
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

Ash_D_Born · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 14

Robert's Rebellion has been gaining traction ever since The battle of the Bells. After sending the royals fleeing back to the Crownlands it was finally taken seriously as a threat to the Targareyan regime.

King Aerys in a bout of anger exiled Jon Connington for failure which caused some dissent among ths soldiers as they felt he did everything he could.

With notable household names rising up like the Quiet Wolf, Eddard Stark who has proven to be one of the best warriors and battle commanders in the realm with him being instrumental in the war effort so far winning various battles and skirmishes.

Robert Baratheon showing as a very good commander and leader of troops always leading from the front. Seemingly unbeatable with a warhammer in hand. With him being a core catalyst of the Rebellion as it was his bethrothed who got stolen, Lady Lyanna Stark. Robert has taken down various oppressive with the exception of Randll Tarly who defeated him at Ashford.

Yet the most controversial of them all is Aaron Snowstark who earned the moniker The Demon Lord. Those from the reach felt his touch early in the war with his raids and occupation of castles which are still being held by a contiguous of Northmen and Valemen.

His martial abilities is said to be only inferior to Ser Arthur Dayne the brother of his wife. He has cut through countless men this war and is also a very talented battle commander with a particular tactic he employs with his men called a shield wall which defends and yet creates opportunities to stab with spears and fire arrows from archers behind the formation. After the Bells he and five thousand men captured Pinkmaiden, the ancestral seat of House Moonton holding the two brothers and sisters hostage while carting of their gold to their home. It is rumored that he plans to make a play to attack Lannisport but those must be inane rumors.

He is said to have looted enough to feed the North for twenty years by himself. Making him one of the richest houses in Westeros and potentially one of the Stark's most powerful bannermen in one stroke. Creating an unprecedented rise for a new house that has not been seen before.

After a year of battles the war slowed down and started coming to a close in 283AC with the return of Prince Rhaegar at the helm. The prince returned with one of the missing Kingsguard Ser Arthur Dayne.

With Rhaegar taking command of the forces the King sent away his son Viserys and wife Rhaella to Dragonstone for safety while keeping 'Princess Elia' as a hostage for Dorne.

Rhaegar mustered up 47000 men while the rebels held 40000 still after all the skirmishes and battles. After the initial raids the reach left 7000 men to giard their homes while the rest besieged Storm's End.

With that the game was set. Battlegrounds drawn as the two armies prepared for a final clash. It was during this time that the friends of Brandon Stark arrived. Thought to be dead but their tale was most strange as they said they escaped Kings Landing through the help of Princess Elia Martell.

Before the final battle by the Trident, Rhaegar tried to sue for peace but was rebuffed at every corner. The battle to decide it all.

Whether the dragons lived or died

The battle took place on the banks of the Trident. The royals were forced to cross to meet the rebels in battle which gave them the opportunity to thin their lines a bit with some arrows.

As the two armies met to decide the fate of Westeros. Knights of each side were cutting down the levies like wheat. The Stormlanders seemed to exclusively attack the Dornish their ancestral enemies. Both sides laying waste to each other.

The North had divided itself into two separate armies. One led by Eddard Stark and the other by Rickard Karstark. Rickard was thinning the outriders and calvary while Eddard was in the thick of it trying to get to Robert Baratheon.

Aaron Snowstark was said to be a vision of horror that day as corpse after corpse was left in his wake. With dirt and blood smeared all over his body as he pressed onwards towards Rhaegar Targareyan only to be stopped by The Sword of The Morning.

As the two best swordsmen in Westeros crossed blades for the first time at the other side of the war significant events were happening. Hoster Tully was slain by Prince Lewyn who in turn was killed by the Blackfish in a fit of rage we haven't seen from him.

Alber Corbray was slain by Ser Jonothon Darry of the Kingsguard but was quickly killed by non other than Lyn Corbray who picked up the fallen valyrian steel Lady Forlon and initiated a duel killing the Kingsguard.

With that many battle commanders had fallen or were trapped in battle with one another. The battle between Ser Arthur and Lord Aaron was said to be a fight straight out of the history books with many ups and downs. Injuries but temporary and permanent. It came to heel when Ser Arthur cut Ser Aaron across the eye narrowly missing his eye balls but leaving a gash from above his eye to below. At the same time Ser Aaron had cut through his armor leaving a huge scar from his shoulder down to his waste. The two of them were carried off by each other's soldiers taking them to the camp maesters effectively putting them out of the war for now.

With the two most dangerous commanders out of commission the war greatly intensified as people were trying to end this early. Eventually Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targareyan will meet at the banks of a ford and the deciding battle will ensue.

It was a glorious battle according to the tales. Rhaegar and Robert were delivering killing blows with every strike eventually Rhaegar stabbed his sword right into the left arm of Robert Baratheon before he could pull it out he was struck in the chest by Robert's hammer. Which took him straight to the ground which allowed Robert deliver the decisive blow killing Rhaegar before he himself passed out from all the injuries and lost blood.

With that the Royalists escaped and the rebels celebrated victory as the war was finally over for the most part. It was just to take Kings Landing. Robert was declared King after the victory by the rebels and assembled a force led by Ned Stark to take the capital. King Robert lost a good amount of feeling in his left hand and could barely use it for anything but light and delicate work.

The capital was being sacked by Lannisters when Ned Stark got there. He came to see Jamie Lannister with the blood of King Aerys on his blade. Named him Kingslayer and an oathbreaker.

Robert arrived when the slain bodies of Elia Martell and her children were wrapped in Lannister clothing were presented. Robert laughed and called them dragonspawn which brought the anger of Ned Stark who argued with him before storming of.

Lord Aaron Snowstark who was a friend of the princess told the king that he allowed men to butcher babes as his first order. That he will find no friend in him for the rest of his days. With that he left the throneroom while telling Clegane to stay out of his sight if not 'its on sight'

Aaron Snowstark decided to join Eddard Stark to find his sister,Lady Lyanna. They eventually caught news of their location in Dorne. As such they headed and finally arrived at the Tower of Joy.

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