
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 56 - Timeskip

A few years has passed and the era has finally entered the year 2003.

Many things happened, like Maria, Howard's wife died in her sleep at the age of 95, while Howard was also on his deathbed, awaiting his inevitable death.

Of course, he won't just pass away that easily, he prepared some things for his son, Tony and his friends like Sharon Carter and Doflamingo.

Since Howard has almost 70% of shares from his own company, he decided to give the 50% to Tony, making him the new largest shareholder in the Stark Industries and 5% for Sharon Carter and then the other 5% to his long time partner, Obadiah. And finally, the 10% goes to Doflamingo, not only because he's his friend but also as a thanks to him for saving his and his family's lives for countless of times.

Another thing that happened in that Doflamingo's family has a new family member, which is Natalya Maximoff, who has finally graduated from Kamar-Taj and managed to control her powers.

Well, technically not control, but more of like controlling it so that it won't burst out randomly. So, if she somehow got very emotional, then her powers would surely explode and affect her surroundings. But all in all, it is very good as Doflamingo finally won't be the 'mailman' of the family, since Matilda always requests him to portal her to other countries since she wanted to sight-see during her free time.

Speaking of Matilda, she was very happy when Doflamingo gave her Goose, which she immediately fawned over and she almost never let her go away from her side.

Another thing that Doflamingo discovered, was that Matilda started dating girls that she liked, however almost none of them impresses her, as either they only wanted to be in a relationship with her just so she could help them with their thesis or they discovered that Matilda is actually very rich and is worth millions of dollars, so they wanted to hold onto her leg and become rich also.

Thanks to this, Matilda became depressed for a few days before she started focusing on her Project, which is making an Artificial Intelligence where she has been in a stuck. However, thanks to Tony's help, which he coincidentally befriended due to their rivalry at first, both of them successfully created a fully operating artificial intelligence, though it is still in it's developmental stage, so it could only respond to simple commands like what's the date today, or how's the weather.

Speaking of Artificial Intelligence, Tony also started working on his own Artificial Intelligence which he named after the Stark's Household Butler, who unfortunately died in an illness.

Putting Tony's matters aside, Matilda's superhero persona, Momentum encountered some problems with the Government after two years of service. As the Government has finally decided to interfere Momentum's work.

The first thing they did was to obviously pay the news stations to destroy his reputation, and the Daily Bugle graciously accepted it and started slandering Momentum, calling her a freak of nature, a criminal scum and many more.

Some other news stations also started slandering Momentum, though it's not as exaggerated as the Daily Bugle.

When the government saw that their plan fails and it didn't bring down Momentum's reputation that much, they started making speeches all around the television, spreading awareness on how a superpowered individual without the government's supervision spells to disaster.

They then started listing several horrible things that Momentum might do if she continues going around without a collar around her neck.

However, contrary to their expectations, not only they failed in bringing down her image, but it also backfires as everyone who she saved and believes in her started a protest, protecting Momentum from the Government.

In fact, Matilda and Doflamingo already knew the reason why the Government suddenly did this.

Fear towards the unknown.

It has always been embedded deep within human hearts to fear thing that they don't know and when they fear this, they try to control this fear.

Which is why the Government tries to destroy Momentum's reputation and declare her as a criminal to the masses, so they could have enough reason to catch her, probably to dissect her and find out more about her powers and to see if they could replicate it or pass it to someone of their choosing.

Doflamingo obviously knew about this, so instead of calling in a few favours to tell them to stop, Doflamingo wanted to be the one to stop them, and besides, it is the good time to start with his MAGA project.

So, with the help of his Robin Hood persona, he stole a few artificial files from a secret government facility and found a few secrets that would definitely not only shut the government up, but also make trouble to them.

It is mostly a list of people that the American Government has killed due to them possibly hurting the interests of the American Government.

For example, Stanley Meyer, a famous inventor that was killed due to his discovery of turning water into fuel, which would make oil useless, in other words, it would put all the Oil Companies, especially the American Government into a dire situation, so they decided to poison him before it's too late.

So many others were also killed by the American Government, well it is mostly the undercover Hydra that secretly killed then using the guise as the Government.

Speaking of Hydra, Doflamingo finally has the lead to all of their current bases, including the base of Arnim Zola, though only his 'brain' remains there but it is still very important as he hold all the current information about Hydra and who their members are, as it is very hard to distinguished which is the real Hydra or not.

Too bad though, Doflamingo doesn't have any means to fight an artificial intelligence as most magic spells involved in technology are very few and basic, like a camouflauge spell that would automatically make you invisible in front of the cameras.

Besides that, the other useful spell is Illusion based spell but it only works on cameras, so you could basically create illusions that can only been seen by cameras, it is only useful for scaring young teenagers who wants to vlog about ghosts in some abandoned buildings or hospitals.

Putting Hydra aside, the Shield was finally under Nick Fury's management, as after years of hardwork, the previous director of Shield, which is Director Pierce, finally assigned Nick Fury as the new Director while he himself was promoted to a higher position, which is the Secretary of the World Security Council.

Doflamingo was tempted to tell Fury about the lurking Hydras inside Shield but he's afraid that Fury lacked experience as the Director of Shield so he decided to take time and tell him when he deem him as ready.

For now, he would serve as the pseudo-Director of Shield as Alexander Pierce was the one who truly hold Shield as most of the members must've been converted to Hydra, leaving only a few Shield Agents.

Putting those matters aside, it's time to focus on Doflamingo's improvement in strength. First is his devil fruit, he finally managed to awaken it and turn his surroundings into his own battlefield, which is strings. The only problem is that techniques such as birdcage are not yet possible to him as he just recently awakened it and he's still familiarizing himself with an enormous gain of power from the devil fruit.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo finally reached the upper limit of his Armament Haki, as he could finally use Ryuo without focusing that much. Ryuo is an advanced usage of Armament Haki which is commonly used by the people of Wano. It basically allows the user to let Haki flow through their body calmly and emit it from one point, allowing them to break through even the toughest of defenses.

Now he won't have problems fighting beings such as Hulk or Iron Man. Why Iron Man? Well, with his intelligence maybe someday he would invent an indestructible armor and Doflamingo's Ryuo would definitely give him a surprise.

He also learned the famous Future Sight, as he could now foresee the future for atleast 3 seconds before entering a state of cooldown for 5 seconds.

Although it isn't that much compared to Katakuri who can see 5 seconds ahead in the future, but it is still a good improvement in strength as he now won't be surprise whenever his enemy pulls out a secret move. He could still remember Ancient One's shocked face whenever he would use the future sight near the Time Stone.

Meanwhile, his Conqueror's Haki didn't get that much improvement as he rarely even used it as it would draw so much attention that he didn't need.

Onto the next problem. Which is his height, Doflamingo could tell that he finally reached the limit of his height which is 10 feet tall, now he he's having some problems in going out as he has to use his clone to do his biddings whenever there's a problem in his businesses or the Underworld.

He has tried to look into the Kamar-Taj magic spells involving in height, but he found nothing, except that the Ancient One told him that changing one's body structure cannot be found in the books in Kamar-Taj, but perhaps the Queen of Asgard, Frigga might be able to help him as she was known as one of the most powerful witch in the entire nine realms.

The only problem left is how would he be able to come in contact with Frigga, not to mention, would she even be kind enough to help him solve his problems in his height?

Lastly, how would he meet her when she's literally a few realms away from him. Unless, he went to Asgard through the Biofrost.


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