
Meteor of Power

In a peaceful place, three boys find in an odd stone from space, the unusual opportunity to live life in a different and fun way, but that was not all they thought, as they go through conflicts beyond their understanding, both external and internal, and are forced to deal with it without losing their sanity.

Loser666 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Truly Free

I open my eyes, and I see above a sky full of stars, I can't remember very well what happened, but as a reflection I look at both sides and I see Nardim and Marcos passed out, I move in their soft bodies and no sign of life, me I get up a little bit more and slap them in the face, something I saw in a movie, but it really felt right when I see them waking up.

"Dude, what happened !?" Marcos gets up quickly, running his hand over the cheek hit by the slap and with his eyes half open.

"I don't remember very well, my head feels like it's going to explode."

"Don't you remember? We touched a meteor, which I don't believe so far that we did something so stupid, and we fell unconscious." Nardim, with his expressionless face gets up, cleaning the dust on his glasses.

Then I finally remembered everything, the meteor, the white light and the vein-shaped lights on our bodies.

"The Garden was glowing blue." I hear Marcos beside me, it was as if he read my thoughts.

"And you were green Marcos, it was like you were turning the Hulk, I knew that meteors are radioactive, it could be gamma radiation."

Marcos looks at me with a face like Nardim's, expressionless.

"Oh of course! And Nardim was becoming a Smurf."

I try in a failed attempt to hold a laugh, Nardim as always does not sketch much.

"Haaa! That was a good one, wasn't it?"

Before I answered I heard in the background, a cry calling my name, it was my grandmother, so I wonder how long we were planted there, I quickly get up and dust all the body, while I notice the others doing the same, hurried we left running back.

"Where have you been? It is almost 1:00. "My grandma starts scolding us.

I grow my eyes, we spent almost 2 hours passed out, I was a little scared, didn't this meteorite affect us in any way?

"The conversation was very good grandma, we lost track of time, you know how it is right?"

"Yes, Dona Gorete, talking about the mysteries of life and everything." Marcos tries to help but what he says only seems more suspicious.

My grandmother looks at us as if she knows all our sins, and she would not be surprised if she did, Marcos exhales sins.

"I know, I know how it is." With suspicion he looks at us all.

"Your bed is ready, and Victor, you're going to sleep in the hammock."

I print a smile from one ear to the other.

"Okay, grandma, and thanks."

I went through it like a robot, I know my excuse was not very convincing, but nothing better came to mind, I was still shocked by what we went through.

When I enter the room I lie in the hammock, while the two line up to take a shower, I prepare to sleep, then close my eyes.


I open them again, almost turned, I thought I was going to take a shower.

"What do you want?"

It was Marcos looking at himself in the mirror.

"What do you think happened there?" Like, we passed out, I don't think it was just that.

But interested in what he was saying, I look at the light above me, and I start to reflect, all of this was abnormal, we knew that, until now I don't understand how anyone else has seen it but us, I thought I was going to die today, not just once but twice, did we have to speak to someone? Should we keep it a secret? Would they believe us? I didn't know what to do and they probably didn't either.

"We will only know as time goes by, at that moment it is impossible to know anything." Nardim as usual, speaks with certainty.

"I agree with him, we had better sleep, and forget that for a moment we became walking lamps."

The two nod, I get up and turn off the light.

"Hey! We were going to take a shower yet.:

"Take tomorrow, not even that smelly."

"But we are not pigs like you."

I see Nardim coming out of the bathroom with the towel on his shoulders wiping his hair, I wonder when he did that, this guy looked like a ninja. When I close my eyes to sleep, I just hear their voices in the background, I wanted to know how you are going to use the same towel that he was wet? My thoughts are gradually fading as well as my conscience.

I wake up with the cock crowing, I lift my body inside the net and scratch my head while looking at them both, Nardim was perfectly aligned on the bed, looking like a ruler, on the other side Marcos looks like an unidentified animal with his ass up.

My belly starts to make strange noises, I was hungry, I get out of the hammock, when mine touch the floor they get kind of wobbly, my vision gets dark and I get dizzy, I lean on the wall and only after a long time does the sensation pass, I think touching a meteorite is not very good for health, I slowly go to the kitchen and sit on the chair with a cup of coffee in my hand, and look around, it seems that everyone has disappeared, and there was only silence, but this peace it didn't last long when it was broken.

"Good Morning."

It was Nardim, with the glasses askew in his face.

"Do you have class today?"

He asks as he goes to get a cup, and I nod my head positively, and he, as usual, puts four spoons of powdered milk, and cookies in the cup, or they are cookies, no one has ever answered that.

"Good Morning!"

"And there sleeping beauty."

Nardim speaks with a tone of sarcasm, I look back and see Marcos with his big messy hair, it was no accident that a boy in my room called him Lion King.


While Marcos and Nardin were planning a new discussion, I'm going to take a shower and get ready for school, I turn on the shower, and I feel my breathing hard, it must be another anxiety attack, but this time it was different, I feel my whole body electrified, when I turn quickly to the door, two knocks, almost knock the door down, that stuff was gone.

"Victor, move fast, there are still two of us here."

"I'm finishing up." I try to respond as normally as possible while I calm down.

I open the door and Marcos enters with much determination, they should be deciding that he will enter first, I look at Nardim, he didn't seem to care.

"After yesterday, didn't you feel anything different?"

"Besides a headache, no, why, are you feeling strange?"

"I am, it looks like my body is going to burst with adrenaline."

"I think you just drank a lot of coffee."

"Yes, it must have been."

Somewhat frustrated I get ready and I'll wait for the bus outside the house, right behind Marcos.

"Where did your grandmother go?"

"She must have gone to the market."

"Then I can speak up, man! What was that yesterday? Why was that meteorite shining, and why were we shining?" Asks Marcos for the third time since yesterday.

:I would also like to know all these answers, but we can't tell anyone about this, they want to use our body as a guinea pig in experiments just like in the movies, besides I don't think they would believe us, after all the meteorite turned to dust."

"It's true, it felt like a dream, so it's just between us."

"It's the best thing to do."

At the end of the matter, the bus arrives, while we enter, Nardim comes right behind, running as if there was no tomorrow. Once inside the bus, the subject is no other than the meteorite, I wonder how long they will remember it. And after about five stops, we finally arrived at school, I go directly to the classroom, which was already in class, we were late, when I enter, everyone looks at me, like meerkats attentive to everything.

"Excuse me, the bus was a little late."

"Okay, Victor can come in, and the two guys behind you too."

I enter quickly, and go to my chair, just in front of me sit Marcos and Nardim, talking about something, I wonder how they manage to have so much subject, then they look at me, and I smile and look away from the class .

Time goes by very slowly at school, and my body continues with the same feeling of adrenaline, and wheezing, I feel sick and as if I was going to vomit on someone in the class, I couldn't let that happen.

"Teacher can I go to the bathroom?"

"Don't delay."

So when I'm on my way to the bathroom, I feel an uncontrollable urge inside me, I've been restless since yesterday, the adrenaline never seems to end, it felt like there was a voice inside me talking to let it out, I involuntarily take three steps forward , so I feel like things are extremely slow but at the same time I felt like I could get anywhere, the feeling was incredible, it was like it was the first time I was in control, being truly free, all that anxiety, adrenaline, everything was gone and the only thing left was a smile on my face, which was interrupted, with my head hitting the bathroom wall.

I quickly put my hand on my head to massage where it hit, when suddenly I hear a voice beside me.

" What the fuck is that?"

I look and see Marcos astonished, the corridor was empty, the school was small, so there was only the two of us.

"What happened!? And why are you laughing?"

Only now do I notice the smile on my face, I don't know what had happened, but that was incredible.