
MHA: Incubus (18+)

Hitoshi Shinsou’s twin brother. He is tall, muscular and sexy. His quirk allows him to change a person’s perception or mentality. Read as he breaks all the women and gains pets.

Omen_of_Oblivion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Training (18)

Akuma was currently in a private gym facility, he was doing some bench presses as a black haired busty woman sat on his lap, nude with a group of women surrounding them."237… 238… " he counted till…

"300" he placed the bar on the rack as he sat up, the woman yelped a little when he without warning rose. He held her from under her armpits and lifted her up as he stood up. He placed her down and went to another piece of equipment.

This was part of his weekly routine for the ten months before he took the UA entrance exams. On Mondays and Fridays he would make sure to exercise thoroughly using weight and other methods to build up strength, he would study on Thursdays and Tuesdays, Wednesday was a day for him to relax, and he would have sex and spend time with his women on the weekends, the sex doubled as cardio in his mind.

He would rarely spend time with his family acting distant when he was home, and he has acted like this since he was ten, and he would always go out. Today was the third Friday since he started training to prepare for the exam. The private gym he was using along with other places he may use belong to his women, they would happily lend him anything of theirs such as the empty rooms he uses for orgies on the weekends or the orgy a few weeks back.

He was now at home in his room, this house is the one he grew up in with his family. His room was dimly lit and had very little mess other than his ruffled blanket and bed sheets. He laid on his bed looking at his phone's camera roll which was full of nudes and videos of his women and him. He was gently smiling remembering every feeling.

*Knock, knock, knock*

A knock came from the door of his room. He sighed and went to the door. He opened it partially, enough for the person outside and him to see each other. The person on the other side was his younger twin brother, Shinso Hitoshi. Hitoshi was an average teen in terms of height and build, though he always had a tired look. He had indigo hair and dark purple eyes. They looked at each other and shared a look of indifference."What?" Akuma asked in a simple way with a slightly impatient and annoyed tone. Hitoshi responded calmly "Mum wants you down for dinner."

Akuma sighed "tell her I already ate" as he started closing the door. Hitoshi stuck his foot in the door, "she said she doesn't care if you ate before and that you are going to eat with us now."

Akuma only sighed as he walked out, slouching down through the door, closing it behind him. He and Hitoshi walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Their father sat with them while reading a newspaper. "Well, we are happy you decided to join us today, Akuma" their father said sternly as he continued looking through the paper. Their mum walked to the table, placed the food then sat down. She looked up at Akuma "I am happy you are joining us, Aku-chan~" his mother said to him in a cheerful voice with a close eyed smile. Akuma looked away from her and mumbled "well I didn't really have a choice."

These are Akuma and Hitoshi's parents, Misuzu and Kantarou. Their mother, Misuzu, is a petite busty woman with short indigo hair and grey eyes, her quirk allows her to feel the physical sensations anyone within two meters can feel. Their father, Kantarou, is an almost average looking guy except he is a little taller than average standing at over six feet, another feature is his dark purple eyes and black hair. Kantarou's quirk allows him to temporarily force people into states of numbness, partial or complete paralysis through any simple response.

Akuma always felt like an outlier when he was with his family, he was physically, mentally and quirk-wise different. Outside with random people he felt like he could truly be himself but with his family he felt like he needed to fit in even at his own expense.

The meal ended with no significance to any of them and they all divided and went off to do their own things. Akuma went to his room and slept after a while on his phone.

The next day was Saturday, the day his orgies happen. He woke up on that Saturday morning at an early time, around five am, and left the house after doing his morning rituals. On Saturdays he would stay the night at one of his women's houses so he would always pack a bag full of daily necessities and extra clothes in case they get dirty. He left the house before any of his family even woke up like he usually does. He was currently wearing a black short sleeve top, grey shorts and black trainers, though they fit him perfectly in actuality they were enormous compared to normal standards. He walked through the uncrowded streets of Musutafu as he felt people look at him, he did stick out like a sore thumb. He slowly reached his destination which looked like a large compound, this is a facility that some of his women live in, they bought it by pooling their money, it has enough space for all of them and maybe many more.

The facility was gated, it had a wall around it with barbed wire on top to protect against potential intruders. The only way to see in was through the metal bar gate. He walked up to the gate and pushed the buzzer, a camera popped out and looked at him. He heard a vary familiar voice "Welcome home da~rling~" The voice was playful and confident yet it was still as sweet as syrup and soft as silk. A buzz quickly came from the speaker as a little rattling came from the gate unlocking and opening. He walked in as the gate closed behind him. He walked through the front yard seeing some women tending to plants lovingly and some even doing laps. He looked at all of them individually with a look of admiration, lust and love.

He eventually reached the house, the door was right open, inside were many women going about their day normally but the moment they payed eyes on him they went towards him, greeted him and spoke to him. Some were already nude as the 'find it comfortable' and Akuma could do nothing but gawk and admire them. He was soon brought to a barren room that was dimly lit and had shelves of various 'toys' and 'equipment'. As soon as he entered the room he was stripped by the girls as they did so too. Now it was just him in a room alone with over fifty naked girls wanting to start the orgy upon his arrival, most mens fantasy but this man's reality.

He quickly grabbed the girl closest to him "You'll be first Yurei" he said to her as he slung her over his shoulder, the girl squealed in anticipation as the other girls sighed a little in disappointment. The girl on his shoulder had ash coloured skin and pearl white hair and eyes, her hair flowed as though it was being blown by a strong breeze, and her teeth were all pointed. Her figure was not buxom but instead thin, her chest and ass while not big were soft and perky. Yurei's quirk was a mutation type that allows her to control her hair to a high degree though sometimes it can act like it has a mind of its own. Yurei was giddy, this was her first time going first, she wanted this to be a very memorable experience for both her and Akuma.

When they reached the center of the room Akuma placed her down on her ass as he kneeled down. The separated as Akuma asked her what she wanted to do. She thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. Her hair extended around her like a rope and tied her up. She now had her hands tied behind her back as her thighs were tied separately to each of her shoulders, she had a rope of hair around her neck like a dogs leash for Akuma to hold."I want to do bondage, I-if that's o-okay" she stated confidently but nervous as to how Akuma will react.

Akuma looked down at her bound body and said in a cold tone "So you're a masochist?" Then a sickeningly sweet smile appeared on his face as he closed his eyes "So you're my bitch right?" A shiver went down Yurei's spine as she heard his questions and the tones of his voice. She nodded. His smile widened even more as he leaned closer to her face."Dogs 'woof' don't they? Be a good dog for me" he said as he stroked her cheek gently. She only stared at his hand then at his face. After a moment with no response he grabbed her chin and stared indifferently in her eyes "I don't like disobedience… So 'woof' for me bitch" he said whispering the last part in her ear. She swallowed her saliva and did as he commanded "Woof." He smiled and backed away from her face a little "Good, but you didn't do it the first time I said to so you need to be punished~"