
Mated to the Cursed Werepire

Warning: Mature Content. No Rape. The truth will make her free, but could she handle this particular truth? Would she accept the freedom it brings? Excerpt. "What am I doing in your room?" Karina narrowed her eyes, waiting for the answer to that one question she just couldn't figure out the answer. "I should be asking you that. What are you doing in my room?" Veron decided to play with her mind a little. But seeing how her jaw was working, and the pressure she was applying on her head, he decided to tell her what happened, saving her the stress of trying to remember. "What's wrong with your head?" "I have a headache." She answered with gritted teeth. "Skye, get me that medicine for headache." He instructed via mind-link, then moved his feet again. "HEY! I SAID DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Karina yelled, glaring at him as if she would attack him if he takes one more step. "Get that dirty thought out of your head. I don't do shit with anyone without their consent." Veron remarked, annoyed at her thoughts and reactions toward him. "Also, I don't find men attractive." "Who are you calling a… Wait…" Karina paused, realizing this may be a good opportunity to keep him away from her. "Yes… I am a man and you definitely shouldn't find men attractive." She accepted and Veron's expression died. However, Gerrard burst out laughing. "Oh, this is perfect," Gerrard commented, enjoying himself. "You are a man," Veron repeated. "Yes, I am." Karina nodded her head. "Take off your shirt." "WHAT!" Karina exclaimed in shock and unconsciously clutched the front of her shirt. What has come over him? Didn't he just say he doesn't find men attractive? Why the hell was he saying she should take off her shirt? "If you are a man as you claim, you shouldn't have a problem standing before me without a shirt on." Veron pointed out, standing in that same spot and keeping his eyes on her. As much as he found this funny, he refused to join Gerrard in laughing to his heart's content. Hearing what he just said, Karina realized he was right. Men had no problem undressing before their fellow men, just as she had no problem undressing before Nori. Karina frowned and quickly thought of a way out, seeing he was indeed waiting for her to undress. "I am a different kind of man." She blurted, and Gerrard laughed even harder than he did the first time, rolling his body on the floor. "Oh, goddess… This is classic." Gerrard said amidst his laughter. He couldn't remember when last he heard anything as funny as what he just heard. "A different kind of man?" Veron asked and when she nodded, he added another question. "When did that specie come into existence?" "Today?" Karina answered, sounding unsure. *** Karina Harper is the sheltered first daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harper, whose childhood experiences forced her and her parents to put certain restrictions on her life. Following the set down rules religiously, she encountered no problems in her life until the first day she spoke with Veron Silver, the most feared and most wanted student on campus.  She soon realized that everything she had believed to be true, was a lie, forcing her to question her very existence.  But who knew that the person who opened her eyes to the truth was keeping his identity a secret from her? How would she react when she finds out he was not what she thought he was?

Veekee_Lee · Fantaisie
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270 Chs

Rest in pieces

"I will not touch her again, Gerrard. If that is what you are thinking, then forget about it." Veron stated sternly, killing Gerrard's high spirit.

"Why? You can't tell me you didn't feel what I felt." Gerrard queried.

"I felt it and I'm regretting it. I won't let you push me into doing something like that again." Veron admitted, but his last statement shocked Gerrard.

"Push you? Are you going to accuse me of this too?" Gerrard questioned with incredulity.

"Yes. Everything I do and have done concerning that girl is your fault." Veron accused

"She has a name." Gerrard reminded.

"And I don't care. Stop making me do things I'll end up regretting. My life was going quite well without her in it, and I want it to continue that way." Veron complained, voicing his frustrations.

When Gerrard said nothing after some time, Veron narrowed his eyes and was about to ask why the former was silent. Just when the question was about to spill out, Gerrard spoke.

"Stop lying to yourself, Veron."

"What do you mean by that?" Veron's brows pulled together in confusion.

"You are in denial, and looking for who to blame for actions clearly carried out by you," Gerrard explained further.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"And there you go proving what I just said. Own up to your actions. Everything you did in that club was not influenced by anyone but yourself." Gerrard pointed out, then continued when Veron's frown deepened.

"You flared up simply because you saw her taking the hand of a man and going with him, even though I was unbothered about it."

"You were okay with seeing her with another man?" Veron butted in with a question.

"I never said that. I just didn't act on it because knowing you, I believed you wouldn't care. But guess what? You surprised me too." Gerrard elucidated.

"Also, you tensed up the moment Skye mind linked you, sensing it had something to do with her. As soon as he said she was abducted, you sprang to your feet and went looking for her even before I could react.

That again was another surprise. The second one in such a short time. Which leaves me questioning if I really know you."

"Liar. You were alarmed as well when Skye said she had been abducted." Veron said in an accusing tone.

"I never said I wasn't. What I said was that you reacted before I did." Gerrard explained calmly.

"No matter what you say, this is still all your fault." Veron insisted, refusing to accept that he had anything to do with what happened.

"Instead of blaming me, you should be asking yourself why you are acting so out of character. I know why, and I can tell you if you want even though I know you will still end up denying it." Gerrard's voice was relaxed, almost as if he was enjoying a nice downtown ride.

Veron, however, was conflicted. He knew deep down within him that Gerrard wasn't all that incorrect, and he really wanted to know why he did what he just did.

But he didn't want to ask Gerrard, knowing the wolf will just say something ridiculous.

"Why?" He finally decided to ask, at least to confirm the nonsense his wolf will say.

"Because you have come to like her just as much if not more than I do." Gerrard gave him the answer and Veron's expression died.

"Yeah right. What was I expecting? You never disappoint."

"Deny it all you want, but that is the truth. The sudden rush of jealousy, the intense need to protect her, the—"

"Shut up. All these things were influenced by you." Veron cut Gerrard off, wanting to hear no more of the nonsense he was saying or thinking.

"Tsk... Suit yourself, prince Veron." Gerrard clicked his tongue in resignation.

"Don't call me that."

"I'm not Skye, Veron. You can't intimidate me into calling you what you like. I will call you what you are and there is nothing you can do about it." Gerrard stated and Veron just let him be. There was no use arguing about this because he would never win against Gerrard.

The vibrating sound of his phone pulled him out of his thoughts. He grabbed the phone and seeing it was Skye calling, he picked it up.

"It's time Veron. We need to leave now." Skye's voice rang out.

"I'll be there in a few," Veron responded, then ended the call. He started the car again and drove away from there.


Meanwhile, Skye stood beside Mark's corpse. There was a complicated expression on his face as he studied the dried-up corpse lying at his feet. Veron's trademark. A sign that he was extremely angry.

Mark was unrecognizable. He looked so shrunken and dry that if Skye placed a foot on his head, it will collapse and disintegrate like a pile of dust.

It's been a long time since Veron killed someone this way. And Skye was grateful for that. Over the years, Veron had learned to control his bloodlust and thirst. He could now do with animal blood, something he would never settle for in the past.

Another good thing was that if he craves human blood, he could take blood without killing his victim. That again was something that never happened in the past. His thirst was insatiable, so anyone he drinks from ends up dead, but never dried up like what he was looking at now.

This was the extreme case where Veron drinks until there isn't a single drop of blood remaining. How he does it, Skye couldn't fathom. But Veron would not let go until the individual looked like what Mark looks like now — dried and unrecognizable. And this only happens when Veron is angry.

A chill ran up Skye's spine at the realization. This was not good for anyone. He hoped Veron would not return to what he used to be.

Releasing a sigh, he stepped on Mark's head, crushing it into dust. He did the same thing to other parts of his body until what was left was a pile of dust in the distorted shape of a human body.

"Rest in pieces, Mark," Skye muttered, then turned around and walked out of the room.

As soon as he reached the garage, he saw Veron's car approaching. He let out another sigh, knowing a few more hours of trouble awaits them.

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