

Where bullying takes its toll on the young and vulnerable, one boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious system that promises to change his fate. Meet our protagonist as he embarks on a transformative journey from being a victim of bullying to a charismatic and charming individual. With the help of the enigmatic system, he gains the tools to stand up against his tormentors, both in and out of school. To what extent can he conceal the darkest secrets of his previous former self? [System Integration in Progress... System Integration Completed] He grappled with the bewildering reality of what had just transpired. As Liu Yemei's vision bathed in an enigmatic shade of cerulean, a profound transformation surged within him. What lies ahead? Is this the beginning of a new journey for Liu Yemui?

SoldierOwner · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Prologue 1.2 'The Ordinary World'

On one brisk autumn afternoon, when the leaves whispered secrets overhead and the sun painted the world in golden hues. A high school classroom served as the backdrop. The room itself was modest and well-illuminated, its rows of desks paired neatly. Educational posters and student artwork adorned the walls, infusing splashes of colour into its otherwise utilitarian design. Sunlight streamed through ample windows, casting inviting, warm shadows. At the front of the class, a chalkboard bore witness to the traces of chalk dust and mathematical equations, while the atmosphere buzzed with the soft chatter of students, accompanied by the occasional scrape of chairs and the faint hum of the school's activities. It was the quintessential high school classroom, neither extraordinary nor mundane.

Amidst this familiar setting, a solitary boy named Liu Yumei Wu sat alone at his desk in class. His gaze was locked onto a small scrap of paper resting before him. The words he had inscribed there were the catalyst for an irrevocable transformation...

Liu Yumei, an unassuming high school student, lived an existence that blended into the background like a ghost in the mist. With his unremarkable grades, nondescript appearance, and quiet demeanour, he was practically invisible to his peers. His life spiralled in a monotonous loop: attending school, enduring relentless torment from a clique of popular bullies, and escaping into the sanctuary of his beloved books. He had no true friends, seldom stood up for himself, and even his solitude had its limits – he didn't possess enemies, yet relentless bullying can corrode one's self-esteem.

"Hey, it's that Porky!" bellowed a thug student down the corridor, reducing Liu Yumei to a cringing figure. The cruel moniker clung to him like a shadow. "Porky." Laughter echoed through the school hallways as he became the subject of mockery and taunting, unable to escape the relentless label. To worsen matters, his parents, believing he had brought disgrace upon their family, stopped acknowledging him. Liu Yumei's world grew ever darker, but he felt nothing.

As Yumei endeavoured to return home one day, a confrontation awaited him with the very gang that had tormented him earlier. They took turns pummeling and kicking him until he crumpled to the ground. Their laughter blended with the sound of a cruel symphony.

"Lolol! You're such a pussy! That's so pathetic!" one of the students jeered as they took pictures of his humiliation.

Liu Yumei struggled to rise, only to fall again, a fresh bout of laughter accompanying his every stumble. However, this time, a stark contrast emerged. Amidst the jeers and mockery, another classmate stepped forward.

Tall and slender, with dishevelled hair cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall, she wore an oversized sweatshirt with a hood and baggy jeans. A tattered backpack clung to her back, seemingly as old as she was. Yet, her ethereal beauty transcended her haggard attire. Her face radiated an inner light, captivating even in such dire circumstances. In an instant, she reached out, extending her hand to lift Liu Yumei from the cold ground.

"Are you alright?" she inquired.

"I-I'm fine..."

She gently grasped Liu Yumei's wrist and led him away from the mocking crowd, walking alongside him, her eyes probing his face.

"Thank you," he whispered shyly.

Though he did not her identity or origins, Liu Yumei realized that he could not let her slip away. Something about her felt familiar. Then, as a lightbulb ignited in his mind, he recognized her significance. Her name was Eunji Lee, and he finally comprehended her true nature. She was an angel sent by a higher power.


Meanwhile, in Liu Yumei's apartment complex, his father returned home early from work and headed straight for his son's room. He gently knocked on the door, aware that his son was likely asleep, exhausted from studying through the night. It had been a harrowing week for both of them since the school attack. Emotional exhaustion had taken its toll. Yet, Liu Yumei still couldn't find rest, plagued by relentless nightmares that haunted his every slumber. He tossed and turned all night, ears straining for any hint of approaching footsteps. But he heard nothing. After meticulously checking every room in their apartment, he returned to his son's room, where he sat on the edge of the bed.

His son lay sound asleep, his back turned towards him.

With dawn painting the morning sky, Liu Yumei awakened with a sense of renewal. Glancing at the clock, he realized he had overslept; he should have been at school by now. His alarm had been set for 8 AM, but it had betrayed him. Inexcusable, especially on a day when he had a history quiz scheduled. His parents had always stressed the importance of time management, and here he was, squandering it.

He rushed to get dressed and dashed downstairs, grabbing a hasty breakfast. By the time he reached school, the rest of the students had already begun their classes. Ms. Han stood waiting for him at the classroom door.

"You're late, Mr. Liu. Punctuality is essential. Please, take your seat."

Nodding apologetically, he took his place, striving to avoid the judgmental gazes of his peers as he wolfed down his breakfast. Their laughter was an echo that stung deeper than he cared to admit.

"Mr. Liu is in for a rough day, isn't he? Perhaps his parents failed to teach him the importance of readiness. Responsibility should be a priority!"

While Liu Yumei settled into his seat, a boy approached him, extending his hand toward him. But instead of a handshake, he seized Liu Yumei's head and brutally slammed it against the nearby wall.

"What's up, Porky? Where's my homework? Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday? If you come to school again without your work, I'll deal with you personally!" The boy's eyes gleamed with malice, and Liu Yumei felt his entire body go numb from the impact before darkness overtook him.

When consciousness returned, three boys carried him toward the school's entrance. Two gripped his arms, while the third cradled him across his chest, akin to a football player making a triumphant touchdown. They passed numerous onlookers who observed the pitiable spectacle with a mix of pity and disgust. Upon reaching the bathroom, Liu Yumei was flung to the ground with enough force to hear his ribs crack.

The boy towered over him, a wicked grin gracing his lips. "Welcome back, Porky."

Without warning, he brought his foot down, crushing Liu Yumei's chest and abdomen. Agonized screams pierced the air as he writhed in pain on the unforgiving floor.

"You'd better think twice before showing your face here again, or you won't leave alive."

Well, what do you expect an author to do to gain popularity?

Release this chapter might take me some time. This Chapter, I Wish, will fit your likely taste-bud favour.

This is Lord Froggy Speaking;

The Mc is Liu Yemui Who will change the history between school life and the outside world. Liu Yemui might be something good Mc, in a later chapter, I will read your chapter or accept a theory or any comment, and reply automatically.

So Don't Expect Me, And Enjoyed The Chapter

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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