
Cool Down…

Billy contemplated about this issue. The galloping of the horse could cause the mechanisms to overheat rapidly. Although an absolute zero cooling system wasn't completely necessary to create a functioning mechanical horse, it was required for the one Billy wanted to make.

Many hours of thought went into this. He could screw up as many times as his wallet could afford. Which wasn't many. The metals drained a good portion of the money Billy had saved up from his trading business.

The two most commonly used liquid cooling fluids were EGW and PGW solutions.

EGW was just ethylene glycol mixed with water in a 63:37 ratio. PGW was similar but propylene glycol replaced the ethylene. To Billy, the 63:37 ratio seemed somewhat off, and he couldn't put his finger on it.

He felt the water should be in a lower quantity. However, just changing the ratios wouldn't be enough. If it were that simple, absolute zero would have been achieved long ago.

That's when it struck him. Helium had the lowest freezing point of all currently known substances. With it's liquid state at a low temperature of just 4.2 kelvins, it would be perfect for his solution.

He decided the best glycol would be a 50:50 mixture of the two. He used the temporary name Penelene glycol.

Using a 53:31:16 ratio of Penelene glycol to liquid helium to water. In his flask, the combined liquid substance wasn't a solid nor a liquid. It was close to a Bose-Einstein Condensate, but it wasn't the same. It was more of a windy desert. With the sand flowing, but still in a solid state. It was hard to describe. It was a solid yet a liquid. No matter what it was, it was the exact thing Billy needed.

The flask froze in his hand, which was expected. This liquid was perfect for what Billy needed to do next.

Storing his newly created solution in a freezer, which wasn't needed, he removed his gloves and walked back to his blueprint to inspect the next item on the list of requirements.

This one would be slightly easier to complete. He needed a fully functional night vision camera lens.

Night vision has technically been achieved already. Military bases had soldiers equipped with such goggles in order to complete night attacks. However they weren't as effective as hoped. He could technically use a flashlight, but he wanted his businesses remaining as secret as possible.

Quick and silent travels between his stashes and trades was what he needed. He couldn't be seen by authorities while in the process of a trade. He would definitely go to prison.

After all, he hasn't heard of anyone not going to jail after being caught selling city-threatening chemical weapons.

He sure was going to be the first, as he had no intention of getting caught.

Shaking off his thought, he contemplated the lens. It could be achieved rather simply, but it was going to require some thinking. Something Billy was completely up to the task for.