
mha gf series - goddness & sunshine

meet elizabeth aka lily is a girl been through hell and back, as a young girl she fought cancer until the end. her mothers does what she can, take her to a island in Greece. where the island, has a temple that has hot springs that known to be healing. when she get's heals, she becomes the next powerful goddess she get's a quirks of controlling earth, air and fire, water. plus she can heal people as well. she lived on the island until she was 15th. on her 15th birthday. a awful man named apollo, that killed everyone on the small island than took lily. was going to kill her for her power but decide to keep her. since that day lily she wishes she was dead. ~~~~~ one day she is saved by stranger, named aizawa he tells her he knew her mother and promise to keep her safe and apollo won't ever touch her again. he brings her home, and have her join ua, to train her to be in a hero. while her time there, she meets the boy she had seen in her dreams, mirio she tries to stay away but he tears her wall down, she finally let's him in, this is their love story

rosanne_thornton · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

chapter 1

lily pov

I am nothing, I only belong to pain and suffering I thought as I heard. Apollo bitching at me, my master or owner. He had called himself, as I heard into another part of the metal abandon building. He had found, and kept me a prisoner here as well, I thought as I worked on chores to earn my share here. I rather be in hell I thought to myself, as I was finished up cooking dinner for the master. I thought as I rolled my eyes to myself, as I finished the meal. I began to plant it before bringing it to the master, he was sitting on his bed, but it was pretty much an air bed. Like the ones you buy at a camping store, it was way better one.

Than mine bed, or what apollo called it, he pulled out of dumperst. It had a scent, of piss, and there was stains of yellow, and green. Mostly blood stains came from me, and apollo's punishment. There was only two kinds, being raped and him cutting my wings. Only to survive cancer to be raped and abused by a demon's devil hands. I thought as I placed it on the side table, he only gave me a side dirty look " looks worse today, all this time. You still can't cook...one of these days. You get it right, " he said while he was on his phone. "Go finish your chores, hurry..bitch" Apollo ordered, as I walked away as I heard him begin to eat his meal. That I had work hard on for him, I thought as I walked into the part building. Where my room was at, it was only a bed with two thin and worn out blankets. I went into the area, to grab my cleaning supplies that was all in a bucket.

Then I began to clean, first the bathroom and then the kitchen area. Began to do the wash, it was mostly Apollo awful clothes I thought to myself. I mostly wore a large gray shirt and black shorts. Both are stained with blood and other stains, I thought as I started to hand wash his clothes while deep in thought. Soon after I was half way done, I heard footsteps you can stop...come to my bedroom, time for me to play with my toy" I froze at a creepy voice, I knew what was coming. I thought as I stopped pulling my hands out of the soapy water. Than dry them with the dirty towel, follow apollo to his little bedroom or what I called hell I thought in the moment