
Start of Iron Man [EDITED]


It had been three years since his X-genes awakened. He would teleported from his home to the X-mansion to have a spar with Logan and Ororo.

Logan, who had the same ability as him, was a great reference for him. Logan also had been using his high speed-regeneration longer than him. Hence, he knew the perfect way to maximize the use of regeneration in combat. Noah's close-combat style had become more ruthless, towards the enemy and also towards himself. With his great tolerance towards pain after years in the void and also the ability to heal himself, he could alter his style to be direct and powerful. A hit for a hit was his final strategy if the enemy was too troublesome.

Ororo was also someone who Noah had great respect for. As she could control the weather around herself. She was also a reference on adding more moves into his arsenal of lightning elemental moves. Sparring with them also greatly increased his proficiency of his skills rather than practicing alone.

Noah also began his weapon training with sword and knives. Mostly for weapons, he conjured them using eldritch magic. Until he had some tough material on his hand like vibranium, he would just use his magic.

Three days ago, he had heard the news of Tony, his father being kidnapped from Alfred in Afghanistan. Although it pained his heart to see Tony being hurt, it was a significant point in his plan and the future for Tony to become Iron Man. But he decided not to wait for three months for Tony to create Iron Man from scratch and escape from the Ten Rings. As long as he managed to spark the interest of Tony to build an armor of iron, it would be enough.

He opened a portal towards Tony cave, he only emerged out from there as he made sure no one realized his appearance. There were two figures sleeping in the locked room. One of them was a talented surgeon by the name of Ho Yinsen and the last one had a shining metal on his chest. He felt a bit guilty for allowing Tony to get hurt.

Noah tapped on Tony's shoulder slowly to avoid him getting all panicky and alerted the guard. Tony opened his eyes and was so shocked at Noah's appearance. "Kid, what are you doing here?"

"I'll explain later, for now just follow me." Tony could only accept that for now. Noah asked Tony to wake Yinsen quietly, and he proceeded to do so. Afterwards, he opened a portal directing to his own home.

"What the hell was that, kid?" Tony, a strict-believer of science was shocked by my magic. Even Yinsen was shocked by the show. Noah already planned to tell Tony about his power anyway.

He explained to Tony that he was a practitioner of the mystic arts, some form of magic. He had practiced it after he was being taken care of the old woman he told Tony when they met for the first time. He had lived at Kamar Taj before meeting Tony.

"Tell me, how did you plan to escape from that place if I had not been there to save you?"

"Tony fell into silence. He did have a plan to get out of there. But it did seem impossible. "I wanted to build a suit or armor with the help of Yinsen?"

Noah nodded, "Dad, your idea was the start of the era of heroes. Soon, Earth would be in danger. And some people would acquire power and band together to defeat them. You are one of them. You should continue with your plan. I'll help you."

Noah hoped that his father would believe him. And boy, he did.

"Kid, I believe in you." Tony, after seeing Noah's magic, had set his mind that what Noah had said is the truth. After meeting Noah, Tony was more confident in Noah than himself. He would believe what Noah had said. Tony had long changed his bad habits of partying. It seemed like he and Pepper had been together for some time now. If it was before, no one would believe that Tony Stark,the renown playboy, would have a long-term relationship with a woman.

Then, the three of them discussed together about their plan afterwards. Noah said it was important for Tony and Yinsen to return there and escape by themselves as he did not want to reveal himself yet. Hence, they concocted a plan. First, Tony and Yinsen needed to hide from everyone as no one could know that they had escaped. The Ten Rings would not have publicized that Tony had escaped.

Then, in one month's time, the three of them needed to build a suit of armor powered by the miniature arc reactor in Tony's chest. The suit of armor did not have to be perfect, it should be more of scrap metal as it would be believable to the other parties.

Lastly, Noah would open a portal back to their prison cell. They would be escaping with that suit of armor with Noah behind them in the dark to prevent any mistakes. Yinsen would be following behind Tony as he did not have any protection.

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