
Chapter 23 - Black Cats Return & Cold as Stone!


(A/N: Biggest Chapter to date, I believe)


~3rd Person POV~

After getting the Location of where the potential target of Black Cats, Spider-Man agrees to remain on standby close by incase Black Cat escaped the police or if anything unexpected happens.

Staying on the lookout, Spider-Man quickly spots the apartment that they believe to be Black Cats targets lights go out.

"Yuri, talk to me" Spider-Man says into his comms which has been temporarily connected to Yuri's

"She escaped and is heading towards the roof" Yuri says quickly.

"On in" Spider-Man reply's immediately as he jumps from his lookout position, in no time at all he swings himself ontop of the apartment building just as Black Cat burst through the door to the roof.

She pauses as she spots Spider-Man before putting on a smile. "Well hello there Spidey~"

"Any chance your just going to surrender?" Spider-Man asks with a sigh.

"Hmm~ Nope" Black Cat says as she takes out a spherical object and drops on the floor.

Spider-Man immediately recognises that the object is Tinkerer Tech, moving quickly he snaps forward and kicks the object of the building. Luckily he was in time and the object with released a massive repulsion wave didn't no damage.

Spider-Man then snaps his head to the side just in time to see Black Cat jump off the building. "Oh no you don't"

Following her Spider-Man jumps of the building, while in mid air he spots Black Cat on the lower building opposite the Apartments. Slingshotting himself forward with the use of his webs, Spider-Man lands on the building and chases after Black Cat.

Using his immense speed Spider-Man quickly catches up to Black Cat and webs her feet, he pulls her feet out from under her causing her to fall forward. As she turns around to face Spider-Man, he webs both her hands to the ground.

"Ohh~ Kinky~" Black Cat purrs seeming completely unbothered.

"Sorry sweet heart, latex isn't my thing" Spider-Man reply's quickly.

"Not yet you mean" She responds just as quickly with smirk.

"You know that was Tinkerers tech you just used mind telling where you got it" Spider-Man asks politely.

"Ohh~ so it is true" Black Cat says in realisation.

"What true?" Spider-Man asks in confusion.

"That your after The Tinkerer" Black Cat explains.

"Well he's a criminal, I'm a hero it's kinda in the job description" Spider-Man responds lightly.

"Maybe so~ let's make a deal" Back cat says getting Spider-Mans full attention.

"Oh what type of deal?" Spider-Man asks interested.

"You let me go, I'll give you The Tinkerer" Black Cats with a smile.

"How will you give me the Tinkerer?" Spider-Man asks for clarification.

"Well you see, your quite bad for business. All of the Big Crime Bosses are laying low in order to not get your attention. But then along comes someone promising weapons that will be able to handle you" Black Cat starts.

"But he had to at prove himself first. So he gave some weapons to random everyday criminals who used his weapons on you. Now this got all the attention of the people in the criminals underworld" Black cat continues.

"But I stopped everyone using the Tinkerers toys" Spider-Man says cutting her off.

"True but they still worked on you" She reply's getting a small nod before she continues. "Where was I... oh yes The Tinkerer has never shown up in person to sell his weapons, but when one of the top mob bosses of New York puts in an order he will have too"

"And you know where the deal is going to take place I assume?" Spider-Man says.

"Yep~" Cat says.

"How do I know your not lying?" Spider-Man asks.

"Hmm you don't~ but because I like you soo much I'll come with you" Black Cat tells him.

"I agree" Spider-Man says.

"Just like that" Black cat says blinking in confusion.

"Yes just like that. Those weapons are dangerous in the hands of everyday criminals could you imagine the damage they could do in the hands of organised crime, so I have to stop them from being brought into circulation" Spider-Man states, getting a nod from Black Cat.

"Oh my~ your such a hero" Black Cat says in fake awe.

Using his solution to dissolve the webbings Spider-Man offers Black Cat a hand to help her up. "Such a Gentleman" She says taking his hand.

"I try" Spider-Man reply's with a shrug. "So where's the deal happening?"

"In an old warehouse in Hells Kitchen" Black Cat says getting a groan from Spider-Man.

"Urgh God I hate that place" Spider-Man complains.

"Why that place is infested by criminals,

Shouldn't that be like your wet dream?" Black Cat asks

"Probably, but I always get shot at when I go there" Spider-Man complains like a child.

"Oh you poor poor baby~" Black says sweetly giving Spider-Man a pat on his shoulder.

"Alright let's go then" Spider-Man says snapping out of his funk.

~Scene Change~

~Old Warehouse - Hells Kitchen~

"This the place?" Asked Spider-Man.

"Hmmhmm" Black Cat hums with an agreeing nod.

"Good, as soon as I can confirms that the Tinkerer is here your free too go" Spider-Man says to the thief.

"Really? That easily?" Black Cat asks a little shocked.

"Yeah, this is going to be dangerous and even if your a criminal I'm not willing to put your life at risk" Spider-Man explains sincerely.

Black Cat stares at him not showing what's going on in her head, before she smiles. "Worrying about little o'l' me, how sweet~" She says with a smirk.

"Someone clearly has too" Spider-Man says offhandedly. "Hey, someone's here" He then says as a pair of blacked out SUV's pull up outside the warehouse.

Getting out of the SUV's is a group of armed men that Spider-Man doesn't recognise. All of them enter the warehouse, not to long later a medium sized trunk pulls into the warehouse.

See this Spider-Man concludes that the owner of the trunk should be the Tinkerer as the truck should be big enough to fit all his weapons in.

"Sarah active The Spider Drone" Spider-Man says to his faithful AI.

{Of Course}

The drone that resides on Spider-Man's utility belt comes to live and pops out of its home. It walks along the floor and soon disappears into the warehouse.

"You can't control spiders can you?" Black Cat asks a little creeped out by the spider drone.

"No it's a robot" Spider-Man answers. "Sarah give me eyes in there" Sarah quickly connects Spider-Man to the drone to allow him to watch the ongoing deal.

~Inside the Warehouse~

Inside the warehouse, the two groups meet up to discuss their deal for The Tinkerers weapons. With the Spider drone in place Spider-Man was able to get a good look at the Buyer and The Tinkerer.

Whom Spider-Man believes is the Tinkerer is a small and frail old man. He has white hair that's receding but less wrinkles then one would assume.

The Buyer on the other hand is a mountain of a man who clearly towers over everyone in the warehouse. He's also an albino with white skin and hair.

"Sarah I want facial recognition on everyone inside the warehouse" Spider-Man says to his AI.

{Already on it}

"Do you have the weapons" The buyer asks barely above a whisper.

"Ye-yes I-I do, just ov-over here" The Tinkerer stutter gesturing to the truck behind him.

"Fetch them then" The buyer whispers.

"Of cour-course" The Tinkerer says, gesturing for one of his own goons to open the truck.

The goon opens the truck and drags out a crate, the now opened crate is filled with weapons made by the Tinkerer. Such as guns, grenades and other weapons unrecognised by Spider-Man.

~Back with Spider-Man~

{Peter I've got confirmation on all the individuals in the ware house}

"The Buyer and The Tinkerer are the main priority" Spider-Man reply's still watching the video footage.

{The Buyer is Alonzo Thompson Lincoln also known as Tombstone, he's been arrested numerous times for various crimes such as murder, bribery and racketeering but also got off as the witness always went missing. Also due to an accident Tombstone gained near invulnerable skin due to a preservative gas known as Diox-3}

"Well that is mildly concerning" Spider-Man says deeming Tombstone a greater threat then he thought beforehand. "And the Tinkerer?"

{That's a simpler matter. The Tinkerers real name is Phineas Mason he's a recognisable genius who owns a shop called Phineas' Fix-It, he's also done various contracts for other big named company's like Roxxan labs and even Stark Industries in his early years}

"Okay? But why become a criminal supplier then?" Spider-Man questions his AI while continuing to ignore Black Cats curious gaze.

{His grandson is currently in the hospital and if we take in the degrading profit from his shop, Phineas more then likely can't pay the sky high hospital bills}

"Well that's unfortunate, but not all that surprising" Spider-Man says sadly. "Family is a common reason to be become a criminal"

~Inside the Warehouse~

"We are going to have to test the weapons" Tombstone whispers, before smirking. "I'm sure you understand"

"Yes, yes of course" Tinkerer agrees quickly. Tombstone grabs one of the guns from the crate.

"That's-thats the Repulsion Rifle V2. Single shot but less reload time then V1, it's mostly made of plastic so it's easy to hide as you can play it off a just a toy" The Tinkerer explains gaining his confidence as he talks about his invention.

"How powerful?" Tombstone questions.

"It shots enough force to blast through a wall or even kill a man" Tinkerer says.

Tombstone doesn't reply, just holds the gun up inspecting it before aiming it at one of his own goons.

"What-what are you doing?" The Tinkerers questions with a stutter.

"Testing" Tombstone says lightly with an evil smirk. Before pulling the trigger of the repulsion gun aimed at his own man.

~With Spider-Man~

"Oh shit" Spider-Man says seeing tombstone aiming the gun. "Stay here" Reacting quickly Spider-Man launch's himself towards the warehouse hoping to make it on time.

Climbing through the window on the topmost floor. Rushing quickly Spider-Man hops over and slides under every in his way until he makes it to the main part of the warehouse.

Just in time to see Tombstone kill his own man. The force of the Repulsion Gun turned the man into nothing but a broken body.

"No" Spider-Man whispers seeing that he was too late. Gritting his teeth Spider-Man leaps from the upper deck of the warehouse while webbing the rifle out of tombstones hands.

"Shit it's Spider-Man!" One of the goons shouts.

"Waste him!" Another shouts.

"Kill him" Tombstone whispers.

Landing on the ground Spider-Man flips and dodges all the bullets while Webbing the guns out of the goons hands. Between knocking out goons and webbing up goons. Spider-Man doesn't notice The Tinkerer escaping.

With all the goons down for the count, all that remains is tombstone who stood still grinning like a mad man.

"Your better that the rumours say you are" Tombstone says barely above a whisper.

"Thanks" Spider-Man says in no mood for banter.

"What? No quips?, no jokes?" Tombstone asked still with a massive grin.

"Hmm not at the moment I'm all out unfortunately" Spider-Man says ready to pounce at a moments notice.

"Well that's no fun" Tombstone states rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

"I'm not in the mood for fun" Spider-Man says.

"Well I am. I suppose I'll get my fun from killing you" Tombstone says walking towards Spider-Man.

~End of Chapter~
