What happens when an All-American Psycho meets a world of super powers? Nukes and Shenanigans is what! Welcome to MHA : Mania!
The first thing I done did the very next day was power testing.
After all, how could any red-blooded young man with freshly minted superpowers avoid the thrill of it?!
And I must say, these powers go down smoother than milkshake.
Let's do a roll call!
Number 1 : Amorphous Physiology, which made sure I woke up less man and more meat slime this morning, before I learned to reconstitute myself.
Number 2 : Overclock, the superspeed quirk.
Superspeed for one, is very convenient.
Want a sandwich? Zap out to the local fast food joint and be back in a flash.
When I went for a run, I even gave a long haul trucker a heart attack when I buzzed out in front of his truck, mid street.
And then it hit me. The truck that is. And hit it did, alright.
I must've flown some 50 meters before coming to a bloody gooey halt.
That's where my third power came in handy.
Number 3 : Ultra Regeneration.
I was back and up, in less time than it takes for loopy owls to get to the center of tootsie pops.
And the muscle augmentation that comes with with it was neat too.
I mean, yesterday I was fit, but today, oh, today! Today I'm a Greek God, and I mean God with a capital G, baby!
I had abs for days. Repeat after me, abs for days!
Fucking faster than photoshop!
Then there's the hidden power.
Number 4 : Self Detonation, or as I like to call it [JOKE REDACTED].
The prime time power that gives people their come to Jesus moments in life.
Of course this wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.
I blew up just one singular finger and it hurt like a bitch for the next two days.
I nearly pissed myself with pain.
And that's how I learned that I got chipped on the pain tolerance of the quirk.
It wasn't that I didn't have it, it was that it needed to be built up.
And that's just fine and dandy!
I mean who the fuck makes pain tolerance an accumulation quirk?!
What sick bastard- oh wait, right, All For One made it.
Of course he was going to do this, that psycho!
And finally came the fifth power of Rokuro Nomura.
The quirk with the power to cripple a whole new generation of people and kill the old and dying.
I'm talking about the one and only, EMP Bomber!
I could tank a city's worth of electricity with this one.
Okay, maybe not that much, but I could certainly bump out a block or two. And I'm just learning yet.
Baby steps, just baby steps!
That aside, I made some other very cool discoveries in my housewarming tour of the bunker.
A vault full of military grade hardware, including a top of the line computer, from like 5 years ago. Still better than most current ones I could afford, which is exactly none, cuz I'm broke.
Yeah, I know, surprising. Who knew quirkless runaway orphans tend to be broke af?
Thankfully, the bunker also had a small family's worth of hard rations and a well stocked fridge. And with the money from the four dead guys, I was set for the month.
What else was in there, you ask?
C4. A ton of it. And I mean a literal ton. There's like 8 crates of it in there, right alongside a stash of rpgs.
My man Knucleduster was packing some heat here.
No wonder he could afford to blow a whole ass tower in the manga.
But the best discovery here was the medical bay.
Half stocked, but most importantly, filled with just the tools for the job I was looking to pull.
But before that I had something I needed to do. In fact, I had two somethings to do.
I packed a duffel bag of C4, an injector with a fast acting sedative nuerotoxin and a taser, and took the first bus out to Yokohama.
It was time to deal with some roaches. After all, a pest problem ignored is a pest problem fostered.
I made a beeline for the shadier parts of town and began to systematically scour the entire region till I found it.
A bar, no, the bar.
Entering it, I took a seat as nonchalantly as I could and scanned the room.
Just one camera by the monitor on the wall.
And it wasn't a security camera but a webcam one.
The bartender looked at me curiously through his dark misty eyes.
"What can I get you?" He asked.
"A job would be nice." I replied.
"That's a new one. Why a job?" He asked.
"Well, I'm new to town and dead broke, if you catch my drift." I answered, kicking the bag by my feet.
"Uh huh? I think I do. So what kind of job are you looking for? Something on the up and up or woukd you be willing to deal with some less than savory subjects?"
"Man, to be honest, anything will do so long as it puts food on the table. Hell, I'll even gut orphans, even baby orphans if need be. I'm real down low right now, you see?" I explained.
"That's unfortunate. Here, have a drink, on the house. I'll get you something to eat. And a job while I'm at it." He said.
"Gee thanks fella." I replied, extending a handshake, "I'm Yoru Hijikata, nice to meetcha!"
"I'm Kurogiri. Pleasure." He said, reciprocating the handshake, when I suddenly grabbed him tight and pulled his arm out, jabbing the sedative pen on it.
"You!" Kurogiri voiced angrily, before his eyes rolled over and he fell unconcious.
I jumped over the counter and pulled him out, dragging him to a nearby alley, and hiding him in a dumpster, but not before shoving some of my blood up his nose and giving him a brain aneurysm.
Walking into the back room, I found Shigaraki dead asleep, and soon he was also dead from a mini brain fart, courtesy of moi~.
I dumped him in the same dumpster as Kurogiri, before returning to the bar for my final setup.
Looking below the counter, I saw a red button.
Usually this would be for calling the police over, but considering that this was a less than stellar establishment, the button probably called backup.
In this case, All For One.
I pressed it a couple of times, before setting up a video call using the phones of the dead guys from the shelter and booked it to the same dumpster.
Not seconds later, a black goo dripped from the walls and All For One materialized in the bar, looking around cautiously.
"Ahem. Here, Mr. All For One. The phone. Come over. I don't bite." I said, as he walked closer to the phone and took a seat, calm as a cucumber, likely in some vain display of dominance.
"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing much. Just some money. In return, I'll hand over your lovely little scratchy toy. Real daddy issues with this one I tells ya. Wouldn't wanna keep him hostage for long, so chop chop daddy-o!" I answered, waving around one of his fake hands in a chopping motion.
"And why should I do that? You don't look like much and frankly it'd be easier for me to just kill you and be done with it. Looking at you, in those shabby clothes, you're probably some crazy one man nutjob. Not even worth my time negotiating with." AFO mocked.
"But that's where you're wrong dear faceless daddy! Where you see one man, I see four!" I exclaimed.
"What?" He asked confused as I pressed the detonator, and raised it to the screen.
"C4, get it? Shaka laka boom boom baby!" I said.
A massive explosion rocked the bar, killing him point blank.
After all, it had only been little over three years since his fight with the symbol of peace. He couldn't possibly have recovered from it. Not completely at least.
I put on my extra jacket, pouring a gallons worth of water on it and skipped back to the bar, taking a blood sample from the man himself and hacking his head off, before crushing what remained of it.
Done, and done.
Getting back to the alley, I wheeled the dumpster away, as the sirens of the firetrucks approached the bar.
By the time the police came around, I'd be long gone.
Deep in the maze of alleys and dead ends, I injected AFO's blood into me.
Mission Accomplished.
Acquire All For One!