
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Chapter 3: Quirk Gains

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


Today was a horrible day, a day of reckoning, a day of pain. For today I would be going to kindergarten and I already dreaded it. After all I was 25 combining both my lives and now I had to go sit with a bunch of screaming 5 year olds.

Worst part was I couldn't even get out of it. I had pleaded my case to my parents and had received nothing for it. Apparently I had to 'socialize with kids your age' and 'make some friends'. Like any of these children could be worthwhile friends, they're all nice enough but anyone who is an adult and has child family members knows that trying to talk and befriend them as a peer is usually impossible.

I had done a lot these past five years, I'd shown myself as a genius, speaking and walking early, coming off as extremely inquisitive, and a learning speed to put true geniuses to shame. I had a near native grasp on Japanese by now and was passable in German, which I learned thanks to my father. I already knew English thanks to my previous life and had college level education.

And yet despite all that, despite showing off a once in a century genius, I was still being forced to attend kindergarten. I had let my parents know of my displeasure in a way only a five year old could pull off, I was pulling a combined silent treatment and 'I hate you' treatment, and from the look on my fathers face it was working perfectly.

See I had been essentially the perfect child. I never complained, never threw tantrums, nothing. I was my parents little angel and me finally acting like a child had stumped them completely. Seeing mom and dad act so flustered after my little tantrum at the house had been beautiful. The only problem was… it was a little too effective on mom. She seemed convinced that me finally acting like a child was a sign of progress that the threat of kindergarten had brought out of me.

And so here we all were, sitting in the car, driving to Musutafu kindergarten. My dad looked extremely uncomfortable while mom had a look of determination on her face. It was extremely tempting to just use my quirk and get out of this whole situation but mom would be on me like white on rice if I did that.

Ahh my quirk, even now I feel so much joy when thinking about it. All the misconceptions people had about it were funny too. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Hmm so that's what happens…"

Sitting a desk in a nice apartment sat a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes. In front of her on the desk was a book that said 'Meta Liberation Army: A brief history'

Closing the book the little girl stood up stretched slightly.

"Still they never mentioned what happened to the Quirk Book…"

The quirk book, a book that had seemingly a quirk all of its own. It recorded all quirks that it came in contact with extreme detail, weaknesses, strengths, and most importantly what it actually does. Apparently it's fairly common for people to receive a diagnoses of their quirk only to later find out that it doesn't work the way they were told it does. This made the quirk book amazing, however what made it so valuable that several governments went after it was the ability to record a quirk before it even manifests.

Ever since learning that I was going to have a quirk I had been wondering what it was. And since reading of the book I'd been trying to find what happened to it. I was already 4 and my quirk had yet to manifest in any way, if I could get my hands on that book I could at least find out what it was.

With that thought in mind I suddenly felt extremely tired and and a weight in my hand. Looking down I saw a relatively worn looking book.

Suddenly the book began to glow a flipped to its first page. I then felt a pull around my navel and my vision started to go hazy. Right before I passed out I saw the words rush across the top of the page 'Concept Gear: Gods Vault'

I woke up in a hospital bed. Sitting up I saw my mom and dad asleep on the chairs next to me. Looking around I finally found the button that calls the nurse. Giving it a little push I sat back and waited.

Shortly after a nurse opened the door and walked into the room. Giving her a little wave, I watched as her face rapidly changed before pulling out a radio.

"Can I get a quirk development doctor down to room 311?"

The noise of her speaking seemed to wake up my mom who roused from her sleep before pausing after seeing me awake. Bracing myself I prepared for the onslaught of worry that I was about to be hit by.

"Oh my god I was so worried! Are you feeling okay?! Do remember what happened?!" Jumping up from her seat, and unceremoniously dumping my dad onto the ground, she rushed over to me and started checking me over while hugging me and crying.

"Um miss can you give her some space please I need to run some preliminary checks." Luckily the nurse saved me by coming over to check my vitals and other medical things.

While she did that my mom began to explain what had happened after I passed out. Apparently they had found me passed out with a book in my hands, the first page was a charred mess while the rest was blank. Well it was blank, when mom picked it up she felt drained of energy but a short description of her quirk wrote itself across the second page. After about half an hour the book crumbled into black shiny dust that then disappeared. After that mom had me taken to the hospital to have it checked out.

After she finished and the nurse had finished her preliminaries a doctor entered the room and asked me a bunch of questions. I must say the way he spoke down to me, like I was a child incapable of any in-depth thinking was was starting to piss me off. However, it was his next question that would actually help me much to my displeasure.

"Did you think of anything exciting before it happened?"

And that got me thinking, I had been thinking about how much I wanted the quirk book and then I got a book that just so happens to record moms quirk. Couldn't be a coincidence, so with that in mind I begin to wish for the one item I had always wanted the most. I had wanted it in my first life and wanted it even more now that it was my second life. My armor. I had a growth type armor set during my time in MagikaVR and it was my favorite item, I knew it inside and out. It had nice buffs and was something I cared for immensely despite it being a bunch of pixels and data.

And with the thought in mind I felt a large drain on my stamina while a sleek black-grey armor with blue cloth covers appeared over my clothes. I immediately felt stronger and the pen I was holding felt sharper. However as quick as it came it disappeared, after around 3 seconds the armor crumbled into a black dust that reminded me of obsidian dust before that too disappeared into thin air.

Coming back from my joy at finally wearing my armor in real life I saw everyone around me staring in shock. Quickly coming back as well I was bombarded by questions about what just happened.

I was so happy that I already started reading a lot as it gave me a plausible excuse for randomly summoning a set of medieval armor.

"Uh.. well the doctor asked what I was thinking about before it happened and I remembered that I was thinking about the quirk book. So I tried thinking about a set of armor I'd read about and it just appeared. I felt strong too just like the armor in the book was supposed to make its wearer."

And that's when the real questioning began. The tests and questions lasted around 4 hours and I left the hospital with a shiny new certificate saying that I had a quirk called 'Concept Gear'.

(Flashback End)

I had learned a lot about my quirk since then. I had a lot of limits but also less then I thought. I couldn't truly create anything but at the same time I could? It confused me and I still hadn't figured it out but I at least knew most of what I could do. Of course my biggest discovery was my energy pool, that had been the only other time I had expressed discontent to my parents when I learned that they had been hiding it from me.

I learned to sense it and how to channel it other then just using my quirk. I could make myself slightly stronger, faster, and more durable. And perhaps most importantly I had learned it's capacity and regeneration rate. I had decided to measure it using a basic weapon of mine.

Originally I was only going to start weapons training at around twelve as I had to measure out growth rates and the best time to start training regimens. But with this new development I decided to bring out a weapon that I rarely used in my past life. I was still skillful with it master rank at least but it wasn't my specialty.

I was measuring my energy by using throwing daggers enchanted to return to their user. It was how many I could make and hold for 24 hours. At first test it had only been 1 for 24 hours and another one for around 15. But now after extensive use, in secret of course, I was able to hold 7 for 24 hours. Assuming I make them to only last 2 and a half hours or so, the average, maximum, combat time in this world. I could make around 84 knives, of course due to me not commonly using them in my past life I could only effectively control around 33.

Anyway I was saying before getting horribly distracted, I could easily get out of this kindergarten thing. All I had to do was make an invisibility cloak and a befuddling bracelet. The befuddling bracelet was an item in MagikaVR that you could convince NPC's to wear and it would make them susceptible to the owners suggestion. I would give it to the teacher, tell them I was never there and invisibility cloak back home.

But if I did that and got caught I'd be dead, figuratively of course. My mom and dad would never allow me out of their sight ever again. I would lose all freedom for years, and that wasn't something I could accept. So my plan was instead to summon a mask that lowers my presence and put in some ear buds and just read.

Arriving out front of Musutafu city Kindergarten I looked on in horror at the screaming, hyperactive crowds of kids running around the front playground. Following my parents inside I looked at the loud, unhygienic hordes of kids running throughout the halls. Entering the deans office we were greeted by a kind looking old lady who enthusiastically asked us to sit down.

"Ahh! You must be Mr. and Mrs. Krieger, I'm the dean Kurosawa Jun and it's a pleasure to meet you both. And you must be little Ayah, look at you, aren't you adorable. Well don't stand please sit!"

We all took a seat and my parents began to discuss my enrollment. I on the other hand was trying to decide which mask to use, I remembered three masks that had the presence concealment functions. Sadly one was immediately out due to it causing mental damage to those who see it. That left two masks both with advantages and disadvantages.

Either I used 'Assassins Alibi' a standard black cloth half mask that covers the bottom of my face, it has presence concealment to an insane level. As in if they get distracted for half a second they'll lose track of me. On the other hand I could use the MSC or 'Magitech Stealth Circlet' a device that looked like a standard circlet but blurred my face and let me have a moderate presence concealment level. Not as powerful as the alibi's concealment it only worked if I actively tried to not be noticed.

Well I have plenty of time to think over-

"And that wraps that up. If you'll sign these and give them to my secretary when your done I'll take little Ayah to her class."

"Okay then, Ayah I hope you have fun and make sure to try and make friends okay?"

My mom looked over at me with a hopeful look one that I'd sadly have to disappoint.

Looking at her in discontent I kept my silent treatment strong and said nothing. We will play this game as long as I have to to get my point across.


The mask thing is important for the future and I don't know which one to choose. Let me know your opinions. Images attached.

Assassins Alibi

Magitech Stealth Circlet

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