
MHA: Neutral [Dropped]

Disclaimer: I did not create anything other than the MC and his quirk. This fan-fic is to be re-written for a better experience. I would be fine tuning this for the next week or two. When it is done, I would update this. Don't worry, Ogura Michi would still be the MC however, I would just re-writing this fanfic. (Everything in the 1st volume) On an endless Hiatus unless picked up again. I am just trying to figure out how the story would work after the 3rd chapter. Name: Ogura Michi Quirk: Power Manifestation Story: Ogura Michi was born originally as Peter Haller. Sharing the last name as Legion (from Marvel), he was proud and yearned to one day be like those with powers. He stockpiled his knowledge on powers and abilities people had in hopes that one he will be reincarnated...

Jin_K8po · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Death and Reborn Part 1

[A/N: This wasn't really re-written just edited.]

'When will my life start?' I asked myself as I flipped the page of my comic. Stopping and looking up I saw a room scattered with a mess of manga, comic books, normal books.

I swore I would clean it up today. Yet I never did. Laziness and my inactive attitude never ceases to amaze me. How can one man be so lazy? I shook my head in frustration. 'If only have I the power to clean this mess up, then I might be able to do something.' I always daydreamed for a long time to be in a place with superpowers. Life currently is just so boring.

Exciting choices come about and show themselves once in awhile, but everyone seems to be enjoying life. Everyone but me. Earth with its millions of years of existing, creating wonderful things decided to create humans. Humans then created the world of belief. Fantasy. They cruelly created a world of which to only dream. Never to grasp. In agitation of this realization, I threw my book to the side.

I walked to the patio of the apartment. In the heart of Manhattan, where the streets are bustling with large cars and hurrying people. The streets weren't emptying anytime soon. The evening rush hour is here. Tourists happily lost in the deceit of the place wandered around like a flock of lost birds. I hear a bustling above me.

Shouting made of gibberish was echoing above me. Maybe 5 floors up, I couldn't tell. And so, I stuck my head out to the evening air, past the railing. As, I looked up a mass of shadow came about my face. A man screaming naked dropping from the sky took me down with him.

Took me with him 20 floors plummeting head first to the ground. The impact was sickening to feel for a few seconds until I blacked out. In shock before the impact made me open mouth. His cock somehow managing to enter my mouth. His rigid erect penis, accidentally pushing its way into my mouth.

'NO HOMOOOOOOO' I thought as I crashed to the ground.


'Where am I?' I thought. A building furnished with vines dangling about the aged walls. I sat in a cavern like cathedral. The pained glass etched the markings of glorious holy pictures. Each depicting a scene of love and tragedy. I looked beyond the glass to the supposed outside.

Ruins of civilization greeted me outside. Nature had already begun taking its place. Natural beauty covered the decaying walls. Smashed to the ground were broken infrastructure. Aging like fine wine.

"Do you like it here?" A voice asked.

"Who's there!"

"A man who would you could call God." The voice replied. A figure stepped out from nowhere. He looked to be a blurred man with soft yet firm defining features. He wore a suit of white with a black tie around his neck. Sparkles of green turning to prism showered his aura. Every walk was calculated, fast, but calculated and calm.

"If you are God, where am I? This doesn't look like Hell, Heaven, Purgatory or any place that I know of." I said unsure of what was happening. I strangely felt at ease near the man.

"Well, you are on Earth. A depiction of what Earth would be. After hundreds of years, after the extinction of man. When nature has reclaimed its spot again." God said.

With a sigh God looked at me, "I decided to hold the meeting here. At a beautiful monument of what Earth was like. I am here to tell you that, you are one of the lucky souls experiencing a reincarnation."

I looked at God with disbelief. I can't believe this. Me? Reincarnated? "Why? T-Thank you very much for this opportunity but why?"

"Because, of karma. The things you did saved many and impacted people. The tiniest steps you took with your friends helped them in achieving what they wanted in life. You helped others unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Also, there was a lottery system, and the people were picked from a ton of others." God said.

His speech made me tear up a bit. My life I wanted to help others without thinking. Now I thought that this was wonderful. Finally, something for me. As I was about to speak God talked.

"No, you are not the only one. There are people I sent to other worlds. DxD, Marvel, DC, hell even reincarnated them as a goat. Of course they all agreed. However, you are the only one to be sent to this one, My Hero Academia. You will have a quirk and your quirk would be David Haller's power in Marvel. Power Manifestation is a strong quirk.

So, to protect you, your quirk cannot be stolen.

Finally, "God said without taking a breath during the whole thing.

He turns serious his eyes now fixed to mine. "Parents or no parents?

I fixed my head into a thoughtful gaze. "I've decided, parents."

God smiled. "Good answer and good choice. You are quite lucky my child. Be grateful, have manners, and remember to help others, even when the path is evil and treacherous, help them." He opened his palm to reveal a perfect hand. Pristine and clear, they were immaculate.

I took it and I walked with him through a shining doorway, without looking back.