
Chapter Four: Confused

I noticed Myron clench his teeth as he spoke with a calm but firm voice "You are nothing but servants. You are alive today, only because of them. You were made to serve them and nothing more. You are not to ask questions or talk without permission. Even if it means, laying down your lives for them, then yes, you will do so. That is what is called, Loyalty" he ended his short speech and left without a word, the other girls following him behind.

Only Dorothy stayed behind and held my hand "Come on, let's go" she said and nudged me as we exited the room.

The rest of the day was uneventful, we served as escorts to the princess and surprisingly, she didn't give us much trouble.

Just kept sending us on errands here and there.

That is, until late at night

"You! What's your name?" She said and I raised my head as I looked around "Is it me, your highness?" I asked her to be sure and she scoffed "Little minded idiots! Of course you! Come here!" She ordered and I moved to where she sat on the bed "I instructed Merian to get me heart shaped apples as dessert and secretly bring them to my room. As a princess, I'm not supposed to be having fruits this late, but I am the princess and I can do what I want" she chuckled lightly and continued

"I need you to go to the kitchen and get them for me. Oh! And bring the kitchen knife with you too. I'm sure Merian is a wonderful chef but, I want to taste the apple slices piece by piece" she smiled to me and I felt a tingling sensation run down my spine.

She was up to something but I didn't have any choice as I went to get her apple slices.

When I got to her room, she had already sent all the other maids out and I was left alone with her

"Come closer, you don't expect me to get up from here now, do you?" She said and I gulped as I brought the apple slices closer to her bed "Bring me the red satin in my wardrobe" she commanded and I dropped the plate on the table near her bed and went to her wardrobe.

I searched frantically for the red satin and it took me minutes before I finally found it

"Found it your highness"

I had hardly completed my statement when I heard a scream and I turned to see the princess lying on the floor, clutching her arm.

She was bleeding.

I hurriedly moved to where she was and held her bloody arm "Get that knife away from me! It's so sharp!" She cried and I picked the knife from the ground but before I could move, the door to her room opened and the royal guards came in

"Guards, seize her! She tried to stab me! Take her to the dungeon! She's possessed! Take that knife away from her before she tries to harm me again!"

She screamed at them and I blinked in confusion.

One of the guard drew his sword as he pointed it at me "Drop the knife" he yelled and I threw it away like it was hot coal.

He bundled my hands behind my back as he led me away, my heart beating fast, unable to grasp the situation.
