
MHA: Be Quick! (A Reader Interactive Fic)

A girl finds herself reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia(MHA). As an avid fan of anime and fanfiction, having been reincarnated, she immediately attempts to figure out where she was. Though it took her an embarrassingly long time, she realised that she was in MHA. On her 4th birthday, marking her fourth year in MHA, she awakens her quirk and something else. _____ A semi-transparent screen blinked into existence in front of the girl. " This! This is a system! Holy shit! Hell yeah!" The girl jumped around her room, celebrating, as the transparent screen followed her eyes. " Reader Interactive System..." The girl read with eyebrows furrowed. She wondered how it worked. Then, more text popped up on the screen. [You may send messages to the readers! Type into the chat box below. Messages may take time to reach the readers.] The excitement was immediately wiped off her face. The girl sat quietly on her bed as she felt an existential crisis slowly begin to plague her. _______ This fic has a reader interactive gimmick that requires readers to comment. When chatting with the MC please add: To MC: Whatever you want to say to her. Have fun! The cover was Ai generated and photoshopped. It was strangely difficult getting the AI to generate an anime girl. It took less time to put the MHA logo at the bottom. This may evolve into a multiverse fanfic if it does well.

Ethan_peh · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs

5. First Quest Completed

Ami was seated in a limousine, her mother was sitting next to her.


The limousine was the Sasaki family car. Driven by their personal driver, the limousine brings the Sasaki family members to where ever they need or want to be.

" ...re you sure that you put on your diaper?" Sara Sasaki asked her daughter looking extremely worried.

" Yes, Okaa-san, I put a new one on before we left the house. Should I take off my pants to show you?" Ami replied trying to reassure her mother. She did not actually intend to pull her pants down.

" Hmm, I think that is a good idea Ami-chan... I can make sure it is put on properly. Come! Quickly, while we are stuck in a traffic jam!" Sara gestured wildly with her hands as she stressed herself unnecessarily.

The limousine was an antique and its repairs were expensive. Sara really didn't want to have to change the cushions because her daughter peed all over the car.

Rolling her eyes, Ami unbuckled her seat belt and unbuttoned her jeans to show her mother that she was indeed wearing her diaper. Having been reassured, the mother calmed down and stayed calm throughout the rest of the drive.

After 2 hours of travelling, the duo made their way to U.A. High school, Musutafu.

As the limousine pulled up at the high school's gate, a pro hero stood there waiting for them.

Ectoplasm. A pro hero and a teacher at U.A. High School greeted the mother and daughter who exited the limousine with help from their driver.

" Welcome to U.A. High School, Sasaki-san. The headmaster asks to meet you and your daughter after the tour around the U.A. premises." The hero said in his somewhat robotic voice.

' A voice changer?' Ami thought as she heard the man speak but didn't bother paying too much attention to the man. Instead, she stayed focused and glanced around discretely to find her target.

As they began their tour, Sara Sasaki noticed that her daughter was uncharacteristically quiet but paid it no mind. She associated her daughter's strange behaviour with the fact that she was in an unfamiliar place after years of being confined in her home.

Ami kept her focus even as they walked through the hallways of U.A.

No matter how ecstatic she felt walking through the famed U.A. High School, she had a mission and probably only one chance to complete it.

"... And this is class 1-A. Since the class is at recess right now, we can enter without disturbing the class." Ectoplasm moved to open the door.

' This should be my chance!'

Focusing hard, Ami pulled up the system. Unlike usual, the system panel popped into existence only a centimetre away from Ami's right eye. A very tiny version of the system panel accompanied by smaller words so that she could read it even when the panel was so close to her eye.

From the outside, it simply looked like her right eye became slightly blue-tinted.

Quickly, Ami willed for the quest to be accepted.


Quest: Run up to Bakugo And punch him in the face as hard as you can

Reward: Quirk-Explosion Pill (a tasteless pill that can be chewed on or shallowed that grants the Quirk: Explosion)


Reward: Quirk-Regeneration Lesser Pill (look above, it grants the ability to regenerate wounds 100% faster. Extra energy can be used to speed up healing up to 500% at a steep climb in cost)


Reward: ¥5,000

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?

Warning: You may only have 5 quests active at once.

Quests: (2/5)]

[ Quest Accepted!

Ongoing quests: (3/5)]

As they walked into the empty classroom, Ami let the system panel disappear. She didn't bother listening to what their tour guide had to say and immediately walked over to the seat she remembered was Bakugo's and sat down.

Then, she wiggled her body a little in an attempt to relax and channelled her inner child.

" I want to see the students!" Ami said with stars in her eyes. However, the star seemed a little dull.

When did she learn to act?

Years of semi-faking to be a child tends to help one when one needs to act like a child.

Seemingly amused, the pro hero agreed to wait for the students to return.

" I..." *Shivers*

Definitely, not because Sara started staring daggers at him.

" A-alright, the students should be back in about 5 minutes!"

" Yay!" Ami cheered with real enthusiasm. She was indeed excited to meet the broccoli himself and punch Mister Fireworks while she was at it.

Ami waited.

Right on cue, several students walked into the classroom at once.

The 3 boy-friends slash goons, Kaminari Denki, Eijiro Kirishima and Hanta Sero walked in together while talking to each other.

'Dumb-Pikachu, Rock-fella and Tape-guy...' Ami thought internally but kept her eyes locked on the entrance to the classroom. Next, a group of girls walked in and immediately spotted Ami.

The girls flocked over to Ami and began fawning over her. Sara Sasaki suddenly appeared close to her daughter as would any other mother when people decide to approach their underaged child. The mother spoke to the girls while Ami kept her focus fully on the door.

Then, she saw him.

Like a lioness stalking her prey, through the distractions surrounding her, Ami stared unblinkingly into Bakugo's eyes as he spotted her sitting in his seat.


Ami ignored the faint "Ding" and continued staring down her target. Behind the loudmouth, a certain sparkly boy with a defective quirk walked into the class and spotted Ami.

She selectively blocked out all the swearing the blond porcupine yelled as pushed his way to her.

" ****! ******! GET OFF MY SEAT!" As the brute made his way to her, Ami balled her right fist as the boy approached her. He slammed his hands on his table and got into Ami's strike zone.


Gritting her teeth, threw the strongest punch she could muster at Bakugo's face.


The boy dodged.

' As expected of a battle genius.' Ami thought as threw a sneaky punch with her left hand while the boy was stunned by Ami's sudden attack.

' AH!' Ami screamed a little internally as she cracked the knuckles in her left hand on the boy's face. Also, as Ami had expected her strongest punch barely affected the boy physically. She was, after all, extremely physically weak.

However, she seemed to have dealt a lot of emotional damage.

" You... YOUUUU!!!"

Held back by his classmates, Bakugo raged and shouted at Ami.

" Ami Sasaki, why did you hit this student?!" Sara Sasaki semi-shouted at her daughter. With a stern look on her face, Sara looked ready to "discipline" her daughter. However, her face quickly softened when she saw the look on Ami's face.

" H-his face was very scawy... *Sniffle* I punched him because I was doing what All Might would do. He punches bad guys and that guy *Sniffle* looks like a bad guy... N-now, my hand huhrts Okaa-san. *Sniffle*"

Playing out her thick act, Ami channelled the inner pain that she normally kept hidden and started bawling.

When she started crying, Bakugo stopped thrashing around in his classmate's grips and seemed to look troubled.

To calm her daughter down, Sara patted Ami's back.

" I DON'T WANT TO SEE U.A. ANYMORE! I WANT TO SEE ONII-CHAN!" Ami shouted while pouring her eyes out, snot dripping from her nose. Troubled by the tough situation Sara found herself in, the woman thought for a moment and adapted to the situation.

" Okay, Ami... I will take you back to the car. After that, I will go see the principal. Then, we can go see your Onii-chan. Okay, Ami?" She picked her daughter up and carried the girl back to the car.

A rather angry driver sent imaginary divine judgement upon the High School as he let Ami into the car.

Soon, after Sara Sasaki left to speak to the principal, Ami stopped crying and simply stared out the window.

Or rather, it seemed like Ami was staring out of the window forlornly. However, it was quite different internally.

' Yes! I did it! I completed a quest!'

[ Quest completed. Reward chosen: Quirk-Explosion Pill]

A small colourless bead fell appeared in Ami's hand. Without hesitation, the girl stuffed it into her mouth and swallowed it. She closed her eyes and let the system panel disappear as a rather temperamental energy rushed from her throat out to the rest of her body. Once her entire body was saturated with the new energy, the foreign feeling stopped entirely.

Ami opened her eyes and stared at her hand.

' I had initially wanted to take the Regeneration quirk. However... My lack of strength earlier influenced me to take the easier route to gain more strength. Me and my stupid impulsiveness...' Almost as if she were bipolar, the previously happy girl got angry at herself. However, she quickly managed to calm herself.

' Regeneration is a pretty common power in fantasy stories. I should get an opportunity to obtain a power similar to it in the future. At least now I have a better means to defend myself with.'

Looking out the window once more, she summoned the tiny system panel in front of her right eye and began reading through the many quests she had attained throughout the night before and a few hours before.

Ami had learnt that messages are spaced out and she only receives one per hour.

' I will probably never get information of the future from the Readers..." She thought to herself a little annoyed at the situation.

' It is kind of like the slow-mo mode for live streams... No spoilers I suppose...'

As she scrolled through several quests, she noticed a constant name.

' Katorishi... This Reader seems to have given me 1, 2... 9. 9 quests in a row... Wow... They look pretty mundane, maybe I can complete some of them at home.'

After the nine quests, she found a rather interesting quest. One that would help her a lot.

[ ManasCiel(W):

Quest: Sacrifice 200 homemade cookies to me!

(Note 1: Doesn't have to be all at once.)

(Note 2: Doesn't have to be your home, just homemade.)

(Note 3: All kinds are accepted, as long as they are good.)

Reward: A working dream catcher charm that catches bad dreams!

(Note 1: Must be worn to function.)

(Note 2: Functions for only 6hrs a day when worn.)

(Note 3: Timer resets at midnight based on current time zone.)

(Note 4: Sleep well. :) ) (Note 5: Might work on daydreams. ;) )

Time limit: None.

Note: *Mmmm* Cookies…

(Image for reference.)

Repeatable rewards: Every 100 cookies after the first batch extends the "time a day" by 1min. (Example: it starts at 6hrs, and with one repeat it would be 6hrs 1min.)

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' ManasCiel? Like the one from That Time, I Reincarnated As A Slime? The same one? And "homemade" cookies specifically too? That... seems very bothersome... But the reward would help me a lot...'

Rubbing her chin a little, Ami finally decided to at least give the rest of the quests a read-over first.

[ Unknown_0001(W):

Quest: Email Deku with (any) good advice 0/3

Time limit: none

Reward: Saiki K precognition (More sleeping problems)

Hidden quests: 2 Available

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' Precognition!? Now, that is an awesome power to have! Sleeping problems should be no problem if I manage to get the dream catcher from the other quest. But how would I find out Deku's email? Damn it, I should have stuck around in class 1-A to at least get their contacts.'

Putting the quest aside for the moment, she looked at the next one.

[ Fara0n(W): I don't think the memory of being in the abyss will last long. Not with our help.]

Finding a message instead of a quest, Ami rubbed her hand a little nervously. She still found the whole concept of being some other being's reading material a little bizarre.

[ Dender(S): If you're gonna have an existential crisis after reading our messages. I recommend doing it under a tree. More relaxing that way.]

[Santaisblue(S): Need some help?

Quest: Don't Wet yourself for 1 Week

Reward: [Full Bladder Control]

Time Limit: Before you turn 5

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

Seeing this quest, Ami simply had no comment and moved on to the next message. At the moment, she was simply unable to complete any of those quests. Perhaps she would attempt them after she obtained the dream catcher.

[ Howldawg(s): Cause a little chaos.

Quest: Play 5 pranks and receive 5 different reactions

Time limit: 5 months

Reward: very minor negative luck to anyone trying to hurt you

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

" Luck?" Ami's said aloud.

" Yes, young miss?" The driver asked his young mistress. He had assumed that the girl had gone to sleep with how quiet she was. So, it was a little surprising to suddenly hear her voice.

" Ah, nothing." The driver nodded and went back to looking out for enemies or whatever else he was being vigilant against.

' Luck is very powerful. Main characters always have plot armour, AKA luck. However, I am not sure if I have plot armour. I will attempt this quest in the future.'

[ DerpSwarm(S): Quirkless? Who needs them?

Quest: Learn 1 Martial Art to the master level (That can kill)

Reward: Small physical boost

Bonus Reward: Medium physical boost (requirements learn 2 Martial Art to the master level.)

Time Limit: 10 years

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' A long-term quest...'


' Oh, another message. What is taking Okaa-san so long?'

[ Dender(S): Well if people are gonna give you quests I might as well too.

Quest: Here comes heaven, hell, AND AMI!

Description: play 100 different video games to 100% completion!

Reward: Conduit video control (It's from the Infamous Second Son!)

Time limit: none

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' Video control? Hmm... I don't know of an Infamous Second Son. Is it a game? That doesn't sound very strong... Next.'

[ DerpSwarm(S): Do you want to be Good or do you want to be Evil?

Quest: Kill AFO(good)/ Kill OFA(Evil) (Of their respective current user's power)

Reward: Their respective Quirks.

Bonus Reward: A Quirk of your choosing (Requirements kill both)

Failure: You have to do the Torture Dance from Jojo Bizarre Adventure for 1 hour

Time Limit: 1 Year

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' Ah, another one of these... The impossible to complete quests... It would be nice if I could obtain their quirks though. I do wonder if-' Her train of thought was interrupted as her mother entered the car.

" Okay, we can leave now!"

" Okaa-san, what took you so long?" Ami asked her mother innocently.

' What could Okaa-san have talked about with Nezu? Were they acquainted beforehand?'

" Ah, I was just meeting an old friend. Your father used to get advice from the principal of U.A."

' Is that so?'

Ami pouted lightly and turned away.

" I guess we could come back again. But only if Okaa-san wants..."

Sara giggled at her daughter's attempt at being considerate and gestured for the driver to start driving to the school her son was attending.

The drive to Seiai Academy from U.A. took an hour and Ami received yet another message from her readers. However, she simply ignored the notification and went along with her mother on the tour around the Seiai Academy's premises.

Unlike U.A., Seiai obviously didn't have as much funding. The academy had similarly well-made classrooms as U.A. Other than how clean the academy was, there was nothing special about Seiai academy.

' The students here have quite interesting quirks...' Ami thought as she spotted a girl conjure several holograms.

' Assuming that conjuring holograms are her quirk, that could be really nice to have. Well-made holograms are indistinguishable from reality. I should be able to make illusions with such a quirk with enough practice... I would be a knockoff of Loki from Marvel!' Ami smiled a little as she watched the girl play with her holograms.

The smile vanished as she seriously thought about how to obtain All for One's quirk. The girl could think of many pros for taking AFO for herself.

' Perhaps he might be able to take over my body with his stored consciousness in his quirk. However... it should be fine if the system gives AFO to me right? Besides more power wouldn't hurt. In the end, I should at least attempt to kill AFO...'

As she walked along by her mother's side, Ami scanned the quests regarding killing the big baddie and taking AFO.

[ DerpSwarm(S): Do you want to be Good or do you want to be Evil?

Quest: Kill AFO(good)/ Kill OFA(Evil) (Of their respective current user's power)

Reward: Their respective Quirks.

Bonus Reward: A Quirk of your choosing (Requirements kill both)

Failure: You have to do the Torture Dance from Jojo Bizarre Adventure for 1 hour

Time Limit: 1 Year

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

' Good or Evil...'


Quest: Kill OFA as a 4-year-old.

Reward: Quirk: OFA pill, Quirk: AFO pill, Quirk: Mind Control, Pill Quirk: Possession Pill and ¥1,000,000

Expires: With the death of either party or if you are no longer a 4-year-old.

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?

ps: You must score the kill on him or a wound that kills him if someone else kills him before you can you don't get the rewards.]

Before Ami could properly think of a method to kill the mega villain, she heard her brother's voice.

" Ami-chan! Onii-chan is here!" Kage yelled from across his classroom.

Ami's face brightened as she spotted her brother and ran up to her brother and gave him a hug. The normally lethargic and serious Kage had a wide smile on his face.

Pouting, Ami looked up at her brother's face and complained.

" U.A. wasn't nice. There was this big baddie with blonde hair. He was so vulgar. I thought he was a villain and punched him. See... my hand now hurts..."

Ami lifted her hand to show her brother that it was redder than usual.

From the corners of Ami's eyes, as Kage tried to console her sister, Ami noticed that several girls seemed confused with Kage's reaction. She also noticed that the boys were somewhat surprised.

' As expected, Onii-chan is some kind of loner even at Seiai...'

" ...ut- Ami-chan... you mustn't punch people before you are sure they are a vi-" Realising that her brother was going to say something that would make him a hypocrite, Ami quickly interjected and changed the subject.

Besides, she had just been plotting someone's murder just moments earlier. Yes, AFO was a supervillain, still, she wasn't really in the right state of mind to think of such things. She was likely the only person in the world who knows that death isn't exactly the end, after all.

" Onii-chan can you introduce me to your friends?" Ami said with a sly little grin.

Hearing Ami's interesting question, Helicopter Mama Sara Sasaki suddenly appeared in front of her children and nodded firmly.

" Yes, Kage please introduce us to your friends," Sara added.

Kage flinched and seemed to get a little flustered. He then glared at his sister and noticed that she seemed to be laughing quite an evil laugh, as quietly as she was doing it, only Sara and Kage could hear her.

" Fu fu fu..."

" Um... Ah... Err... Ah! This... this is..."

As Kage began introducing his "friends", Ami zoned out and put her focus back on the quests regarding killing AFO. She wasn't really interested in knowing the names of people she was likely never going to meet again after this day. She had only asked to improve her brother's non-existent social life.

While she knew that death truly wasn't the end, by killing a person she would be depriving their family of ever seeing them again.

' AFO should have no family members anyway... Why am I trying to justify killing a supervillain anyway...' The thought of killing a fellow human made her a little nauseous.

' Perhaps it is just the morality that my parents ingrained in me.' She swallowed the little bit of bile she could taste and returned to plotting a murder.

' Wait the quest asks if I want to be good or evil... Why not both? Killing All Might would be so much easier than killing AFO who is practically the hidden boss if life was a game. Ah, wait All Might is always in the public's view. The moment I kill him would be the moment I become public enemy number 1.' For whatever reason, Ami felt better plotting All Might's death than AFO's.

' Why do I even want more power?' Ami watched blankly as her brother attempted to show their mother that he had more than just one friend. Her thoughts quickly turned to her father's death.

She had been sad about the death of her current life's father. That was true. However, she hadn't cried at his funeral because she was in mourning. Ami had cried gotten over his death long before his funeral.

She had cried because she had realised how terrifying this anime world was. Death was not the end and she knew it. But seeing her father's mangled corpse had caused her to realise how painful dying was.

Yes, she didn't want to die. More accurately, she didn't want to feel the pain from being hurt so badly that one would die.

Bile rose in her throat again.

Quickly, she swallowed hard and titled the corners of her mouth up a little to fake a grin.

Soon, the mother and daughter said goodbye to Kage and they both left the premise and returned to the limo.


The drive back to their home only took an hour.


However, tired from half a day of activity. They had lunch in the dining room and went straight to their respective rooms like the antisocials they were.

Sitting up on her bed, Ami scrolled through her new messages.

[ Meowknight(S):

Quest name: Meow!1(From the Meowkingdom management)

Quest: apprehend or kill Five villains


(Better hearing, smelling, and balance)

(Slightly enhanced physical strength, agility, and flexibility)

Danger sense, sixth sense

Cat ears and tail

Time limit:100 days

Bonus reward(If the quest is complete within the first 5 days):

Apprentice knighthood of a Meowkingdom knight

(Ability to summon a weapon specifically made for you and a deep understanding of the weapon, the weapon is bound to your soul and indestructible)

Eyes of a Meowknight Type B

(Ability to see half a second into the future when In combat)

Fail to complete this quest will result in Meowkingdom no longer associating themselves with you and all quests from the management of Meowkingdom will no longer be active

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

(A/N: Sorry Meowknight, had to take away all the emojis.)

" Meowknight? Not a God or an eldritch being?" For the first time, Ami decided to send a message to a reader. So, she pressed the 'type here' bar and began typing a private message to the user called Meowknight.

[ To Meowknight(S): Thank you for your quest. I shall try my best to complete it. I really like its rewards.]

Pressing 'send' Ami bit her finger nervously as she checked the few sentences she wrote for any spelling errors.

' I really like the Danger sense and Sixth Sense rewards. I want those... but how would I go about apprehending villains...' She thought as she pulled up the next quest.

[ DiscoDream(S):

Title: "A respectable hero"

As an aspiring hero, you should always endeavour to be a shining beacon in the dark. A pure white one. One that doesn't taint the floor yellow.

Objective: Go through your regular nightmare but stop yourself from peeing once.

Reward: Stamina efficiency 1

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

" Heh, endeavour... Stamina efficiency sounds good. More stamina is always good. When I get that dream catcher from ManasCiel, I shall complete all the pee-related quests! MWAHAHAHAHA!" Mirth in her eyes, as she envisioned all the rewards she would get just because of one item.

[ DiscoDream(S): Sword Or Spear

Quest: learn the Sword or Spear to the level of a Master

Reward(Sword): Sword Intent {give the sword a mystical layer of energy to increase the sharpness of the sword and strengthen the sword so it will not break when hit will a strong force}

Bonus Reward(Sword): Increased life span / slowed ageing (Requirement Beat your instructor of the Sword)

Reward(Spear): Spear Intent {give the Spear a mystical layer of energy to increase the sharpness of the Spear and strengthen the Spear so it will not break when hit will a strong force}

Bonus Reward(Spear): Increased life span / slowed ageing (Requirement Beat your instructor of the Spear)

This quest has hidden rewards.

Failure: you become terrible in the way of the Sword and Spear and shorten your life span by 10 years

Time Limit: 10 years (she should be 14 years old and 1 year before high school aka UA if she goes there)

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

After reading the quest a word left her mouth.

" Spear..."

" Spear always spear. I shall be a good distance away from enemies with a spear."

As she stared at the quest yet another plan made its way into her head.

" Wait... The bonus reward for the MeowKnight quest." Pulling up the MeowKnight quest again, she stared at the relevant parts.

" A weapon specifically made for you and a deep understanding of the weapon, the weapon is bound to your soul and indestructible... Hehehe... This weapon can be a good spear right?" Ami then sent another message to MeowKnight.

[ To Meowknight(S): If I complete the bonus quest can I get a spear as the reward? I have a quest that requires mastering a weapon and a spear would be most helpful.] Pressing send, Ami pulled up the most important quest she had and accepted it.

[ ManasCiel(W):

Quest: Sacrifice 200 homemade cookies to me!

(Note 1: Doesn't have to be all at once.)

(Note 2: Doesn't have to be your home, just homemade.)

(Note 3: All kinds are accepted, as long as they are good.)

Reward: A working dream catcher charm that catches bad dreams!

(Note 1: Must be worn to function.)

(Note 2: Functions for only 6hrs a day when worn.)

(Note 3: Timer resets at midnight based on current time zone.)

(Note 4: Sleep well. :) ) (Note 5: Might work on daydreams. ;) )

Time limit: None.

Note: *Mmmm* Cookies…

(Image for reference.)

Repeatable rewards: Every 100 cookies after the first batch extends the "time a day" by 1min. (Example: it starts at 6hrs, and with one repeat it would be 6hrs 1min.)

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

[ Quest Accepted!

Ongoing quests: (3/5)]

Then, she ran out of the room straight to the kitchen where she assumed their family cook would be. On the way, she quickly and successfully brainstormed an excuse to get 200 cookies baked.

As she reached the door to the kitchen, she stopped running and knocked on the door. Then, she carefully opened the door just in case the cook was behind it.

As Ami walked into the kitchen, the cook turned to look at her and seemed a little surprised.

" Young mistress?" James Kooket asked. While the cook had seen Ami Sasaki on multiple occasions, Ami had never entered the kitchen in her 4 years of life.

Ami stared at the guy with horns on his head for a moment before putting on a pleading face.

" Please help me bake 200 cookies! I need it for my quirk!" Confused, the cook simply nodded and gestured for Ami to enter the kitchen.

Ami smiled widely and walked to James after closing the kitchen door behind her. The cook gave her an oversized apron and tied her hair up into a nice bun and helped her put on a hair net. Then, the cook asked his young mistress how big the cookies should be.

" Like this!" Ami used her thumbs and middle fingers on both hands to make a circular shape. A circle with a diameter of about 1 and a half inches. Nodding, the cook got to work and showed Ami what he going to do before doing it.


Words: 4782

Sorry for the delay, I have been dealing with a lot of irl stuff and had to put off writing for a while.

I might be adding a new way to interact with Ami after a certain major plot point. Also, I have decided to make this fanfic a multiversal fanfic. I will try my best to explain why and how Ami keeps her powers from universe to universe but do not that I will not be nerfing Ami in any way. All powers she gained she will keep unless she gets the shit beaten out of her or if she losses certain items.

Do note that Ami is a rather selfish person and would almost always pick herself over others. However, she will not go out of her way to make the lives of others miserable for no good reason. She understands the pain of losing a family member after all.

Please send in new quests, messages and the like!