
MCU: Magni Tynt

In this story, we follow the life and adventures of Magni Tynt, adopted son of Odin and younger brother to Thor and Loki. No one, including Odin, knows where this child has come from or his race. This is not a reincarnation fanfic or a self-insert, the character is obviously an OC. No Harems or anything like that.

Soul_Simp · Films
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An Unexpected Find

After defeating the Jotunn, Odin took Loki to Asgard and commanded his men to take everything from them.

Odin made it clear that he would send men to take what belongs to the Jotunn every ten years for five hundred years.

Wealth, weapons, armor, materials, everything was taken from the Frost Giants. On the last ransacking, Frigga decided to tag along and walk the many halls of Jötunheimr, she comes across a staircase leading downwards.

She confidently walks down the steps, the halls in the deeper levels are dimly lit, the air becomes so cold that she can see her breathe in the air and a chill runs across her skin.

As she peers into the darkness, she lets out a sigh as she begins to turn around, the moment she takes a single step away, she hears a cry.

The crying sounds like that of a child but it clearly wasn't natural, the child screeched and wailed like it was being torn apart.

As her common sense and motherly instincts kick in, she rushes down the hall with her blades ready for any opposition but what she finds makes her sick to her stomach.

A child, no, an infant is chained onto a table, its limbs are stretched far apart and the walls are lined with blades and tools.

With a wave of her magic, she destroys the chains. with a fast pace, she picks up the child and holds it to her chest, "Shhh, I'm here"

The child itself had hair as white as snow, caramel-colored skin, and glowing yellow eyes.

As she hears footsteps, she turns with her blade at the ready, only for her eyes to meet those of her husband.

Before he can speak, Odin stops at the furious fire in his wife's eyes, "Find me the scum who chained this boy up or I'll destroy this realm, with or without your permission"

Despite his wife's gentle tone, he knew better than to argue when she was seething with blind rage,

"I'll find them and bring them to Asgard, it's best you take that child with you", he kisses his wife before darting off to complete his new task.

Within a few seconds, thanks to Heimdall and the Rainbow Bridge, Frigga and the boy arrive safely in Asgard.

Several hours passed by, Frigga brought the best doctors to help the child whilst also giving it a warm bath and some milk from an Asgardian woman that could give breast milk.

The boy giggled at the warm water of the bath which caused Frigga to smile lovingly, he drank his milk willingly like a good boy and behaved well through everything.

What surprised everyone was what happened during the doctor's visit, needles couldn't penetrate his skin, they even tried a small scalpel and it broke after using it with a fair amount of force.

The boy was a mystery, he wasn't a Jotunn nor was he an Asgardian.

A mystery Frigga promised herself and the child that she would solve.

Days passed after that, the torturer was torn apart by Odin, and not wanting to get on the bad side of his wife, he agrees to adopt the boy.

But this boy would be different than Loki, he would know of his adoption and would be raised as Magni (Meaning "Mighty" and "Wrath") Tynt (Meaning "Lost").

And so, it was decided and announced that the boy would be the third son and prince of Asgard.

[Three Years Later]

As the trio of years passed by at a slow pace, Thor came back from his latest expedition in Midgard to find two new siblings. from what he was told, Loki is his brother by blood and Magni is his adopted brother.

He loved them both and showed it with the amount of affection he gave them.

The infants that were roughly the same age, give or take a few weeks, went through the baby stages differently!

Loki was mischievous ever since he could walk, with a snarky grin always on his pudgy face.

He was a normal-looking child with black hair and green eyes.

Magni on the other hand was different, they quickly learned a few things about him.

The three biggest things they noticed about the child made him an even bigger mystery.

First, he never slept, no matter how many days, weeks, or months passed, it was clear. whatever race of beings he comes from, he never needed to sleep.

Second, before Loki could even say "mama", Magni was already speaking full sentences.

And finally, the reason people tended to stay away from him other than his family, despite being an infant, he is always alert, watching and observing everyone like a predator studying its prey.

[Author's Note: The MC is not Evil nor is he good]

Now, three years old, Magni has mastered walking, running, talking, and has already started the basics of reading and writing.

He loved to learn, while thor slept through his classes as a child, and Loki doesn't pay attention, the bright-eyed youth cancels out everything else around him and learns to the best of his ability.

He wasn't just a bookworm though, he liked walking around Asgard and chatting with Heimdall, the dark-skinned gatekeeper would often show him sights of Midgard and various other places, including where his parents found him.

He had a decent relationship with Odin but much like his brothers, he was a mommy's boy, often fighting with Loki to sit on her lap and be read bedtime stories.

[Autthor's Notes]

[Please remember, in the MCU, Thor, and Loki are over 1000 years old, this will be a slow novel]

[The updates will be sporadic at best, i will try to make one every three days but NO PROMISES]

[Lastly, i will never ask for Patr_eon supporters or money but if you want to support me then follow me on Twitch: soul_of_a_simp]