
MHA: Bungee Gum

Tanaka Horikawa, the prodigal CEO of Spamazon. At the age of 21 he had become the CEO of the worlds largest online retailer. Then he gets poisoned by his Board of Directors because he made a call that they didn't like. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's been reincarnated into another world. More specifically, the world of My Hero Academia! Read along, and find out what he does with his quirk, Bungee Gum ============= If you are expecting a OP MC then sorry to let you down but no. He will use his brains and tricks to fight. ==========> Check out my other story The Dragon of MHA Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Bungee Gum

AN: A lot of you guys liked it, so I'll just write chapters whenever I feel like.

"My quirk is Bungee gum."

Shiro Hirota

Quirk: Bungee Gum

Description: Create a substance that possesses the properties of both rubber and gum.

My mom holds a small party at home for developing my quirk and she invites the Yaoyorozu's over because so far, Momo is the only person I would consider to be my friend.

While Mom is cooking up a feast, Momo and her parents are talking to me and asking questions about my quirk in the lounge.

Momo's mother, Ichika Yaoyorozu, is a scientist, and she is particularly interested in how my Bungee Gum works. She is my mother's college friend and they've known each other for many many years.

"Interesting, so you can mentally control all the factors of this Bungee Gum just by thought. Even if it's disconnected from you?"

"If it's physically connected to me in any way, then I can control its properties. If it's not touching me, it keeps its properties until I disperse it. So if I throw it while it's in a sticky form, then it stays sticky until I get rid of it. I still want to experiment with it and find out what else I can do."

"That makes sense."

She replies calmly, but her eyes show an intense curiosity and she definitely wants to know more. Thanks to my past as a businessman, I have gotten pretty good at reading people's expressions.

Momo is also very interested because she wants to know if she can make Bungee Gum.

When she asks me, I shake my head and tell her, "Sorry Momo, I don't even know what's made of."

Momo's father, Daichi Yaoyorozu, is quietly observing and thinking about my quirk. I can tell that he's debating something with himself, but I'm not sure what.

Momo and I play with the Bungee Gum for a little before Daichi finally speaks, "Shiro, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

'Oh, so that's what this is about.'

"Originally I wanted to be a doctor because I didn't know if I would get a powerful quirk and that was the safest option."

From the kitchen, I can hear my mom, "HEY!"

I continue on, "Even now, I think that this isn't very powerful. Sure, it's versatile, but in terms of firepower, it's only around average."

He nods at my explanation, "Would you consider being a hero?"

I sit there for a moment before responding, "Sure being a hero would be cool, but that's too dangerous. If anything, getting my powers just makes me want to become a better doctor. It would be convenient having an ability that pretty much allows me to make giant band-aids."

"I see. Well, I am a little surprised. But then again you were always mature for your age."

There is a sort of awkward silence in the lounge, which is thankfully broken by the door slamming open and a loud voice was heard throughout the house.


The very loud entrance my father made after coming back from work distracted everyone, including my mother who cut her finger after being scared shitless by the loud noise. Dad walks into the lounge with a large smile on his face, which soon disappears when he hears mom's voice behind him.

"You bastard. You made me cut my finger. How am I gonna cook properly now, huh?"

He turns around and sees Mom with a knife in one hand and a frying pan in the other.

"U-uh, listen, I was excited. I was just really excited that Shiro has a quirk."

His words mean nothing to Mom, as she slowly advances forward.

"Hina, surely you understand. Shiro, help me out here. Shiro!!!"

A few minutes later, my dad is sitting in the lounge with the rest of us, albeit with a huge bump on his head.

Rubbing his sore head, he asks me to explain more about my quirk. For what seems like the third time today, I explain the properties of Bungee Gum that I know of.

His expression turns serious as he listens to my explanation and thinks about the possible usages of my quirk.

After I'm done, he sits there and puts his hands to his chin.

"So you're telling me that your quirk has the properties of both rubber and gum."


"And you can control its stickiness, stretchiness, and all the other things."



Despite being a doctor, sometimes he has the mental maturity of a child.

"Dinners ready!"

We all head over to the dining table and see the feast my mother has whipped up. She truly is deserving of being hailed as the greatest chef in Japan.

A-5 Wagyu beef that melts in your mouth. Spring salad with pickled vegetables and lightly dressed in her homemade vinaigrette. Bowls of glistening white rice and miso soup, and pan-fried fish marinated soy sauce, sake, sesame oil, and many other things.

AN: Right now I'm just fantasizing about an expensive Japanese meal.


We all dig in and in no time, the table is empty and stomachs are full.

Daichi leans back in his chair, completely satisfied, "Leo, you truly are blessed to have a wife that can cook as well as this."

My dad grins, "Hehe, I know I am."

My mother drags us to the lounge and gets the poker set.

"Yosh, today we will teach little Momo to play Texas Hold'em. Also, Shiro, show them the new trick I taught you."

I sigh, 'My mom really is a handful.'

I take a deck of cards from the box and take a breath in. Splitting the deck into three, I hold the top thirds with one hand while holding the bottom two with my other. Then I place the bottom two on top of the first while rotating the top third in between the two others with my thumb. Then I repeat this process but with the bottom thirds instead of the top.

All happens within eight seconds. If my hands were bigger, I could do it faster.

My dad is shocked, Momo's shocked, her parents are shocked, and my mom is nodding proudly.

Momo, being a child, is the first to react, "WOOOOAAAHHHHH!!!!"

My mom is grinning from ear to ear and pinching both my cheeks, "I know right, it took me half a year to get that right. But it only took him around a half a month."

My dad is looking at it from two perspectives.

One, the serious doctor perspective, 'With that level of dexterity and his quirk, if he becomes a doctor, he could put me out of business.'

And two, the idiotic child perspective, 'WOAAAHHHHHHH!!! THAT'S CRAZY!!! THAT'S MY SON!?!?!?"

Neither of these perspectives was shown on his face and instead, he just sat there with his mouth gaping.

Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu are both extremely impressed.

"This age and he's already this good!?"

"Good Job, Shiro. That's very impressive."

We teach Momo how to play and laugh as she puts her head down and mutters apologies each time she tries to bluff. I am enjoying this cause no one was able to figure out my signs if I even have any.

The night comes and the Yaoyarozu's leave. I head to my room and play with my Bungee Gum a little before going to bed.

'What an interesting quirk. It's not like I can destroy a building with it, but I can do some much more interesting stuff. I'll mess around with it more tomorrow.'

*Four and a Half Years later*

It's been around four years since I've developed my quirk and I have been discovering fun applications every now and then.

I've been able to increase the maximum range to around ten meters now. Also, now I can willingly increase and decrease the durability of the Bungee Gum and make it easier or harder to snap.

As for the uses, I have been fiddling around with it. I have been trying to use it as a slingshot and as a sling.

A slingshot is more like a gun, with an external item needed to form the structure. A sling is just rope with a pocket at the end used to throw rocks or other miscellaneous items.

Of course, I use Bungee Gum instead of rope so I can instantly create a sling.

I also can use it to patch up wounds and seal doorways shut. I've done a bunch of random things, like make tripwires, catch flies, and chew on it too. Strangely enough, it has a slightly sweet flavor, but no scent.

One of my favorite uses is attaching it to items and pulling towards me. Right now, my maximum weight limit for pulling things is around 20 pounds. This isn't much, but for a nine-year old, I'd say that this isn't a bad accomplishment.

My quirk is close range as I need to be in contact with the item or touch it with Bungee Gum to reach it. For a while I thought about a way to make my bungee gum long range, and then my mom to teach me card throwing. This gave me a great idea.

Cards are lightweight, easily obtainable, and compact, making them the best candidate for attaching bungee gum to other things.

I coat the card in Bungee Gum and set the resistance to the lowest level. Having Bungee Gum on the card makes throwing it different from usual, but after a few months, I got it.

Now I keep a pack of cards on me almost all the time. It's really useful, I can throw a card at a book and it will connect, then I can yank the Bungee Gum and the book will fly into my hand.

I've also gotten better at card tricks, now I can do complex shuffling sequences and cool but useless card tricks. If I use cards with my quirk, I might as well look cool while doing it.

As for my studies, my father has been teaching me medical concepts and practices whenever he has free time. Now my knowledge is that of a college student 4 years into their medical degree. So medically speaking it's not that impressive, but for my age and compared to most adults, it's extremely impressive.

My mother does most of my educational teaching, ranging from math, Cards, and, as well as English. As a former businessman, I was fluent in English, but as I haven't used it for a while, I had lost my touch and it took a while to get it back.

Also yes, I have a class called Cards. My mother is actually much better at card tricks and games than I originally thought. She's taught me to count cards, pocket cards, and literally every card magician technique. After some more research, and asking my dad, I found that in the past, my mother was banned from half the casinos in Vegas for several reasons that he didn't mention.

My relationship with Momo has also improved, we pretty much see each other every other weekend. Whenever we meet, we mess around with each other using our quirks and pull pranks on our parents.

Next week is Momo's 10th birthday, and she's inviting me and a few of her school friends over to watch a movie and play around. Unlike me, she goes to private school and does whatever ten-year olds do in school. My mom looks through my closet and checks my clothing to make sure I dress "appropriately" so that I give a good impression.

Despite my parent's wealth, I prefer the simple stuff, single color t-shirts with small logos, long pants, and if it's a bright color, screw it.

"Hmmm, this is no good. Too plain, too boring. Ok, Shiro, we're going shopping!"

"No Mom, seriously, it's fine, I really don't think I need to get anything."

"Well, I think you do, so zip it and get in the car."

We get in the car and she drives over to the shopping mall. For the next hour, she drags me from store to store trying to find the best clothes for me. Until finally and thankfully, she was satisfied and bought the outfit.

Somewhere else, a muscular and bulky blonde man was sitting in a red recliner drinking a beer and reading the news.

"Dr. Hirota Performs Another Miracle!"

Underneath the headline was a quick summary of the article, "Dr. Leo Hirota manages to save a child with a life-threatening injury that was considered untreatable by others."

The man grins as he reads the article.

"Maybe I should pay the good doctor a visit."

His grin gets even wider as he looks at the face of Dr. Hirota.