
MCU: Demon Slayer

A serial reincarnator is transmigrated into the MCU during the invasion of New York. How will this affect canon?

Dr_Scriven · Films
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Fighting A So-Called God And Closing The Big Blue Portal

(Disclaimer: I'm writing this off the top of my head because I don't have access to the first Avengers movie right now. If there are any inconsistencies or plotholes, just take it as the MC's appearance changing things.)

Despite my speed, Loki was no slouch as he reacted to my strike on instinct imbued into him through what was most likely centuries of fighting experience.

He lifted his sceptre and blocked my punch before countering without missing a beat, the blunt end of his sceptre swinging around and aiming to cave my head in. Lifting my forearm, I blocked the strike and sent a low kick toward his legs, aiming to off-set his balance - my bones shook a little under the strike but my bones were nigh-unbreakable and the muscles and skin that covered them were tougher than most metals, so I was fine.

Loki hopped up and over my low sweep but that was but a feint as I lifted my foot and planted it in his stomach, his dense musculature giving resistance but not nearly enough to stop the force held in my kick.

He was blasted away and his face blanched somewhat as he slammed his feet into the ground below, cracking the stone below and leaving two troughs as his momentum kept him going.

Slowly but surely he came to a stop, his eyes taking on a serious look as he realized I wasn't some sort of mob but instead an actual threat to him. A trickle of blood left his lips but it didn't seem to bother him as he gave a macabre smirk, "A strong one, aren't you? You'll make a good servant, mortal," he said before rushing back at me.

Drawing one of my blades from my waist, I charged to meet the God of Mischief and our weapons clashed. My blade held up but didn't cut through the sceptre which was no doubt made of materials from beyond this world.

Entering such a stalemate was seemingly surprising to Loki as he exerted his supernatural might but did nothing to push my katana back. Seeing his surprise, I smiled and pushed back against Loki's sceptre.

Being caught off guard by the sudden push, he couldn't react in time as I brought my sword up and then down, slicing a nasty gash through his torso, cutting through his fancy clothes and armor and then through his dense bodily tissue. He gasped at the pain before gritting his teeth and pushing forward again, bringing his sceptre's sharp end toward my outstretched arm.

Seeing what he was planning to do, I switched my grip on the blade to a reversed one and tapped his attack away with the tip of my blade.

Reaching behind my waist, I drew my second blade and held it also in a reverse grip as I spun at Loki, drawing on the oxygen in the air and imbuing as much energy as I could into my arm, shoulder, core and hips as I slashed across Loki's midsection with the second stance of my style called Tiger's Claws.

The blade cut deeply into his abdominal section, a spurt of blood following my blade as I switched my rotation as I went back for another attack with the third stance, Tiger's Bite.

Both of my blades swung toward Loki's off-hand like a pair of fangs. They pierced without much trouble, my speed only getting faster from before - Loki could barely react to the attacks. Though he definitely reacted to the pain when I cut through his arm, skewering it like a kebab before twisting the blades and thoroughly rendering the flesh and making the arm useless.

In his pain and obvious frustration, he thrust the sceptre once again toward my chest but I backed up and used my obvious advantage in reach due to my size to spin on my back foot as I sent a spinning back kick at his face.

A tumultuous thud echoed throughout the room as I used the first stance of Tiger Breathing in an unorthodox way to empower my leg as I kicked out. Loki flew away from me, his face bloodied and broken from my kick until he hit the wall behind him, embedding himself in it. He coughed up some blood from the sudden stop and his head dropped for a moment as he seemed to lose consciousness.

But as I approached him, his head snapped up, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, pooling onto his chest where more blood was pouring out.

"...H-how...?!" he croaked as I stood in front of his collapsed form which fell from his positioned embedded in the wall and onto his knees, "H-how?! I am a G-god!" he roared, stuttering as blood interfered with his speech. His roaring seemed to agitate his injuries and he went into a coughing fit, spluttering blood out onto the floor he was kneeling on.

Sheathing my blades yet keeping my guard up, I sharpened my senses to their maximum to make sure this was the real Loki and not some illusion.

It was the real one. I'd dealt with a few Demons with illusion abilities and I'd developed my instincts to the point where I could reflexively tell if I actively looked. This was Loki, looking ever so pathetic. I hummed as I looked down at him, "I'd say it's because you've never fought someone more powerful than you who's also simultaneously more skilled than you." I squatted in front of him and pointed a thumb to myself, "I have. I've fought people who outmatched me by miles. I've fought people who've scared the shit out of me. But you haven't, have you?" I questioned before standing up again, "You've been a prince since the day you were born, raised in a safe environment and loved by everyone around you. I doubt you've even went a day without some sort of food as a child. Quite simply, Loki, regardless of your advantages - you've been ruined by your upbringing and the arrogance that's infected your mind."

I kicked up the sceptre that had fallen out of his grip and grabbed it, spinning the weapon around before pointing the sharp end at Loki, "I should kill you. You've brought an army down on a city filled with innocents and had them slaughtered and culled. I'm not one for forgiveness nor sympathy for those who don't deserve it..." I trailed off before smiling as I remembered something, "But the coming times will be retribution for this. Remember what you did here today and know whatever happens is karma."

My hands blurred as I dropped the 'sceptre' and they homed in on the air right next to me. Despite hitting nothing but air, my hands wrapped around an object. One a neck, the other the real sceptre.

At some point he'd slipped away in an illusion and thought I hadn't noticed.

The fake sceptre faded away in a flash of green as Loki revealed himself, his illusion magic failing him in his shocked state. My hand tightened around his neck, "Don't think of me as another dense warrior like Thor. You magic is good but it isn't perfect," I smirked at his surprised expression, his eyes bulging and his face going red from my grip.

His illusions couldn't fool Transparent World, after all. Illusions don't have muscles or blood. They're convincing on the outside but they're hollow on the inside.

I easily wrested the sceptre from Loki's weakened grip and tossed him to the ground, hard. He slammed down, creating a crater and sending shards of stone all over the place.

Looking over the sceptre, I knew this was the real one and turned away from the downed prince. He was down and out of it after all I'd done to him, and I didn't need to kill him. He wouldn't be a problem anymore and after his display today with his invasion, he'll be more than punished when his mother dies. Cold, I know, but a man who brings an army to an innocent place needs no compassion from me.

Exiting the room, I made my way to some nearby stairs and went up. Knowing my luck, I might have to wait for the nuke to be deposited into the portal but I wouldn't drag my steps purely for that either.

If I can stop the need for the nuke in the first place, that would be best.

I soon reached the roof and I was met by two people - one a tall-ish man with thin hair and an ageing face. The other was the redhead from earlier - Black Widow, if I remember correctly. She met my appearance with wary eyes, while the man didn't even notice my approach. He was too busy looking in despair at what he'd created and what it had done to New York.

"Are you on our side?" Widow asked warily, her hands inching closer to the guns holstered at her waist.

"And if I wasn't?" I asked with a smirk, spinning the sceptre in my palm. She tensed for a second but I stopped playing around and chucked her the sceptre, "Don't get all tense, Widow. I'm on the side of stopping all this shit from happening," I gestured to the city that was in ruins and on fire in places. Taking a breath and sparing a glance for the man who made this portal under Loki's control, I turned back to Widow, "We closing this now or do we need it for nuke disposal?"

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise - normally hard to see for normal humans but my visual prowess was extraordinary after I unlocked my Demon Slayer Mark and subsequently Transparent World.

"How did you...Nevermind," she shook her head, obviously holding the thought for later when we were out of this shit, "Yes, we need it for that."

Clicking my tongue, I turned away from her and looked over the horizon, "Trust the higher ups to have such a scorched earth policy," I spat on the floor before deciding to make changes now, "Makes you wander if they're really as 'keep the world safe' as they say or if they have a hidden agenda or something*."

(*A/n - I know none of the higher, higher-ups are HYDRA but it might get Widow thinking if he implies it.)

I could sense Widow's gaze on me for a few more seconds but she seemed distracted by something in her headpiece. She started speaking to who I assumed was Stark - I could see him coming this way with a rather explosive payload on his back. Nonplussed, I sat down on the side of the building as I watched over New York.

I could see Thor blasting the portal with lightning, I could hear Hulk leaping around and causing calamitous destruction to the aliens and I had no doubt Hawkeye and Captain America were causing havoc wherever they were.

These were the heroes of this world. A little rough around the edges, for sure, but not the worst I'd ever seen. I doubt I'll have many problems with them for the most part.

As long as Stark keeps his ego in check, Captain America doesn't try and challenge my morals or virtues and Widow doesn't try and seduce me for information. As long as none of that happens, we should be fine and dandy. Though I doubt it'll be that easy considering I'll be seen as a suspicious party for my sudden appearance out of nowhere.

...I guess it can't be avoided. First off, I'll probably go off the grid after a chat with Fury. Maybe a trip to the Ancient One is in order to bolster my powers. I'm good against physical threats but against magical ones, my only option is to hope they can be killed by physical attacks and then take them out before they can stop me. That won't do in the long run - and hey, maybe the stuff in her collection can help me develop my physical prowess even further.

While I was thinking to myself, Stark flew up into the portal and Widow began pushing the sceptre through the energy field surrounding the machine that was producing the blue beam.

Standing, I walked over to where Widow was and got ready to give it a little extra push.

Widow was strong, sure, but even she was struggling when trying to push through the force field surrounding the machine. I'd say even John outside of his armor would struggle a little with it. But I was above and beyond that calibre after my time in my last world.

I looked up and saw the explosion taking out the control center and Stark falling back down to us. I put a finger on the end of the sceptre and helped the whole thing along.

Long story short, the portal was closed and Stark fell through just in time.

Talk about plot armor.

Empowering my legs with my breathing style, I leapt up and toward Stark, easily catching him and holding him despite his armour's impressive weight. We landed quite heavily but I was more than skilled enough to disperse the momentum into the ground below us to save injuring Stark more than he already was.

Placing him down, I ripped his mask off and pressed a hand against his chest plate. Ever so subtly, I sent a shockwave through my hand, through his armour and into his chest, giving his heart a quick restart.

It hadn't fully stopped but it was getting there because of oxygen deprivation starving the brain of it's most vital resource.

What can I say, I picked a few things up from Shinobu. Who knew her lessons would continue to help me.

Nostalgia aside, I stood up as Stark jolted awake and looked to me, his eyes wide and his expression shell-shocked, "Who...who the hell are you supposed to be? The Last Samurai or something?" he asked, breathless. While he took in gulps of air, I just looked down at my attire.

Do I really look that Japanese?

Pushing that aside, I answered the man clad in powered-down armor with a grin, "The guy who resuscitated you. A thank you would be nice."

"...You didn't give me mouth-to-mouth, right?" he asked looking up at me with a slightly fearful expression and I couldn't help but laugh at his first words. That's what he's worried about? After nearly dying via space and nuclear fallout? At least I know he's not lost the thing that makes him Tony Stark.

...This is an opportunity to play a prank. Ah~ How I miss messing with Zenitsu.

Rubbing at my lips, I gave him a look and answered, "Nice taste. You wear lip gloss or something?" I said and Tony Stark went as white as a sheet.

Man, it's good to be back in a world where people don't know to expect my pranks~

/ / /

"Fancy room," I said, dragging my finger across the metal table in front of me, "Very clean," I noted as I looked down at my finger. Sniffing at the air, I also added, "Sanitised air as well. Who'd you get to clean this place? I'd like to hire them."

The dark-skinned man opposite me seemed fed up with my attitude. The attitude I'd kept for the last five minutes as I talked about everything I could outside of what he obviously wanted to know.

Who says being old needs to make you a boring bastard? Messing about with youngsters is what gives this old man energy, you know?!

His only eye narrowed at me and he leaned forward, setting one of his hands on top of the other as he spoke, "Why don't you just answer this one question; who are you?" he asked and went silent again, trying the old 'mean eyes, serious face' trick to unsettle me. Pfft, please. I've had a stare down with Tanjiro when I said his little sister wasn't THAT cute. After that, not much else can compare.

"Yuji Itadori, a Demon Slayer," I answered, tapping a simple tune on the table, "But you don't know what those are, do you? Not surprising seeing as I just appeared in this place after I died," I continued tapping and it was obviously getting on his nerves. Seeing him about to refute my answer, I stopped him with a raised hand, "I know you don't believe me but it's the truth, my one-eyed friend. What else can I say? I've said all I can."

Why be this frank with him? Because why lie about something that'll no doubt come out? I died and appeared in this world - so what? It's happened twice before, so honestly, I know there's no real need to hide it with my current power level. Nothing they could do could keep me here anyway.

The man, Nick Fury, went quiet as he looked over at me, seemingly not intimidate by either my height nor my musculature.

"And how am I supposed to know you aren't just lying and that you aren't an alien spy that came along with the Chitauri?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at the insinuation that I was some sort of spy for Thanos or, as he was probably implying, Loki.

"Did you not see what I did to Loki? And you think I'm on his side?" I scoffed, "Look, One-Eyed Willy, there's nothing I can say that will instantly alleviate your worries that I'm some sort of spy - I mean, you're probably wary of anyone other than yourself because you're a spy. That's what spies do, they get paranoid. Listen," I said and looked down at the piece of paper I'd napped from Fury - some legal documents, I think - signalling Fury to look as well, "I'm not a spy, and I'm fine with you keeping tabs on me but I won't make it easy for whoever you send."

I knew there weren't any cameras in the surroundings - I used Transparent World to enhance my eye sight alongside my breathing style and I couldn't see any form of camera or microphone. This meeting was off the books and no doubt organised by Fury so that only he would know.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious.

On the paper, I wrote [Hydra is in SHIELD] and continued speaking as I turned the paper to him, "So, do we have anything else to discuss? Because I've got another bald person to visit."

Fury looked down at the paper, his eye widening ever so slightly before he took a double glance up at me and then back down at the paper again. He scrunched the paper up and stuffed it into his pocket before answering me, "...No, we don't. We'll be keeping tabs on you and making sure you don't do anything though. You know how it's gotta be."

And I did. I'd been in the military once upon a time. I knew how these sort of agencies worked because of that - they had their goals and those who might be a possible threat to those goals would be followed and investigated.

Besides, I doubt Fury could get an agent where I'm about to go. Nor would they be able to follow me until it's too late.

Standing up, I stretched my joints a little, "I'd like to say it was nice, Captain Hook, but it wasn't at all. See you later, alligator," I smirked at his expression as he was slowly getting pissed with what I was saying and how I kept referring to him as.

Then I disappeared. Well, not teleported disappeared. No, I was just that fast.

Goodbye, bald man. Hello, bald woman, here I come.

MC overpowering Loki so much is because Loki underestimated the MC but also because the MC is just that strong and skilled.

MC does have a mutant ability but it hasn't been awakened yet. Any suggestions for a power? Has to be physical in nature, so no telekinesis or blood manipulation. I have an idea of what I want but it never hurts to get suggestions from other people, does it? :)

I have other ideas on how to make the MC even stronger as well, but I do want suggestions on what else I can do to make him better. After all, he's strong but he's not 'beating Thanos' purple ass without help' strong just yet lol.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Dr_Scrivencreators' thoughts