
MHA: Be Quick! (A Reader Interactive Fic)

A girl finds herself reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia(MHA). As an avid fan of anime and fanfiction, having been reincarnated, she immediately attempts to figure out where she was. Though it took her an embarrassingly long time, she realised that she was in MHA. On her 4th birthday, marking her fourth year in MHA, she awakens her quirk and something else. _____ A semi-transparent screen blinked into existence in front of the girl. " This! This is a system! Holy shit! Hell yeah!" The girl jumped around her room, celebrating, as the transparent screen followed her eyes. " Reader Interactive System..." The girl read with eyebrows furrowed. She wondered how it worked. Then, more text popped up on the screen. [You may send messages to the readers! Type into the chat box below. Messages may take time to reach the readers.] The excitement was immediately wiped off her face. The girl sat quietly on her bed as she felt an existential crisis slowly begin to plague her. _______ This fic has a reader interactive gimmick that requires readers to comment. When chatting with the MC please add: To MC: Whatever you want to say to her. Have fun! The cover was Ai generated and photoshopped. It was strangely difficult getting the AI to generate an anime girl. It took less time to put the MHA logo at the bottom. This may evolve into a multiverse fanfic if it does well.

Ethan_peh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

3. Interactive System

Akari's reincarnation went far smoother than most.

Her's was, after all, facilitated by a master of souls. Memories relating to her previous body were promptly cut out, to prevent the reincarnated Akari from experiencing soul unsynchronization. Memories related to her preference for her name "Akari Chihiro" was also cut out.

All this was done to allow the new Akari to adapt to her new life more easily.

Finally the blue "piece"...


(Image of Main Character Here)

A cute girl with silver hair sat on her pink bed. She had a thoughtful look on her face as she shook her legs back and forth. She frowned a little as her thoughts became too messy for her to keep up with. So, she spoke aloud to herself.

" I didn't get a quirk... It has been 3 days since my fourth birthday... Yet... NO QUIRK!!!" The girl shouted in irritation and collapsed onto her bed. Then, she began screaming incoherently into her pillow while pummeling her bed with her small fists. She only stopped when she heard the door to her room open.

" Ami-chan... I know you are feeling sad but you shouldn't make so much noise. Oka-san is teaching her students right now." Ami Sasaki was Akari's new name. Her brother, Kage Sasaki, had entered her room to tell her to be quiet as their mother was working.

Tilting her head, Ami glanced at her brother with teary eyes and snot dripping from her nose.

" Okay, Onii-chan... *sniffle*" Seeing her appearance, Kage Sasaki sighed and entered the room, closing the door behind him. As he walked to Ami's bed, he grabbed a few tissues from the tissue box on his sister's table.

In a truly brotherly fashion, Kage threw the tissues haphazardly at his sister and expected her to wipe her own snot.

" Your nose is dripping." He said as he saw Ami's face morph into one of annoyance. Quickly, Ami expressed her gratitude by thanking him. Then, she cleaned her face. As she did so, Kage began speaking.

" You do know that quirks can develop late right? It is not as if you have passed the time frame yet. Throw a tantrum after you are certain that you are quirkless." In his own way, Ami's brother tried to console his sister and encourage her. Though it didn't work very well, the reincarnated teenager was mature enough to understand his intention.

" Umu..." It was the saddest 'umu' Kage had ever heard his sister make. It caused him to feel a little guilty about his rough words. So, he decided to try and cheer up his sister. He rubbed his sister on the back gently and spoke.

" It's alright, if you end up quirkless, I will find a way to give you a quirk." Immediately after these words left his mouth, Ami's eyes shot wide open. In her panic, she asked her brother a strange question.

" You- Onii-chan won't become a villain right?" This surprised Kage a little. After all, it was common sense not to want to become a villain. For a brief moment, Kage wanted to deny it completely. However, he stopped before he could speak and gave the question a proper thought over.

" No, I will not become a villain. It doesn't matter if a villain kills Oka-san or my friends or even you, my little Imouto. Becoming a villain is just stupid. There are too many heroes for the villain to win and your Onii-chan only likes winning." Kage said.

Then, he smiled gently and patted his sister's head. However, he wasn't finished yet.

" I will graduate from Seiai Academy and become a Pro Hero. Then, I can legally crush villains." Kage said softly. Ami's too had a serious look on her face.

A year ago, their father had been murdered by a villain with a knife quirk. While Ami was generally less impacted by his death as she hadn't known her father very well, Kage had become more aggressive and had sworn to protect his remaining family.

Then, the siblings heard the doorbell ring.

" Ah, I have to go get the door. It is probably just another student. But, better safe than sorry..." He stood up from Ami's bed and headed out of the room.

Ami watched as her brother left. He had kept his left hand behind him. Solid shadows formed on his hand creating a buckler.

This was his quirk [Shadow Tools].

Though it was named [Shadow Tools] it was obvious that his shadows could form more than just "tools".

Ami continued to stare at the door to her bedroom even after her brother had left her room, deep in thought.

' The plot of My Hero Academia should have started already... But I am still 4 years old! How am I supposed to do anything?! Why did that rabbit send me here in this time period? Why not after the plot?' Ami thought with much frustration.

Ami could just barely remember what she had seen and felt during her time as a floating soul. Though everything from the eldritch beings that had touched her to the many dimensions she had passed through was bleary and vague. She could remember the sharp pain she had suddenly felt and the rabbit-like creature she had seen directly after.

The one with glowing purple eyes.

The little girl shivered a little as she remember the feelings she felt while being touched by the creatures. Her face flushed a little and she got goosebumps just remembering the vague feelings she had felt. Her toes curled a little and she held her head in her hands as she felt rather hot all of a sudden.

However, as she remembered the strange feelings, she also remembered the pain that followed. Immediately, she paled and suddenly felt cold. Ami's heart raced as she snapped back to reality.

' I am all sweaty again... Ah, my shorts...' She thought and let out a sigh as she realised that she had wet herself again. This was a common occurrence. Every night, she would dream of her time in the Abyss and would wet herself as she felt the literal soul-wrenching pain that she had once felt.

Sometimes, as she had just demonstrated, her daydreaming could also stray to those pesky memories of the Abyss. It was the main reason why her mother had not sent her to kindergarten and had opted to homeschool her.

As she began taking off her shorts, she heard a distinct sound.

[ Ding!]

In shock, the girl dropped her piss-soaked shorts onto the floor and stared up at the semi-transparent screen that had blinked into existence in front of her.

" This! This is a system! Holy shit! Hell yeah! WOOOO!!!" The girl jumped around her room, celebrating, as the transparent screen followed her eyes. She only stopped whooping when she heard her mother scream from outside her door.

" QUIET AMI SASAKI!!" Hearing her mother call her by her full name, Ami crouched on the floor and held her head down in fear. However, when she realised that her mother hadn't entered her room to whack her up. She realised that her pee-stained hands were on her head.

" Eww..." She had also gotten pee all over the floor. She silently cursed her weak bladder and grimaced.

' This is going to be annoying to clean up.'

In her excitement, she had made a few laps around her room and had splattered her pee all over the place. Looking up at the floating screen, she smiled widely.

' A system!!' She thought as her excitement went true the roof.

" Reader Interactive System..." The girl read with eyebrows furrowed. She wondered how it worked. Then, more text popped up on the screen.

[You may send messages to the readers! Type into the chat box below. Messages may take time to reach the readers.]

The excitement was immediately wiped off her face. A new puddle of piss pulled under the girl. Completely forgetting about the pee, Ami sat quietly in the puddle piss as she felt an existential crisis slowly begin to plague her.

(System showing up image here)