
MHA : Fire Dominanace [Multiverse] {UNDER REWRITE}

Got rid of the multiverse arc currently under rewrite =============================== A guy with Daddy issues , Mommy issues , moral issues and Skill issues. Struggled to get a job after wasting life in college and then in internships that did nothing to improve his condition. He went to a walk outside frustrated with life and bam got sent to hell with no way of reincarnation! Just when he willingly was about to end his existence the absolute grnats him a chance! Follow along to see how this messed up human grows along while deluding himself with things that aren't really his =============================== The chat Gpt aah intro is over now main topics of this story . Mc will be a Hero and Villain in different time frames of the story. Small endgame harem and probabaly romance will be a backstage too. Mc's personality is a bit messed up and his behavior would be questionable at times. any further questions will be answered personally. the synopsis is already 1280 words long =============================== Tags OP MC , Twisted psychology, Anti Hero, Edgy , Multiple relationship, Multiverse, AU, Genderbend {not MC} , Haki, Immortal Mc, Elemental powers MHA , BNHA , Naruto ,One peice =============================== SPECIAL THANKS TO Life_sa_Beach_ for allowing me to use his character itsuki from his fanfic "Minato may have been your father but he Ain't your Daddy"

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Am I gay & Embarrassment


After having the successful talk with all the investors i had already ordered Hjalti to get om his new job.

What you might ask.

Well it was a very simple one for a rich guy like him , Human Trafficking.

Kids are the optimal choice since they don't have much of a will but my consciousness hasn't yet degraded to a level that low.

Nor do i need power that much now, with my body becoming essentially a solar battery plus a Nuclear breeder with nigh unlimited storage i didn't need much more applications.

Obviously even the category of adults was very thin specifically targetted on people that won't be missed to prevent needless snooping around from people.

Ideally a drug addict is even more better than a Child because of literal degradation in psyche but my quirk acts differently with mergers, it wouldn't be wise to gain STD's and orher gnarly stuff.

Even though I'm immortal it would be an hassale to have sex with my future partner if i even develop feelings for someone.

Now that i think about it am i becoming asexual?

Like I'm surrounded by hundreds of beautiful maids ,which every male has fetish for, yet i did not feel even a single bit of obligation to make any move.

I'm sure its some sort of side effect of harmonal imbalance considering the nature of merging bodies but i expected more like going bisexual rather than asexual.

Well I'll probably have to figure that out later.

For now i need to talk to mother about the promised doctor appointment.

Just when i was about to call her the knock on the door followed by the voice of a woman interrupted my thoughts.

*knock knock*

"Father i need to talk to you about something "

That voice was unmistakably the voice of a woman but i knew it was a trap the only person to call Hjalti Father is Ólafur his son.


"Sure come inside"

I had some things i needed to talk to him about sooner or later this seemed like the perfect time for it.

The door opened without much sound as he or more like she looked inside.

Dressed in a business suit a very familiar face but more attended to with make up , wearing a head band and a business suit.


"Huh , who are you"

His voice was full of confusion since i modified my voice to sound like Hjalti.

"Why don't you sit down , we have some things to talk about"

I said with an even tone, ignoring his question pushing a chair towards him.

As he sat down i turned to look outside the window with my back to him, to present a more imposing figure.

Definitely not because i was resisting the urge to say smash to a real life femboy.

"Well for starters I'm the boss now"

I began with a simple declaration, since this conversation would decide his future place in the family it would be better to give him a rundown of the situation.


We had a lot to cover.

======>< [Scene break] ><======< strong>

[[Pov: Takahashi]]

The talk was definitely interesting, i learned a few things about him and life in general.

The guy was honestly pretty okay, he might want to be a girl but he was indeed raised as a boy.

We had some fun playing video games for about two hours after the heavy heart stuff was done.

When i told him that Hjalti was technically dead he broke down in tears not in sadness but in happiness.

The guy was a twisted knot of trauma plus coping but i am not much better to say anything about it.

Honestly i didn't know I'd make the first friend in this world in such a way, fate does work in mysterious ways huh.

Just like the inevitability of the consequences of my own actions.

Currently i was looking for a way to escape my future inevitable torment.

You see i made a bet with mother after she was being ridiculously adamant on having to go to a doctor and claiming she was all fine.

The bet was something lile this "the one who is wrong in their claim would fulfill any request the other one has"

Its a surprisingly simple bet but knowing the type of person she is I'm one hundred percent sure that I'll go through more embarrassment than I ever went through in two lives together.

Just when i was about to sneak out an unmistakable presence behind me made itself known.

" Ara~, running away from the bet are we?"

"N-no i was just going out to buy your favorite ice cream", I turned around and smiled nervously looking straight into her eyes making up a lie on the spot.

"Don't lie to you mother like that~ ,we already have the fill of ice cream "

Her eyes were half lidded as she had a hand infront of her chin, striking the generic mommy pose.

It was at this moment that i knew i fucked up.

"Ah shit"

"Dont swear Dear~"

I was dragged away from my freedom into her room as i attempted to free myself.

"We have a lot of dresses to try , hehehe~"

======>< [Scene break] ><======< strong>

As we reached her room she reminded me of the promised upon request while pointing towards the maid outfit lying on her bed.

" Well, since I won, it's time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain."


" I know, I know. Let's get it over with."

I responded with resignation picking up the dress and heading to the bathroom to change, knowing fullwell this was the direct consequence of wearing the apron that day.

It seems i reignited her passion for dress up.

"Cheer up, it's all in good fun! And don't worry, I won't post any embarrassing photos of the dresses... maybe."

As i closes the door i heard her saying to me.

" Great, just what I needed to hear."

I spoke loudly from the inside

" Come on, it'll be a memory to cherish forever! Now, be a good boy and get ready quickly"

After some time i was done with wearing the typical maid outfit that she owned for some reason ? From the looks of it she bought it recently to fit my size.

I was a bit hesitant on going out but deeming it inevitable i opened the door.

" Alright, let's just get this over with... "

As I reluctantly emerge from the room wearing the maid outfit, the camera pointed at me and mom's gaze caused my cheeks to be flushed with embarrassment.


Several camera flashes later she looked at me with a smile as she said.

"Oh my goodness, you look adorable! in those photos I'm definitely going to cherish this for eternity"


"But we're just getting started, sweetheart."

"Seriously, Mom? "

I could only roll my eyes since i was weak to her happiness and even if it felt embarrassing i was kinda glad she was having fun.

"Yup, we're just getting warmed up!"

Yeah i was wrong i hate this.

She excitedly rummages through the closet and pulls out a geisha outfit along with a make up set.


"You've got to be kidding me... "

"Oh, come on, it's all in good fun! And you'll look super elegant in it."

She said as she grinned mischievously from ear to ear like a cat as she approached me with all the material having found the perfect dress to have an excuse to dress me up.

"N-no I'm not going to be dressed up by you"

I looked away from her as i frowned.

"Oh! Don't be a wuss there's nothing there i haven't seen already "

As my futile attempt at keeping any form of dignity was crushed with the simple parental rebuttal i just went along with a weal smile on my face.

"I feel ridiculous... "

I mumbled, blushing even harder feeling embarrased beyond limit in the

"Nonsense, you look fantastic! Even more beautiful than me"

She said enthusiastically as she adjusted the sash and hairpiece on the wig.

"Now, let's snap a quick photo for the family album."

"Fine, but can we please just put an end to this?"

I looked pleadingly at her with tears glistening my eyes really desperate to escape this humiliating position.

" Alright, one more photo and then we're done. Pinky promise."

She said as she put her finger forward.


======><[Chapter End]><======< strong>

Refreshed the story now I'll expand on MHA for now