
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · Horreur
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112 Chs

Chapter Eight

" It is time for purification for all of you that witness this sight." Imade said taking the remaining blood in the bowl down the altar to the auditorium. She stopped at the pool side and pour the blood in the pool.

" Aramenh!"The priestess said as she put her hands in the water and scoop little content to drink.

Then Imade continue her walk to the auditorium, when she got to the auditorium she dips two fingers into the bowl and gently place it on individual heads. She make sure she went round and purify every last member of the cult,she then went back to the pool and place the bowl in front of the priestess.

" you are cleanse". the priestess said as she dip her finger inside the blood and place it on Imade's head.

"Arameh!" she responded.

" Now ttake the rest of the blood and pour it into the pool of blood as the tradition demands". The priestess said and she took the bowl and walk to the pool then empty the content in the pool of blood that never runs dry.

"We can now all return to our various home in peace, no cause for alarm anymore!!". Alaska said and the people started walking out of the shine.

" Alaska come with me". The priestess said walking into the inner room and Alaska followed behind her.

"What is it?"

"We must burn up Matoe body in the hot flames". The priestess said.

"Oh common Cecilia". Alaska said calling her by her name.

"I know what I saw and I am not please with it, if we leave his body he might comeback". She said a little afraid.

" Don't worry, he is never coming back. I already cast spell on him, he can never be reincarnated".

" But ...... if he can never the reincarnated, his spirit can roam and enter any carefree human out there."

She laughs" Don't worry I have that cover up. Don't you get? I blocked all his means of coming back!".

" He is doom to never return and even if he did return, he can't come near this cult. Never, ever again".

"Okay!" She sign giving up on the topic.

"What do we do to his body?".

" I already ask the mininatoes to take him and prepare a good grave site for him. they will bury him somewhere in the hills."

" He might be a criminal but he still deserve a proper burial as a member of this cult". Alaska added.

" I don't see it that way, I see it like you still have something for him ." Cecilia challenged her.

"Look Cecilia, you can see it whatever way you like. And if I still have feeling for him, I will be the one who judge that not you". She said as she stood up.

"Can I have my leave, I still have a lot of things to do?"

" I hope you don't later regret this decision of yours in the Nearest Future". Cecilia told her.

"I will take that as a yes". she said and walk out of her.