
Chapter 11

Axel looked at Aizawa before taking a breath and spoke...

" I was annoyed. Honestly, the moment All Might was made by our teacher, I felt annoyed the entire time.

I don't hate him but everything that happened was based on feelings, not evidence. Perhaps I should give him a chance since he is new to teaching. He could help later but my emotions got the better of me since I related his usefulness to me based on what I see him do on TV alone. "

" I see. You didn't think that he could help you with that question, but even if you did ask, all you would get would be something that All Might had said before. "

" Yep. I had a feeling he would say something that he said all the time to the public about heroes and being a hero.

This is why I wanted more of your classes instead. The question bugged me for a long time so I just wanted to take a step forward instead of being stuck in one place for a long time. " Axel admitted.

Aizawa's answer to his question made Axel calm down and look at things differently. The question that was bugging him become a much wider path with a clear end that he knew would come.

The answer to the question was simple but the path to get there was a long one.

What is my way of saving someone?

That was the answer. Axel needed to figure out how he would save a person.

The classroom once again had a comfortable silence as Aizawa slept peacefully while Axel listened to music to stop thinking and relax.

Soon enough the other students came back from the exercise and entered the classroom. They saw Axel staring at his phone while having a calm expression.

As everyone entered the classroom, they didn't know what to say. After Axel's outburst, they did know how to approach him.

Midoriya however took initiative and walked up to Axel. Axel noticed and looked at him.

" Thank you. " Midoriya said as Axel looked at him. He knew what Midoriya was thanking him for.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. " Axel said.

" Well, at least you didn't do the same thing back in middle school. " Mina said with a smile.

" Oh yeah. " Kirishima said while smiling. Axel ignored them and went back to his phone while everyone else became curious.

" Kirishima. Spill the details. What did he do? Also, is that how you know him? " Denki asked.

" Yeah. We went to the same middle school. " Kirishima said.

" As for what he did, well it started when a bunch of people kept coming up to him... " Mina said.

" It started to annoy him a lot and then he snapped. " Kirishima said with a downcast expression as he got Vietnam flashbacks.

Everyone looking at his expression looked at Axel who turned his head to his left.

" I beat... them up. " Axel said.

Silence followed before yelled in shock.

" This guy beat them all up! " Sato said as he pointed at Axel.

" Yep. They were annoying and were also bullies and delinquents " Mina said as everyone understood what happened.

" Let's just say, Bakugou got lucky. " Kirishima said.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and looked away annoyed.

" Though the funniest part is that right after he beat them all up was the fact that they all obeyed his orders as he was made their leader! " Mina said as she laughed by the end.

" I still remember that one day after you beat them that they came into the classroom and pledge their loyalty towards you while bowing," Kirishima said.

At this point, Axel had already put the music at full volume to not get reminded of those moments. He didn't really care for Mina and Kirishima sharing those moments, but he also didn't want to remember them.

His classmates however laughed at the stories. Todoroki had a small smile on his face while chuckling a bit from the stories.

Bakugou sat in his seat extremely annoyed as the class went on.

The day soon ended as everyone got ready to leave but before that, they all decided to just have a conversation about random topics.

Bakugou left the classroom and went downstairs to leave the place as Midoriya followed him.

Axel still had his headphones on as he checked the time. Wanting to go home, he grabbed this stuff and left the classroom.

As he walked down the stairs to the exit he saw All Might walking down the corridor and stopping in from of him.

Axel stopped and looked at him.

" Sorry about earlier All Might. " Axel said as he bowed.

All Might stayed silent as he looked at Axel. He had told Aizawa about this but Aizawas had already told what was wrong as Axel talked to him about it.

"It's quite alright Young Axel. Everyone gets annoyed sometimes. "

' Considering that Nezu also gets annoyed by my speeches even though he is a friend. '

" Aizawa already told me about your conversation in the classroom. " He said.

" Thought so. Can you give me your own answer to my question All Might? " Axel asked as he looked at All Might.

All Might stared at Axel as he thought about the question before answering.

" I wanted to change this world and make it a better place so I became the symbol of peace to do so. I want to save as many people as I can. I can't save everyone but I can do my best. " All Might said as he thought about his success and his failures.

Axel looked at him and nodded his head. That made a lot of sense coming from All Might and what he wanted to achieve.

" Thank you All Might. " Axel said sincerely.

" No problem Young Axel. " All Might said as Axel walked away from All Might toward her exit.

" Young Axel. " All Might said as Axel stopped and looked over his house to All might.

" Your answer will come to you eventually, so take it from me just enjoy your life for now. Take it slow and enjoy. " All Might said.

Axel looked at him and nodded his head in gratitude as he walked away. All Might smiled as he walked away to the teacher's lounge.



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So Axel tells Aizawa what caused his annoyance with All Might class and then conversed with All Might.

Go support me on patre on guys as the patre on update is 12 chapters ahead of the webnovel update.


When this fanfic reaches 500 power stones, you guys get an EXTRA CHAPTER. So drop those stones.

Question: Marvel or DC? Which is better?

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Have a nice day.