
MHA: Incubus (18+)

Hitoshi Shinsou’s twin brother. He is tall, muscular and sexy. His quirk allows him to change a person’s perception or mentality. Read as he breaks all the women and gains pets.

Omen_of_Oblivion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

First day [2/3]

The blonde girl with little actual acknowledgment of those already in the room as she looked them over spending more time on the boys as she ungracious walked to her seat like a delinquent not saying a word to anyone just scoffing. When she got to her seat she dropped her bag on the floor with a thud and then dropped into the seat herself. When she sat down she raised her legs and then placed them on her desk. Everyone stared in awe at her rudeness. One girl couldn't take it anymore and robotically stood up from her seat as she stiffly walked to the blonde girl.

"What are you doing?! Lower your feet this instant!" The girl who walked up to the rude newcomer and ordered as she shifted her arms to further emphasise her words. The girl who was stiff and robotic was a bespectacled girl with long navy blue hair that was in two braids that laid either side of her neck. She and the blonde girl began to bicker and shout at each other. Akuma watched with a slight erection as he cleverly hid it under the table by closing his legs a little. The girls continued to squabble. During the two girls spat the door opened showing another newcomer.

The newcomer was sweating bullets out of nervousness, cheeks red seeing eyes lock on them. The newcomer was a cute freckled girl with long and thick, messy green hair. Her body was fit and her toned ass showed through her skirt. She had knee high white socks with three green stripes. She wore the female UA student uniform. She had her blazer unbuttoned and revealed her tightly tucked white shirt that accentuated her bosom. Her short red tie sat where the top of her cleavage would be. She carried a yellow backpack that had a few badges and stickers of a few heroes but most of them were of All Might. She held both of the straps on her bag as she peered into the classroom.

The opening of the door caught the attention of the two fighting and the others in the classroom. They all looked over and saw the nervous green haired girl stand in the door way. When the stiff blue haired girl saw her she took long and quick strides towards the green haired girl. "Greetings, I'm Iida Tamiko, I have to admit you are a better student than me, you were able to see the hidden portion of the test which I was not-" the blue haired girl began to boisterously babble holding out her hand for a handshake but she was cut off by the one she was talking too. "Oh, uh, I heard your name earlier, I'm Midoriya Izumi, and honestly I didn't really figure out the test I was only doing what a hero would do" the green haired girl spoke with a light smile and her nervous face becoming more calm, she held her hands out in front of her defensively. Akuma just stared imagining Izumi's innocent face twisted in pleasure as she moans beneath him.

"Hey, you're the one who saved me and destroyed the zero pointer with one punch" a bubbly brown haired girl said in a high pitched voice while swinging her hands like a punch talking to Izumi's back as she only just came through the door. Izumi turned around as her face became red once again "I should thank you for talking to the teachers about-" The brunette replied a little confused "why would you need to thank me and how did you know about that?" The two girls mumbled to each other for a moment. The blonde haired delinquent girl grinded her teeth and grumbled as she scowled at the green haired girl, her feet were still on her desk in a clear act of defiance.

"I can't wait for orientation, I wonder what our teachers are like…" the bubbly girl said quickly at the abrupt end of her and Izumi's conversation which was cut short by a tired voice, "if you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now". Everyone looked to where the voice was coming from with shock, Akuma sighed when he saw the speaker figuring out and being disappointed that Midnight wasn't their home room teacher and instead it was this weirdo. The man was on the floor tucked into a yellow sleeping bag, fully submerged except for his face. Everyone was now quiet at the arrival of the ragged homeless-looking man with faces that clearly displayed their emotions.

The three girls near the doorway, these girls being Tamiko, Ochako and Izumi, moved away from the doorway as the man in a sleeping bag just outside was getting up off the floor and unzipping the bag. He was now standing with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a little drink pouch, the bag laid empty on the floor. The man sucked on the pouch nonchalantly with dull eyes. He pulled the pouch away from his mouth and crinkled it in his hand. The man looked at the students and said in a dry tone "it took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not going to work, time is precious, rational students would understand that". The man was silent for a moment so the students could get over their surprise at his sudden appearance. He continued his introduction "hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your new home room teacher" many of the students reeled at this reveal and Akuma clenched his fist in disappointment 'that bitch, she isn't even my home room teacher and she had the audacity to tease me, I'll punish her later, in the meantime' Akuma thought in regard to Midnight but refocused his thoughts to his teacher and classmates.

Mr Aizawa discarded his rubbish and picked up his sleeping bag. He stuck his hand in and rummaged through it. "Right, let's get to it, put these on and head outside" Mr Aizawa said as he pulled out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag.

A couple minutes later the boys and girls are now in their separate changing rooms. In the boys changing room nothing much happened other than them getting dressed, there were some words exchanged but they were negligible. Contrary to the boys the girls couldn't stop talking.

"Wow! Yaoyorozo, what size are your boobs? they're like twice mine" an energetic pink beauty said to her new friend as she honked her hands in the friend's direction, the pink girl was Ashido Mina. The girl known as Yaoyorozu Momo turned away and crossed her arms over her chest and sports bra, "t-they're C, b-but I'm pretty sure Baisho-chan's are bigger…" Momo said as she turned her head to Baisho Ryuka (OC). Baisho hearing her name turned away from her locker and looked to the two, the two were silently just staring at her chest that was tightly fit into her bra looking like they were almost bursting out, her face went red though she put up no resistance, her wings came in a little though they didn't cover her body. Mina, still looking at Baisho, spoke to Momo "she's definitely bigger…"

Another conversation that was being had between four girls, one had blonde hair with a lightning bolt, one had red spiked hair, another was short and had purple ball-like hair, and the last one was a green haired girl with an extremely long tongue. Their conversation was regarding a certain boy in their class.

"His name was Shinso Akuma, right? Did you see how big he was?" the blonde girl with the lightning bolt known as Kaminari Daki said as she pulled up her tracksuit bottoms. "Yeah! I know right! Did you see how muscly he was? That's really manly!" The spiked red haired girl known as Kirishima Eiko said as she pumped both of her fists and bent her knees a little as she sort-of struck a pose.

"Hehe…" a stout purple ball haired girl named Mineta Miharu giggled absentmindedly as her eyes were squinted and her lips were curled into a smile as she drooled. "Hey, what are you thinking about Mineta-chan? Ribbit" a green haired girl said with a finger to her chin, this girl was Asui Tsuyu. "Hehe… just imagining how big it is seeing how big he is… hehe…" Mineta responded still in a daze. The other three and a few others hearing this blushed and thought about it.

The other girls were still having little conversations though a few were silent. One in particular that was silent was the blonde girl known as Bakugo Katsumi, Bakugo was glaring daggers at a green haired girl as the girl joyfully spoke with a couple people. Another girl that was completely silent was a girl with long, straight, two toned hair, red and white, on left side of her face was a burn scar that covered her eye. The girl with the scar was Todoroki Shoko. Todoroki looked into her locker as she quietly changed ignoring all the other girls.

After a couple more minutes the girls began to gradually leave the changing room and go to the field for what their teacher called them out for.

When they reached the field they saw the boys already standing waiting for their teacher to do something while Mr Aizawa was just scrolling through a hand held tablet he had for teaching. The group of students slowly filled till all twenty of them were standing in front of Mr Aizawa.

"Okay, now, all of you are going to participate in a quirk assessment test, this test will be similar to the physical fitness test from junior high but you will be allowed to use your quirks" Mr Aizawa said.

Akuma and a few others saw this as an opportunity, an opportunity to show off and prove themselves.



Next chapter 'first day 3/3'

Will be the quirk assessment test.