
MCU: as an alchemist

a soul was reincarnated into the body of an out-of-lucky man, in a world full of HEroes, villains, and aliens, surviving ISn't exactly easy, thankfully he has alchemist system to help, turning hiM INto an abomination that no one saw COMING. --------------- WARNING: This fanfic takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including TV shows, movies, animated movies, and TV shows. However, it will primarily focus on TV shows like "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Daredevil." The story revolves around a self-centered man who views the world as insignificant and prioritizes only himself and his goals. The main character (MC) leans more toward the evil side of the spectrum, so he won't save anyone unless it benefits him. This story is all about benefits and growing stronger. He will not join the Avengers or other hero organizations; in fact, he might do the opposite. He will kill and commit other acts of evil, but don't expect a completely diabolical MC who slaughters everything in sight. Although he is evil, he won't always interfere with heroes if it doesn't benefit him, or if a villain achieving their goals would jeopardize his. Keep in mind that I am not evil; in fact, I am a softy, so I won't be able to write a completely diabolical character but trust me, I will try. I have a great reference, which is reverend insanity, so I might have him do diabolical things like getting the homeless and college kids high to test his new drug. To make it clear, this is about benefits. He will seek benefits and won't think with his "little brother" (but I can't promise anything). Also, he isn't a smartass. I will try not to make him dumb, but he will make mistakes. english isn't my first or second nor do i have an editor, so i will use tools to help EDIT, not write, so go easy on me. NO HAREM, i cant write that type of shit, but for a female lead, i was thinking of morgan le fay.

Bulale_Abali · Films
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128 Chs

World Domination: part 4 (chapter 121)

previously in chapter 120

Henry met his attack head-on, his body moving with supernatural speed. He dodged Kro's claws with ease, delivering a series of telekinetically enhanced blows that rocked the Deviant leader to his core. Each strike was precise, calculated, and devastating, leaving Kro reeling and off-balance. As the fight progressed, the environment around them continued to deteriorate. The ice cavern, once solid and unyielding, was now a volatile mix of melting ice and steam, the ground unstable under the heat and force of their battle. Cracks spread through the ice, causing large chunks to break off and fall into the abyss below.


Despite the intense heat and the shifting terrain, Henry remained in complete control. His movements were fluid, almost graceful, as he maneuvered around Kro's increasingly desperate attacks. The Deviant leader, sensing his impending defeat, unleashed a final, desperate assault, channeling all his strength into one last strike.

Henry merely smirked and caught Kro's arm mid-swing, holding it in place with telekinesis. With his other hand, he generated a concentrated psychic blast that he directed at Kro's head. The force of the blast shattered Kro's mental defenses, leaving him vulnerable and dazed.

Seizing the opportunity, Henry released a surge of fire that consumed Kro from the inside out. The Deviant leader's body convulsed as the flames tore through him, his form distorting and warping under the intense heat. His roars of agony echoed through the cavern until they were abruptly cut off as his body disintegrated into ash.

The remaining Deviants, seeing their leader's demise, attempted to flee, but Henry was relentless. He unleashed a final wave of telekinetic force that crushed them against the cavern walls, their bodies shattering like glass. The cavern, now devoid of life, was a smoldering ruin, the once-majestic ice formations reduced to puddles and steam.

Henry stood amidst the devastation, his expression one of calm satisfaction. He hadn't broken a sweat, nor had he felt pressured at any point during the battle. For him, this had been little more than an amusing exercise, a display of power to remind himself of his dominance.

With the Deviants eliminated, Henry sighed as he floated up, "Well, that was a nice warm-up," he thought to himself as he stored the corpses of the Deviants into the dimensional cube. Floating out of the cavern, he pondered his next move. "Next should be Ajak," he mused as he flew away using his telekinesis.

-Scene Change-

In the quiet expanse of a ranch in South Dakota, USA, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the fields. Ajak, the leader of the Eternals, stood leaning against a wooden fence, gazing out over the landscape. Her long, dark hair was tied back in a practical yet elegant style, and she wore simple, earthy colors that allowed her to blend seamlessly with her surroundings. Ajak carried herself with the dignity and wisdom of a leader who had observed the world for centuries, her deep, reflective eyes hinting at the many secrets she held.

But the calm, almost regal quality that usually defined her presence was shattered when Henry descended from the sky. His sudden appearance was so shocking that Ajak barely had time to react. Before she could move or even speak, Henry's telekinetic power snapped her neck with a swift, brutal motion. Her body crumpled, lifeless, but Henry didn't allow it to fall to the ground. Instead, he made her body float in the air, studying it with a detached interest.

As he inspected her, a golden sphere suddenly emerged from Ajak's body, floating in the air. Henry's eyes narrowed in curiosity as he telekinetically held the sphere, pondering its significance. "Hm," he murmured, considering what this strange object could be. It pulsed with a faint, otherworldly energy, something he had not encountered before.

Once he had finished, Henry glanced back at Ajak's corpse, ensuring there was nothing else of value. Finding nothing more. After a moment of contemplation, Henry decided to extract the essence from the sphere. Holding it firmly with his telekinesis, he focused his power, drawing out the energy contained within.

[ Name: Communication Sphere Essence ]

[ Grade: 6th ]

[ Description: Essence extracted from an artifact of extreme complexity, known as the Communication Sphere. This sphere enables its host to establish a direct link with Arishem the Judge, creating a simulated face-to-face conversation through generated illusions. The sphere resides within the upper chest of its host and can be transferred seamlessly between individuals without causing any physical discomfort or disturbance. ]

[ Effects: 500% enhanced communication with higher beings, 500% illusion generation, 500% mental clarity during communication, 500% seamless artifact transfer, 500% host compatibility, 500% connection stability ]

[ Deterioration-Rate: 0% ]

"Well, looks like I poked the hornet's nest," he sighed in annoyance as he began to ponder, "Did these fuckers keep in contact with a higher being?" As he started to think, "I need to finish this quickly, kill the rest of them," which is exactly what he did. He went back to London to kill Sprite, the Eternal with the body of a young girl who had the ability to conjure up illusions. It wasn't hard as long as you could sense her, though, which Henry, who had telepathy, could. He then extracted her essence before draining her blood. After killing Sprite, he went to a place in a remote area in the Australian Outback.

-Scene Change-

Gilgamesh stepped out of the small adobe house, nestled in the remote Australian Outback, carrying a bag of trash. His large, muscular frame moved with a surprising gentleness, his warm eyes scanning the horizon as he took in the solitude of their surroundings. Just as he turned to head back inside, he noticed a man standing a few feet away. The man's presence was almost unnervingly silent, and Gilgamesh's instincts flared.

"Who—" Gilgamesh began, but before he could finish, the man—Henry—closed the distance between them in an instant. With a single, devastating punch, Henry sent Gilgamesh flying backward, crashing through the wall of the house. The impact sent shockwaves through the structure, causing the walls to splinter and the roof to shudder. "Gilgamesh!" A woman's voice rang out with alarm. Thena, tall and ethereal, with platinum-blonde hair, appeared from within the house. Her striking beauty was only heightened by the golden armor that materialized around her in a flash of cosmic energy. Her pale eyes, usually distant and lost in thought, were now wide with concern as she saw Gilgamesh groaning as he pulled himself from the wreckage.


A/N keep the stones coming peasants, or...or...i will this brutally kill this thing