
Death Of a Beloved

Horse: Neighhhh

Billy: No! Horsie… Don't leave me!!! You can't leave! A nuclear missile isn't enough to take you down!

Horse: Neigh…Ne…

Billy: HORSIEEEEE!!!! I will avenge you! Wait no i won't… i can't get in the middle of a nuclear bomb

Billy: … I will re create you!!!

Billy ran to his house and cleared his desk. Pulling out a piece of paper, he drew two large circles and connected them with a line.

Blood, sweat and tears went into designing a blueprint of a mechanical horse. Details upon details until all that was left of the pencil was a tiny stub. His hand turned grey from the graphite and his hair disheveled.

What was left on the table was a blueprint of a mechanical horse that could, theoretically, accept the conscious mind. Though the materials for this project were hard to gather, it wouldn't stop Billy from getting his horse back.

The first material on the list of requirements was a metal susceptible to years of wear and tear. A metal that could last for a lifetime. His horse needed to run along trails and fields for hours on end, and he needed a frame to support the constant erosion. The perfect metal for Billy's cause was 316L stainless steel, with one the highest resistances to erosion. This alloy could be found at any home improvement retailer store. Luckily for Billy, there was a Home Depot nearby.

Billy grabbed the keys to his Nissan Titan and drove to the store. Walking inside he asked the nearby clerk where the steels could be found. The clerk simply pointed to the end of the store and said "Aisle 18".

Thanking him, Billy ran to the end and checked for the metal he needed. The store was running low on stock of this metal, so there was only enough for two frames. He had one chance of failure. Quickly scooping up all of the metals and running to checkout, Billy pulled out his wallet so he could pay the second he got there.

The cashier scanned all of the tags and told Billy the final price.

Cashier: 584 dollars. Cash or card?

Billy: Card… Here

Billy swiped his card and waited for the message of a confirmed payment. When it popped up he ran and didn't even look back.

Shoving all the metal into his car, he drove home as fast as he could. Most likely violating several traffic laws along the way.

When he got home, he brought all of the materials inside and looked back at his blueprint.

He checked off the 316L stainless steel and looked at what was next in line. With a sigh he announced to himself…

Billy: Absolute zero cooling fluid… great

This fluid was not an existing fluid in the current scientific field. To Billy's current knowledge, absolute zero had not yet been achieved. This was going to be a long process of chemical mixtures and reactions. However, Billy was willing to do anything to get his horse back.