
Meteor of Power

In a peaceful place, three boys find in an odd stone from space, the unusual opportunity to live life in a different and fun way, but that was not all they thought, as they go through conflicts beyond their understanding, both external and internal, and are forced to deal with it without losing their sanity.

Loser666 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


My head was spinning and my body was heavy, with difficulty I open my eyes and find a white ceiling.

"Hey! Finally you woke up."

I turn my gaze towards the voice and find a person smiling, his scarred scar near the eyebrows reveals his identity.

"You drank there like water!" Victor exclaims playfully.

I try to sit still dizzy, with a feeling of unwillingness in my body, I try to remember what happened yesterday, but hardly anything comes to my mind.

"How did he say? Ah yes! I can handle a whole bottle!"

Adjusting his glasses with his usual expressionless face, Nardim scoffs at me.

"I've don't been drinking something for a long time" I mumbled in a slightly husky voice.

I say this excuse and I put my hands on my face, I was not in the mood to think about anything, impotence quickly made me regret what I did, bragging about the golden times I only had in my head, I try to lie to others and mainly to myself, that I have an exciting life and I say that I can drink an easy bottle, I only remember the first doses of whiskey and the rest is blank, but the result is obvious if to see.

"Can I spend the night here? Mom kills me if I get there like that"

"Why don't the three of us sleep here today? Tomorrow we can go back and fish."

I moved inland a while ago, here is the edge of the literal, beaches less than an hour away, although I don't go there much. My mother wanted to stay with the family so I didn't have much of a choice, the monotonous life here is boring, only after I met these two that it became a little more tolerable.

"It may be, we have to take care of that alcoholic here."

I rolled my eyes at this ridiculous accusation, got up calmly and went to the bathroom.

"Go take a shower?"

"No, I'm going to do the rain dance."

Ignoring these stupid comments I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, while the water coursed through my body and I think about the past.

"When will I have emotion in life?"

An unanswered question was probably not the only one that had it. I watch myself in the mirror, full of pimples, messy hair and a belly with ... well, I like to call it excess cuteness, my green eyes are like holidays on weekends, useless, a little down, I finish my bath, left the bathroom and I see the two excited talking.

"It looks like the meteor they were talking about is going to be closer to Earth today" Victor says, holding up his cell phone.

" Oh really? I was afraid, they say it is huge, there are several theories about an apocalypse."

"If the world ended every time a theory came up, not even a thousand Earths would be enough."

Interested in the conversation but too lazy to say anything, I just watch them talking, until it starts to get boring.

"How about we go to the pool?"

"But it's the night." The two speak at almost the same time.

"Just for conversation, it's cooler over here in the room."

The two reluctantly follow me around the house to the pool while we sit around a table nearby.


We stayed there for a while doing nothing, just with Twenty One Pilots songs playing on Victor's cell phone, he loves them, I can't criticize because I love them too.

Marcos was also on his cell phone and I was staring at the ceiling, my cell phone broke a while ago, so I'm more "out of the world" this time.

"What a bore ..." I said, stretching over the table.

"Are we going to play for real or challenge?" Marcos with shining eyes proposed.

My eyes meet Victor's almost at the same time.

"Marcos and his truth or challenge." We laughed together as we had the same thought.

"Do you have any better ideas?"

"Anything is better than that." I stretch, my attention going to the pool that was so beautiful bathed in moonlight.

"What time is that meteor going to pass?"

"I think it's close, the website says it will be at 11 pm. " Victor responds without taking his eyes off his cell phone.

"Ours is almost time!"

" The afternoon went by so fast today." Marcos full of laziness, puts his feet on the table, sloppy as always, letting out a sigh.

"Is it because you drank so much that you slept most of the afternoon?" I laughed as I teased him, I tried to irritate him as much as possible, we wouldn't forget that for a long time.

"I'm don't just used to it." Desperately he tried to defend himself.

"Clear! Of course!"

We killed time discussing Marcos' drunkenness until the time for the meteor to pass.

"Okay, I think I already got rid of him, if we continue he can cry." Passing a finger over his cheek, Victor imitates a tear.

"It must be time for the comet to pass." I interrupted before they started fighting.

We went to the pool and looked at the sky, the full moon looked majestic with no clouds to hinder it and the stars seemed endless, I loved comparing the constellations with the evolution map of the game Digimon World Data Squed, which I played in my childhood, which I miss, life didn't seem so boring at that time ... I leave my thoughts with a sudden scream at my side.

" Look! There the meteor!"

"Wow, how incredible! I had never seen one so close " Surprised by the beauty, Marcos points out, while the other hand is over his eyes, which I think is a somewhat useless act.

"It's even good, because if he gets closer, we wouldn't have a very good ending." I speak with a slight smile.

"Funny you say that, because I think a piece of that thing is coming our way."

"Of course, even stop ..." The word doesn't come out completely when I hear something and turn my head, a frightening fireball was approaching like an arrow, swallowing my own saliva, a feeling of fear fills my body.

"I think we're going to die for a meteor." A little desperate and also playful even at that time, Victor says wistfully.

"I just want to say that I love you guys, you are great." Declares Marcos placing his hands on my shoulder and Victor's.

In the three of us we closed our eyes tightly waiting for the impact, until we felt a strong and hot wind passing over us, the meteorite did not go directly towards us, but actually near the lake where we usually fish.

"We are alive !!!" Marcos was very euphoric.

"I thought I was going to die."

"Me too." I speak with my hand on my chest that is hitting hard.

"Did it fall into the water?"With any doubt, Victor looks in the direction where the meteorite went.

"Come on, look." Marcos seemed excited about the idea.

"Got crazy? We almost died this time."

"Well, I will, you cowards!"

He seemed very interested to listen to me, I even know why, he always talked about wanting to have an adventure and apparently one was in front of him, but specifically behind him, he would not let this opportunity pass.

"I will go."

"Really? Am I the only sensible one here?"

But the only thing I see and them running towards the meteorite, I sighed and went after them, jumping the fence around the house and going through the woods, getting close to the lake.

It was different than I imagined, there was no crater, much less something destroyed, the meteorite was there, a little cracked and with a white light being emitted from the inside, it didn't look normal, I had never seen one of these before, but from what I heard no it was supposed to be like that, is there anything special about it? My reasoning is broken when a stone is thrown into the meteorite by Victor.

"Why did you do that?" I look at him, wondering how a person can be so stupid.

"Because it's something I would do if I found a strange meteorite like that, with a light coming out of it."

"Your logic is like that meteorite, from another planet."

"There seems to be something inside." I see Marcos with a piece of wood poking at the crack that was coming out in white light, each one is more stupid than the other.

Until he manages to reveal something inside, a perfectly fit white stone, white was purer than snow, but it was cracked and contained other colors: yellow, blue and green, these colors looked like a mystical liquid flowing through the stone.

"I doubt you guys touch." Marcos turns to us.

"I'm not going to touch it there."

"Me neither." I look at him and challenge him.

" You touch or you are afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, you who are, let's go to the three then."

We both agreed, and we slowly raised our hands to the stone with a captivating glow, until ...


We both got scared, it was Marcos, who starts laughing.

"Hahahahahaha, then it was me who was scared right?"

"Ra ra ra, how funny." Victor speaks after having jumped in fright.

We extend our hands again on the stone again, until we touch its base until ... nothing happened.

"It looks like a normal stone, nothing much, the only strange thing is that it is very cold." Victor looked frustrated.

"It's true, it doesn't seem like anything ..."

I stop talking when I feel an energy straight from the stone, in the cracks the colors seemed to come to life as they left, I saw the blue color enter my body, it was very fast, I didn't have time to think, the color spread like veins through my skin, the same happened with others, the only difference was the colors, Victor made contact with a yellow energy and Marcos a green one. But I didn't have much time to think anymore, a pain came and I felt my vision darken, the last thing I saw happen was the stone's glow fading, until it became gray and crumbling, not only the stone but the entire meteorite.