
MHA: Genetic Tinkering

“They say the DNA are the building blocks of life and they aren’t wrong but what if they could be manipulated to ones will, well that’s what I do...my goal you ask, that would be telling you’ll just have to wait and see but don’t worry you won’t have to wait long”

TheLonelyNephilem · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

A New Development And Setting Things In Motion (OC Bio)

(OC Bio)

Name: Iden-teki Henkō

Age: 22

Gender: Fluid

Villain Name: Genetic

Height: 7,0

Hair Colour: Changes but he often keeps it a light green with red tips

Hair Style: Short and Wavy

Eye Colour: Light Green

Birthday: June 25th

Sign: Cancer

Quirk: DNA Manipulation, allows him to manipulate, see and alter the genetic makeup of others allowing to hide traces such as fingerprints or skin cells, copy the dna of others to gain their quirks (he must have a source of dna to do this such as a blood sample), make himself genetically perfect with no faults and even regenerate his body.

Appearance: (Casual) He wears a light green shirt with a red jacket, black pants and light green shoes along with red sunglasses and black gloves.

Villain: He a light green bodysuit with red gloves, boots and a red visor as well as a red cloak which he always wears, he also uses his visor to amplify his quirks ability to see the genetics of others (he has to maintain eye contact with them but they don't have to look at him for him to see their genetic makeup).

Personality: Henkō is a rather enigmatic with his motives never being fully clear and his mood constantly shifting on the fly with him sometimes being energetic and other times being incredibly lazy but regardless he always seems to have a plan for everything and constantly outwits any hero's who try and apprehend him with him currently having fun messing with Endeavour who's recently been hunting him.

(Unknown Location)

Henkō sighs as he restrains a captive who keeps trying to escape "Just hold still will you, your just gonna make this last longer" the captive looks at him with hate as he fastens them to the table before he knocks them out with a syringe before sighing as his phone rings "Hello?...yes they are coming along well" he looks over at the beasts in the tanks "They will be quite formidable...yes I made the one you requested it should prove a worthy match for him...understood" he closes his phone and goes back to his captive and grabs another syringe and a blood vial "I have to say that quirk of yours is rather useful, I'm sure you won't miss it" he takes a blood sample then drinks it and grins as he feels his muscles become super dense and tough but sighs as they tear his lab coat apart due to the increased mass "Knew I should have bought a better lab coat" he walks off into the other room and grabs another lab coat while he looks at his journal "Our plan is coming together, all we need now is to lay the groundwork" he leaves his lab and heads up to the city while sighing "If things go as planned that is".

(Elsewhere UA High, Nezu's office)

Nezu sighs as he looks over his paperwork until he gets a call, he picks up the phone "Hello?...you found another teacher for the classes and a medic to boot, incredible send them in right away" he puts the phone down and he hears footsteps nearing his office. His door opens to reveal a woman with black hair with blue tips, wearing blue heels, black tights, a blue skirt and a black undershirt with a blue suit jacket as well as black glasses which reveal her blue eyes. Nezu could also see she wasn't as normal as she seemed with her being probably only a few inches shorter then All Might in height along with her body being relatively muscular and her...assets easily beating Mountain Tady and Midnight while her beauty would send even Kamui mad at least that's what Nezu thought upon seeing her. "Nezu I assume?" Nezu nods "Yes, do take a seat miss...?" She smiles softly "Miss Josei Kizō but you can call by either one of them" Nezu nods "Well, welcome to UA miss Kizō it's a pleasure to meet with you so tell me, what brings you here" she smiles "I saw your ad and I've always wanted to work at UA High thankfully I had just the quirk" Nezu looks at her, his eyes full of intrigue "What is your quirk?" She smiles "I can control cells within my body and within others though the latter requires physical contact to do while the former only works on myself" Nezu smiles with his curiosity increasing "I see, well I think you'd be a great addition to UA, welcome to the school" he holds out his hand which Kizō shakes "Thank Mr Nezu I'm sure I will definitely enjoy my time here" Nezu smiles "I hope so, let me show you were you'll be working and what you'll be teaching" he leads her to her classroom before taking her to recovery girl.

(UA High Infirmary)

Nezu and Kizo arrive at the infirmary to see Recovery Girl treating an injured pro hero, she looks over to see Nezu and a new woman she doesn't recognise "Nezu what do you need?" Nezu smiles "I brought you a helper, she's also going to be teaching her" Recovery Girl smiles "I see, welcome I could definitely use a hand, my quirk is rather limited in terms of healing." Kizo approaches the injured pro who looks at her as she places her hand on his arm and sees the state of his cells "Looks like you've suffered severe cellular damage, luckily for you I can manipulate cells" her hand glows a faint red and Nezu, Recovery Girl and the pro gasp as he his heavily injured and burnt arm quickly heals until it looks brand new. The pro moves his arm and tests it "Thank you so much" Kizo smiles softly "Don't mention it and try not to get injured again, I'd hate to see you back here so early" he nods and he gets up and leaves. Recovery Girl looks at her shocked "You can heal the very cells?" Kizo nods "Indeed I can, I can also suppress them in cases of cancer or even heal dead ones...I was a nurse for a while but I decided I wanted to be a support hero so I could help people far easier and to get out of the hospital since it's not really my style" Nezu smiles "Well I'm glad to have you here, oh and here's your timetable, you'll be teaching Class 1A in about half an hour so if you want you can go and meet some of the other staff if you like, room staffroom's just down the hall" Kizo nods and walks away down the hall. "He's so nice, I wonder what the rest are like...I wonder if there will be any cute ones" she gets lost in thought and doesn't notice Aizawa walking in front of her and she bumps his shoulder, she snaps out of her thoughts and turns to him "My apologies" Aizawa simply continues walking and Kizō looks at him with intrigue "Ooo, the dark brooding type, they are always so cute~".

(UA Staffroom)

Kizō opens the door and is immediately greeted by a man with yellow hair spiked up into a single point with a speaker around his neck "Hey your new the girl right, I'm Mic nice to meet you" Kizō smiles "Yes I am, it's a pleasure to meet you Mic" she blushes internally "He's so cute, and energetic~" Mic smiles "You too, I'm sure the others will feel the same way-" he is cut off by Midnight appearing at the side of them and she immediately hugs Kizo who blushes "So this the new girl hm, good I was getting lonely thinking I was the only young woman here" Kizō laughs "Well your aren't the only one now" the two laugh while Midnight smiles "Yeah I'm not~" Kizō chuckles and checks her watch and sees she has ten minutes before her lesson starts "Oop, I better get set up for my class, I'll talk you both later" Midnight and Mic nod as Kizō leaves the room with Mic turning to Midnight "She's beautiful, I think you and ML have some competition" Midnight nods "Yeah but she's also nice and she's adorable, I saw her blush~".

(Elsewhere, League Of Villains HQ)

Henkō sighs as he gives Shigaraki the time table he got from his "sources" at UA "Try not to lose this and make sure he's is there before you call the Nomu in" Shigaraki nods "Understood Genetic" Henkō smiles "Good, also if you manage to get any dna samples from the heroes, call me" he leaves the room while Kurogiri and Shigaraki turn to each other "What could he want with dna samples?".