
Chapter Three: Killing Ourselves?

The next morning, I was working in the kitchen with Dorothy when the Chief Butler walked in

"Queen Eldina has gone on a really important 'mission' and so, has carried all the princess's maids for retraining. So as it stands now, the princess is without attendants which is not proper. I need four girls to come with me as you'll be attending to the princess for the meantime as her maids. I need you, you, you and you. Come with me"

He said and left without even waiting for a response.

He had picked me, Dorothy, Freya and Rael.

We followed him without a word to the princess's chambers. We were almost there when we heard smashing and screaming.

It was the princess.

The butler opened the door and was almost hit in the face by a lamp that came flying at him

"How dare you allow her leave with my maids?! Who will attend to me now?! Or do I look like a servant to you?! I am a noble, of royal blood!"

She screamed hysterically at the butler who stood motionless

"The queen is the queen and no one can argue with her. As for your attendants, I've brought maids that will answer your beck and call" he said to her and she scoffed

"Kitchen maids? You brought kitchen maids to serve the princess of Lerwelchia?! That is so low!" She screamed again and paced around the room

"It's either them or nothing, your Highness" the butler said and she turned around in shock "You've grown wings in the last few years, Myron. You, threaten me? Father WILL hear of this" she said and giggled like a maniac.

I squeezed my face in disgust but it seemed like she saw it

"You! Come here!" She pointed to me and I looked up immediately.

I am Dead!

I stared at her in panic before slowly moving to where she was.

When I got close enough, she sized me up and said "You think I'm funny?"

I shook my head "No your highness" I answered and she began circling me

"You think, this situation, is funny?" She asked again and I answered

"No, your highness" .

Suddenly, she stopped and held her chest dramatically "Oh! So instead of finding it funny, you find me disgusting! You think I'm so irritable, you can't stand in the same room with me. Is that why you squeezed your face like an oversized lemon!" She asked sarcastically and I swallowed hard.

This was not good for me

"Your highness, you're getting it all wrong. I would never think that of you" I said, still keeping my head low and she gasped "So now you're calling me a liar!?" She exclaimed and I looked up instantly "No your highness, I didn't mean-"

I was cut off by a resounding slap on my left cheek.

I fell on the floor and held my cheek in pain, still not daring to look up

"You treacherous, lying lowlife! How dare you! I should have you hanged before dusk!"

She threatened and raised her hand to hit me again when the butler spoke up "That's enough, princess. I didn't bring the poor girl here to be punished".

Her hand paused midway and she slowly retreated and turned to him "Myron, you forget your place. Just because father favours you and seeks your opinion on royal matters doesn't mean you are royal. You are not! I am the princess AND a future queen. You are just a common butler who has the rare opportunity to work for the royals and you should be grateful for that. I command the earth you walk on. Always remember that" she warned and left us in the room.

I slowly stood up and faced the butler "She'll come around, just attend to her needs and do whatever she wants" he said to us and for the first time, I spoke up

"Even if it means, killing ourselves?" I asked and the atmosphere turned heavy