

What will happen in the life of a guy who is in the MHA world with the powers of a green lantern without needing the power ring? .......................... Harem of 2 or 3 members. Go easy on me. Trashy updates.

I_Like_that_thighs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs



Chapter- Four.

August, Year Five.

It was yet another pleasant day. The summer was still on its peak with a bright blue sky which was clear of any clouds. It was early in the morning and the people slowly started to start their day.

Akira was no different, he was in the middle of his morning cardio. He was jogging in a park near his house. Though he only started it to get a good score on the entrance exam. He's grown to like doing exercise quite a bit. 

It's been a few days since his trip to UA. Nothing unusual happened this time. His days went like, wake up, cardio, eat, play some games with Kaminari, lunch, chat with Setsuna or hang out with Kaminari, dinner, gym and sleep. That's his basic schedule.

"Fuu…." He stopped jogging and took deep breaths to stabilise his breathing. Since he was in public, he didn't use his healing aura.

He looked at his fitness watch to check the distance he ran in the past hour. "18 Kilometres. Not a bad improvement." he commented as he sat on a bench.

"Haaa…. It's baffling how much my life's changed in just a few months…" He leaned his head back and whispered. 

It was truly baffling to him, as just a few months ago he was living a totally different life in a different world. But he feels himself slowly getting past his previous world. He knew it was inevitable.

After all, he's more happy in this world than he's ever been in his past world. A stable financial status, a good passion and nice friends. He has it all.

"God, I love my life." He said as he stood up. "I just wish I was more rich."

*Ring…* *Ring…* His thoughts were interrupted by his phone.

Akira pulled out his phone to see who it was. It was Setsuna. He found it odd that she called him this soon. Usually she calls him in the evenings.

"Hello, Setsuna. Didn't think you'd wake up this soon" he answered the call.

[Yeah… good morning…] Stesuna's tired morning voice made it obvious that she's been awake for just a while.

"Rare for you to call me this early." Setsuna connected the call to his earpods and put the phone back into his pocket and started walking towards his home.

[Yeaaahhh~] she yawned, [Just wanted to talk. So what are you doing?]

"Just finished my morning cardio, on my way back home." Akira replied while he carefully crossed the road. He's been very careful when it comes to crossing roads. He didn't really want to become a victim of Truck-kun.

[Sheesh~ you training maniac. I've never seen anybody who takes the UA entrance exam as seriously as you]

"It's not just because of that, I really like working out, It makes me feel good." Akira answered. To be frank, his body gave him a huge ego boost.

[Whaterever. Maybe I should consider working out too]

"I'd recommend you do. The requirements for the UA hero course are brutal. Each year only a total of 40 students manage to get in." Akira said what he knew. He researched about UA as much as possible. From various forums and articles.

[Well, that's for you to get worried about. Unlike you I'm getting in with a recommendation] Akira could hear the smugness in Setsuna's voice as she said that.

"...I should have guessed that." Akira sighed, "With how loaded you are, that should have been obvious." 

Setsuna was rich, richer than Akira ever wanted to be. Her parents run a big clothing line which is popular all over Asia and Australia. Akira thought that Setsuna was going to attend the entrance exam because while being that rich, she hardly wore anything that is rich and didn't strike as a rich person either. So he thought she was the 'I don't want to use my parent's money for everything' type of girl.

"You shameless bitch.." He cursed in annoyance.

[Hahaha, I'm just using my advantage!] She laughed. She knew he wasn't meaning it in a wrong way, [Why are you cursing? With a quirk like yours the exams should be a breeze right? If me using my dad's money is shameless then what about your quirk?]

Akira thought for a second and decided to be shameless and change the topic, "So what's your plan for today."

[And you call me shameless? You hypocrite.] Setsuna shouted like she was angry at him. [And for my schedule? I am totally free today.]

"You sure? I thought you said you had swimming class everyday."

[I'm not going today.]

"I see. Just curious how much it cost for the recommendation?" Akira asked since he was curious at how much UA asks for.

[You really wanna know huh? Try to guess it.] Setsuna smirked.

"Hmm… 10 million?" 

[Pfftt! Not even close, if that was the case there wouldn't be an entrance exam.]


[A little more.]

"Is it 100 million Yen?"

[Ding! Ding! Ding! Ya got it right! They asked for a big round 100 millions] . Setsuna laughed, imagining Akira's gaped face when hearing the cost.

"Fuck… if I had 100 million I wouldn't even be a hero…" Akira whispered.

[That's you. It may sound like an absurd amount and I agree that it is, but if you become a fairly successful hero you'll be able to earn it back within a decade. With your appearance and quirk, you'd become popular very quickly so don't worry. You'll earn that much in a few years.]

"I sure hope so." Akira was once again exposed to how much this society worships a 'hero' and that title. "That said, then are you free this evening?" Akira asked one again to be sure.


"Then do you wanna hang out somewhere?"

[Oh! Are you asking me out? Like a date!?] Setsuna immediately got excited. She was waiting for him to make a move this whole week and was about to do it herself. That was the main reason she called him in the first place but she got carried away.

"Yeah. Our first official date. So what do you say?" Akira asked, already knowing very well what her answer was gonna be.

[Of course I wanna! Where and when should I meet you!?]

"I'll text you the place and time in a while. I should take a bath and make breakfast."

[Aww~ I wanted to talk for some more time] Akira felt slightly bad after hearing her. [It's ok. Take care and you better not be late!]

"Yeah~-" Akira cut the call as he entered the lift, to his floor.


Inside his room, Akira could be sitting in front of his monitor, looking at the article attentively while the rest of his room was being cleaned by various cleaning appliances.

"So the best place for a first date is either an aquarium or an arcade." Akira read what was on a very popular article.

"From what I know of her, I'm not very sure if she's fond of aquariums and the nearest one is 20 minutes by train too. But is an arcade really the best place?"

Not knowing where to take her, Akari decided to ask for help.


"You got this Akari. You just have to look confident and act cool and collected." Akari could be seen standing near a zebra crossing, looking at his own reflection.

"Fuu… you can't mess this up Akira." 

He's currently waiting for Setsuna in a place they decided to meet. He'll admit it, no matter how calm he tried to be he was still a bit nervous. Which is unlike him considering that he asked her out without any nervousness.

'I'm finding out that asking for a date and going on a date are totally different things…' He thought to himself while looking at the maps on his phone, he didn't know what to do, so he just shifted from weather to maps. To act like he was busy.

The truth of the matter was, Akira was a bit self-conscious. He knew he wasn't the most attractive male out there and he's totally fine with that. But he wanted to be as presentable as possible to their first date, so he tried many new things. Like a new hairstyle and new clothes. He was wearing a casual fit consisting of a green jacket over a white shirt and jeans. 

While he may have been unaware of it due to his nervousness, a few women who passed by him did stare at him with dirty looks. While he is a 14 year old, he looks nothing like one. Standing at 5'8" he looked like he was a 17 year old.

Suddenly a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind, it was Setsuna. She asked,

"Guess who?"

"It's kinda childish Setsuna." Akira said as he removed her hands off his eyes and turned around to look at her. He was momentarily stunned by her appearance. She was wearing a white turtle neck top which was also like a frock. Akira had no idea what her dress was called.

"Gee~ you talk like an old man." Setsuna smiled widely, revealing her canine teeths.

"So how do I look?" She asked him while striking a pose.

Akira felt his heart do weird things while looking at her, he tried to not look flustered as he answered, "I really like it. What about me?"

"Thanks! And you're looking good too. So where's our date gonna be?" She asked enthusiastically.

Akira smirked, "Oh, you're gonna love this~"




"A manga cafe? Really?" Setsuna looked blankly at Akira who was smirking, while sweating internally.

"Well actually-"

"It was Kaminari's idea wasn't it?"

"Um- yeah. He said this will bring us close."

"I would have rather preferred somewhere like an arcade or theatre."

"Well, we can go there if you want to, it's not like we should go here."

 Setsuna pumped her fist and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the crane game building next to the manga cafe.

Akira looked at the building, it literally had 4 floors, all of which is nothing but money grabbing crane games.

"You do know all of them are scams right?" Akira asked Setsuna who looked at him 'innocently' and 'cutely'.

"Pretty plewse?"

Akira looked at her acting all cute and tried to resist. But in the end cuteness prevailed, as always he had a weak heart for cute things.

"Yay~ after this we can go on a Karaoke!"

"That's a good idea. But your paying if I lost all my money in this 'gambling centre' " 

"Don't worry, we'll cheat with our quirks."


And cheat they did. They ended up spending about 10,000 Yen and won a shit ton of stuff ranging from anime figures to Beef Jerkys. Once again Akira was amazed at Japan's weirdness when it came to some stuff. But Akira and Setsuna were in for a profit.

Setsuna split her hand from her and ironically used it to win most of the claw games while Akira was more stubborn in his use of powers. They knew it was kinda illegal but Akira just made a small block to cover the cameras. After winning a bit too much, they sold many of their unwanted winnings in Akihabara and made about 49,000 Yen. Profiting very much. Setsuna kept a plushie they 'won' as a reminder about their first date.

Then they proceeded to spend all the money they earnt on food. Both of them were gluttons so it cost a hefty bill.

After eating they went to a Karaoke to have fun. It was a pleasant experience for both of them, though the place had a more 'party' vibe than 'romantic' vibe they enjoyed their stay there.

But like everything, their date had to come to an end. Akira was standing in front of her. Both of them were awkward and didn't know how to bid farewell.

"Um- so thanks for today- I liked it very much" Setsuna said while blushing. She's seen many K-dramas to know where this situation would lead to.

"Me too. We should do this again sometime." Akira wasn't clueless either. But he was unsure if he should make the first move. His mind was literally blank with no thoughts.

They both stood there awkwardly and Setsuna finally decided to make a move, "So, is this the part where we kiss?" She said with a bright blush on her cheeks.

"Um- are you fine with that? I don't mind if you need some time." Akira still wanted to play the gentleman part.

"Gheesh~ just kiss me already." Setsuna got annoyed and pulled him closer, standing on her toes to press her lips on his.

It was a new feeling for both of them. They didn't do anything and just pressed their lips together softly. It was both warm and soft. It was an innocent and pure kiss. Their hearts fluttered and thousands of thoughts ran through each of their heads.

They finally pulled back after a long minute, blushing and avoiding looking at each other's eyes.

"Sorry if I was bad at it. It was my first kiss." Setsuna said, embarrassed at her actions a minute ago.

"There's no way I'd know if it was a good or a bad one, It's my first kiss too." Akira said, while it wasn't really his first kiss if he were to take his past life into consideration. 

"Guess we'll know with enough practice" She smiled while teasing him. "Remember to call me~" She pulled him closer to whisper to his ear. She said and entered the train, waving at Akira who stood there staring at her blankly.

He saw the train leave while there was only one thought in his head, 'Am I an M?'. He touched his crotch to check if his shaft was hard and just as he feared, it was hard.

'Well… new day new me I guess?'