

1. Do not disclose your real identity to anyone

2. Do not ask for financial help from any of your friends in your old life

3. Do not show up at any of the Grimms family mansions unless being called upon.

4. You must have a part time job.

5. No excessive spending

6. There's a small cabin your mom purchased before she died in Los Angeles. You can spend your holidays there if you want.

7. No meeting up with friends in your old life until your 3 years of punishment is up.

8. You're to see a therapist at least once weekly

9. You can only skip school twice in a month

10. Do not commit suicide or murder anyone


Two letters came with the laminated rules of my 3 years in hell.

"Dear Lena,

I'm sorry that for the harsh punishment that you got. Your mom and I never wanted to be separated from you a day after your 16th birthday and I know that she won't be happy looking down from the heavens and seeing you in Los Angeles while I'm in New York, but I know that she'll understand my reasons for this.

I take full responsibility for your recent behaviour. I've noticed that over the years, you've acquired some recent attitudes that aren't suitable for an heiress. This punishment I believe is the only cure to the disease you have (the disease being your bad attitude).

This isn't just a punishment, but it's also a test and that's how I want you to see it as. It's a fresh start and a new life for you. You can pick up new skills like cooking, knitting and so many others. I'm sure that when you're back, you'll have a lot of stories to tell me.

Celebrating the holidays without you is going to be weird, but I know we're both strong. I'm going to miss you so much. I love you.

With love,


By the time I was done reading it, I could feel myself tearing up, as little streams of tears flowed freely down my face. I opened the second letter and this one was from my best friend, Justine.

"Dear Lena,

I miss you so much already. School won't be the same without you. Your dad told me about the rules of the 3 years punishment and the part that made me cry was that we can't meet up.

You're strong and I know this punishment/ test/ trail is not bigger than you. You'll surely pass the test. I'm rooting for you as I'll always do.

In case you didn't know, that school is the same high school your dad went to. I did my research. If someone as handsome as your dad went there, I'm sure that the school must be flooded with handsome guys.

You must call me every day to tell me about your new life because I'm also interested in how people who aren't as rich as us live. You can also write to me if you're chanced to do so.

For the part time job, I'll advice you get a work as a waitress in a diner or a tutor. Other jobs will be stressful.

I couldn't sleep all night because I've been so worried about you, but I'm sure that you can take care of yourself. I was elated when your dad called to tell me that I can write a letter to you.

I love you Lena and I'm rooting for you. Please eat healthy meals and don't take too much junks.

Your bestie,


My eyes started to water again as I re-read the letters and rules that were sent down to me.

A fresh start. A new life. How can I start that when I always have something that's perfect at home? I asked myself this question as I ticked day one out of the calendar I purchased.

Tomorrow will officially be my first day in school. I hope things go as well as I badly wanted them to inwardly or else I might run mad, just two days that I got to Los Angeles.

My doorbell rang and I quickly got up to answer it knowing fully aware of who was behind that door. The pizza delivery guy.