
MHA: Carbon Copy

Reborn as Neito Monoma was quite the shock, but living his second life as a jealous copycat wasn't Neito's idea of a good time. Watch how the new Neito takes it upon himself and pushes the power of copy to it's maximum potential.

ImagineMaker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


The paper flipping sounds finally stopped, signifying Neito's dad was done reading the document, a contract presented to him by Nezu.

Keeping it down roughly, he looked at Nezu with a frown.

" This says you want to groom Neito as your successor? That UA will be his after your death, I wasn't born yesterday Nezu, what's the catch here? "

Neito's dad refused to believe that Nezu would give such ludicrous conditions so easily.

He had no connection to their family, he didn't know Neito personally, so whatever was compelling him to do this was something else entirely.

Nezu took out a cup of tea from below the seat yet again, making Neito curious, how was he pulling props exactly suited to the occasion.

' Wait, does he have everything down there or did he predict how this conversation will go before he even came here.. that's some super quirk... '

Suppressing his sudden spike in jealousy which was compelling him to go for high spec, Neito looked over his dad calmly, he was more experienced than him at least in this world's laws.

* Sip *

Wetting his throat, Nezu spoke without any intention of going around in circles.

" I am confident your son is capable of great things, you can call it a prediction using High Spec, this world needs the continued existence of a symbol and Neito kun here is my choice, I am willing to invest in him, that is all. "

This wasn't a direction Neito's mother liked the conversation going, so she said with a frown.

" Symbol? You don't mean symbol of peace right? Because while we respect All Might's work, Neito isn't becoming a hero. "

Wiping his coat of fur, Nezu made it shine somehow, then said with excitement.

" He doesn't need to, UA is what it is today because I proved my worth intellectually, Neito kun with the right training can become both the symbol of peace as well as symbol of intelligence. "

Stopping Neito's mother from speaking by starting a talk with his dad, Nezu spoke in a different set of facts.

" I see potential in Neito kun, and my terms are a guarantee as well as a prize for Neito kun to work towards, I believe you realise that Shibasaki san. "

Keeping his frown in place, Neito's dad, Shibasaki Monoma wondered aloud.

" You want to use UA as a guarantee so Neito doesn't need to go towards any other path? Meanwhile you will guide him along, infusing your own ideas into him. "

" So what you are really doing is grooming Neito into your perfect successor, this contract won't take effect until you die, so you don't lose anything at all. "

Grinning lightly, Nezu laughed with satisfaction.

" While I would have used lighter words, this is my basic idea, I will do everything in my power to let the world know about Neito kun, he will be publicly declared my successor. "

Something that was left unsaid was this would put another shackle on Neito, he will be publicly known and looked upto as the boy owning UA.

When Neito will have everything tying him down towards the path of fame as long as he stays besides Nezu, few people would choose to go towards a different path.

" ...I see, while this sounds glorious, what are the immediate benifits for us? You won't just take Neito in and promise him a vague future that may or may not happen. "

Shibasaki Monoma asked after calming down, he was using his quirk continuously, this conversation was very important to his son's future.

" Certainly, Neito kun will also have access to all my resources immediately, everything that I own, it will be all his someday after all, let's just call it training. "

Licking his paw, Nezu concluded his sales pitch.

" Finally, he will have access to any quirk I can possibly get my hands on, and that includes every teacher at UA, including my own high spec quirk. "

Neito's dad nodded slowly, while this sounds generous, Neito can actually do all this on his own, the only thing Nezu did was make it unnecessary to hide what quirk Neito wants.

' High Spec is dangerous, I would have been lost without my own quirk's instincts, and I am still not sure if he has something different planned, something I can't see right now. '

But Shibasaki Monoma was a smart man, he knew this was the best case scenario for his son right now.

If he could go back in time, he would never have brought the examiner to Neito, or let Neito give any of the online tests for that matter, but he didn't know anyone with a rewind quirk, so that was a bust.

" I see.. what do you think? "

Shibasaki looked towards his wife who straight away wanted to shake her head, but refrained from doing so right now.

Her husband worked really hard to get this situation on track, she would be a fool to mess it up, they needed to discuss later as a family.

" Mrs Monoma, you don't have to answer today, you can take as long as you need, I am ready to wait, I believe you will make the right choice. "

Finally nodding their heads the Monoma family agreed to the conditions provided by Nezu.

Neito watched all this happen and wondered if he was not going to give the official exam, why was he even going to UA.

" So, what are we going to UA for? Am I still giving the test or what? "

Grinning lightly, Nezu plucked out one of his shiny hair, his coat of fur still prim and proper, and handed it to Nieto.

" I want you to try and copy high spec, it is a mutant type, theoretically you shouldn't be able to copy it, but let's just say I want to try something. "

Neito narrowed his eyes and looked at his parents, who cautiously proceeded to nod.

Looking towards the white strand of hair, his jealousy burst out again, but Neito didn't suppress it this time, mutant or not he wanted Nezu's quirk.