
MCU × Ben 10

A boy from our world is reincarnated into the MCU world with the powers of 7 Ben 10 aliens. Read how his presence affects the entire MCU World. [This fanfiction only contains the story of the MCU universe (Avengers franchise) and no other Marvel movies.]

book_paradise · Films
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Offer to Fury

Even after hearing Fury's question, Ethan remained quiet and did not have any change in his expressions.

Fury continued, "Of the 10 million you received, you instantly spent 8.5 million of that to buy yourself a big property in the upstate."

He gazed hard at Ethan with his one eye, "From rags to riches... quite a story you have, Ethan Alcardo. We rarely hear stories of such kind."

Ethan chuckled as if mocking the intelligence of Fury, "You had your answer in your question itself."

"As you said, I registered a consultancy firm to provide consultancy... and that money was my fees for the consultancy service I provided to Tony Stark."

"May I know, what advice did you give you to Tony stark?" Asked Fury. "And when did you exactly do that? That Tony did not even reach his house before transferred the money for you."

Ethan shook his head, "That is a trade secret. You cannot just expect me to reveal my secrets."

"And maybe Tony was very satisfied with my services and hence he did not want to delay the payment. It could be the reason for his haste."

In time it took to blink an eye, Natasha clocked her gun and placed it on Ethan's head.

"Just answer what are you asked for," she said calmly with an expressionless face but her eyes were intense.

Ethan raised his hands in mock surrender, "You really won't kill a civilian. Will you?"

"Or maybe this bald man is really a pirate?" Ethan mocked Fury.

Natasha was to speak something more when she felt a twist in her hand. She lost the grip of her gun, felt a force taking hold of her neck and pulling her.

Till the time it took her to understand the situation, she was leaning with her back on Ethan and the same gun was placed on her head.

Ethan's other hand was around her necks and no matter what force she applied, the hand did not budge a bit.

Meanwhile, on the backseat, Fury and Maria's expression tensed.

Ethan almost leaned too close to Natasha and muttered, "Quite a wild one you are..."

He turned towards Fury with a mocking expression on his face, "Next time when you come to me... come better prepared or come with a business deal."

He took out his metallic card of Omni Consultancy Service from his front pocket and flung it towards Fury. Fury took hold of the card and looked at with a raised eyebrow.

"The question you asked me, has a price of 15 million," said Ethan to Fury.

Ethan without any hesitation let go of Natasha and tucked the gun in between her legs with a lecherous grin.

He unlocked the car got and stepped down while the 3 occupants of the room could only look at him.

Ethan was about to move but he stopped.

"And yes... I only spare beautiful girls, so next time if you send someone after me, expect few dead bodies."

With this Ethan walked away with a nonchalant and carefree attitude. He was completely casual not acting like that he had just been threatened by a gun and then did the same.




When Ethan was finally out of sight, Natasha's shoulder which were stiff slumped in relief. Even Fury took a deep breath.

"What do you think of him, agent Natasha?" Questioned Fury after few moments of silence.

"Too dangerous. I did not even see him moving when he took hold of me," she murmured in a whisper.

It had been years she had met someone of her calibre in combat and Ethan was way out of her league. The way the gun was snatched away from her… the way she was pulled… how could she not even budge when in Ethan's grip let alone freeing herself, constantly replayed in her mind.

Despite his casual demeanour, Ehtan screamed danger.

"If he wished... he could have killed us all in moments," she finished in a defeated tone.

"True..." muttered Fury with a contemplative look. "Coming here with the only 3 of us was a mistake."

Maria Hill was also perplexed. Her senses were also screaming at her.

"We need a detailed plan to deal with him," said Fury.

"Maybe could offer him a deal," suggested Maria with an unsure tone.

"15 million…" muttered Fury. This was the price Ethan had asked for the answer. Fury was an experienced and crooked man and he would never completely shut down a way.




While Ethan was walking towards his rundown apartment and Fury was contemplating his future actions, Tony Stark had just finished his announcement of shutting down the arms division of Stark Industries.

Basically, Stark Industries have no business left because arms were what they produced.

And a mayhem had ensued. The stock prices of Stark Industries were already on their lowest after Tony's kidnapping and had just started to recover after the news of his rescue broke out.

But now, soon after this announcement, the stock prices had plunged into another downward spiral.

And one man was going to reap out the maximum benefit from this plunge.




When Ethan reached his apartment, the stock prices were already at their lowest and they would remain there for a quite some time; till Tony Stark comes up with his clean energy programmes.


And Ethan without any hesitation bought shares of Stark Industries worth 1 million dollar out of his remaining 1.5 million dollars.


He looked around his apartment and then at the dilapidated bed, "Last day in this poverty hole."




[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


Replace @ with a.]

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]