldn't be able to walk into a party with merry adults drinking. I excused myself quietly to my room. Even, the red, royal halls were filled with people. With childish disappointment, I walked into my room, walking past a man with a flaming costume, a drunk man in a firefighter one, and a blond haired man, shaped into bunny ears.

From the looks of it All Might, had just shat in our bathroom. It reeked, and my room was right past it, 5 doors after. 'I can't believe All Might didn't like the Tempura...' I thought, not knowing the source of All Might's stomach problems.