
Maybe a Hero!? (A Doraemon Fanfiction)

In a parallel universe of Doraemon, Nobita who lost his everything to the demons and magical beasts which started running rampant and killing many people. Even then he managed survive for 16 whole years, which only gave him more misery and as he watched his loved ones die and died while fighting the same breed he finds himself 16 years back, 12 years old.So...will he be able to protect his loved ones this time around. Come and follow him in his journey to the top.

Pokekiller666 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter-5: One doom away........

Today...is the day.....! The day when everything will collapse...! The day that once took my everything away from me and will again many other people's everything, including their lives.

It's been six months since I returned to past 16 years back. I don't know what unknown phenomenon brought me here, but what I know is this world is about to go through a "Huge Change", that will first destroy the world and then recreate it to such a height no one would have ever imagined. It will be tragedy for some while for some an 'opportunity', to make something out of their lives. For me, it was a disaster. My whole world shook because of this, I lost my everything.

Today, on this day, I will be redeeming all my mistakes by saving those I couldn't before and...by killing those I should've. Atleast I won't back down like a gutless s****y coward, I did back then. I'm not me from back then...not the coward anymore....

I was on the back mountain of our school, looking at the scenery that I once took for granted. This once beautiful scenery will once again disappear from this world and what replaces it will be a gory scene of monsters running amok and dead bodies piling up on the streets, giving it a crimson color. I said to myself "So beautiful" and walked down the mountain. Today I bunked school and roamed the street, the time is 7:45 am and the apocalypse will start in somewhere around 2:40 pm.

I kept roaming aimlessly looking at the stores, vehicles moving around and people going around their own business.

At the moment I had a weird feeling. I felt helpless for a moment. Why? I know what is going to happen in future, but cannot save everyone.

Many I know, will die today and I won't be saving them 'cause I already have a lot on my plate. It's not like I don't want to but can't.

My family is most important here for me, I can't afford to worry about some unknown people and endanger my family.

As I kept walking, I heard whispers all around me. Most of them was from girls.

They were saying things like 'Look, look at that that guy over there. Do you know college he goes to?' or 'Hey, you think I should ask for his number?" things like that.

Since I started training, I have grown really buff, my height has grown to 5"10. I don't even look like elementary school student anymore.

I was wearing a black tshirt along with blue jeans, which was my dad's because my old clothes doesn't fit me anymore.

My parents were shocked about my changes in these few months but didn't nag me much. But there is a different problems....

"Hey, Oni-chan. I am Sayuri, I was actually looking at you for a long time and wanted to know you more. Can we share numbers and get to know each other~~." A high school came to me and said to me in a somewhat Coquettish tone. She looked like a typical gyaru with blonde hair and big....ahem.....things.

So it became a qute a Normal thing since a month ago when I turned buff and man....it was unrealistic.

Let alone muscles even my height grew to something a elementary schooler mostly don't have. Even with that I don't know about the girls thing here.

Like my face actually same, why would they come after me like Hor*y Bi**hes who were s**ually deprived. Like hell....

But I have to agree the girl was hot, if it was the past me I would've been fawning over her, drooling and stuttering to say anything.

But I said to her "Sorry, I'm in quite a hurry and also forgot my phone. Although it's a shame to turn down a beautiful lady like you but I have to be somewhere really quick."

I was cringing inside so hard but didn't wanted be rude. So I continue " Now, if you pardon me."

The girl didn't say anything and stood there like a statue and nodded dumbly.

I taking the chance left that place in a hurry. I kept walking and thought inside "What's the problem with the girls nowadays?"

Meanwhile the girl in question was daydreaming about Nobita, thinking that she had found her prince, determined to chase him for a long time. Sad for her she wouldn't get the chance.

Nobita oblivious to this kept walking toward his home having his mind occupied about his future activities.

I got in front of a familiar house and thought "I still can't get used to this feeling. Huh?"

I got inside my house, put my shoes off and wore the slippers. I started to move towards the living room where sat a middle man and woman along with a cute little kid on the woman's lap.

They were watching a live performance of some cute girl group singing their best songs.

The little boy looked behind, his eyes sparkled like stars.

"Bwadeeeeerrrrrr" he squealed and ran towards me.

Satoshi came over to me and hugged me tightly. My parents also looked behind after seeing his actions.

My mom said "NOBITA.....how many times have I told you to MAKE A NOISE when you come in...." or....maybe screamed.

Although I quite liked getting scolded by her, I turned serious and said "Mom, don't go outside today!"

Mom looked at me weirdly and said "Why? I was about to go to the market to buy ingredients for dinner."

I said in a firm tone "Not today! Please Mom. I will explain everything in a few hours."

My Dad interjected "Why not now, Nobita?" to which I replied "Please don't make it difficult Dad, just for few hours. Wait!" in a firm tone that had Dad shaken.

Sato also didn't say anything after seeing me like this. He was a smart kid, different from the past me.

Without saying anything more I got to the top floor. I was sure they would listen to what I said. Despite my past incompetence in these past six months I showed a different side of me to them, the mature one.

So, I don't think they'll take my word lightly. Just like that I got to my room and sat on my chair and waited patiently for the "Event".

Slowly time passed. 30 minutes before doom, 20 minutes before doom, 10 minutes before doom...10 seconds before doom..."...7...6...5...4..." I counted and "...2...1...0" times up. I waited to sense some changes in the environment but... nothing happened.

I thought "Was I wrong,...is it not the date?" I started to doubt my memory and thought I was wrong about the date.

But then...something changed. I screamed internally


Heyo, guys I'm back with another chapter. I'm quite thankful to reader "Panell" for the comment on chapter 4. It really made me happy that this fanfic is getting recognition and please keep supporting this fanfic.

See ya and take care.

Pokekiller666creators' thoughts