
Mated to the Cursed Werepire

Warning: Mature Content. No Rape. The truth will make her free, but could she handle this particular truth? Would she accept the freedom it brings? Excerpt. "What am I doing in your room?" Karina narrowed her eyes, waiting for the answer to that one question she just couldn't figure out the answer. "I should be asking you that. What are you doing in my room?" Veron decided to play with her mind a little. But seeing how her jaw was working, and the pressure she was applying on her head, he decided to tell her what happened, saving her the stress of trying to remember. "What's wrong with your head?" "I have a headache." She answered with gritted teeth. "Skye, get me that medicine for headache." He instructed via mind-link, then moved his feet again. "HEY! I SAID DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Karina yelled, glaring at him as if she would attack him if he takes one more step. "Get that dirty thought out of your head. I don't do shit with anyone without their consent." Veron remarked, annoyed at her thoughts and reactions toward him. "Also, I don't find men attractive." "Who are you calling a… Wait…" Karina paused, realizing this may be a good opportunity to keep him away from her. "Yes… I am a man and you definitely shouldn't find men attractive." She accepted and Veron's expression died. However, Gerrard burst out laughing. "Oh, this is perfect," Gerrard commented, enjoying himself. "You are a man," Veron repeated. "Yes, I am." Karina nodded her head. "Take off your shirt." "WHAT!" Karina exclaimed in shock and unconsciously clutched the front of her shirt. What has come over him? Didn't he just say he doesn't find men attractive? Why the hell was he saying she should take off her shirt? "If you are a man as you claim, you shouldn't have a problem standing before me without a shirt on." Veron pointed out, standing in that same spot and keeping his eyes on her. As much as he found this funny, he refused to join Gerrard in laughing to his heart's content. Hearing what he just said, Karina realized he was right. Men had no problem undressing before their fellow men, just as she had no problem undressing before Nori. Karina frowned and quickly thought of a way out, seeing he was indeed waiting for her to undress. "I am a different kind of man." She blurted, and Gerrard laughed even harder than he did the first time, rolling his body on the floor. "Oh, goddess… This is classic." Gerrard said amidst his laughter. He couldn't remember when last he heard anything as funny as what he just heard. "A different kind of man?" Veron asked and when she nodded, he added another question. "When did that specie come into existence?" "Today?" Karina answered, sounding unsure. *** Karina Harper is the sheltered first daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harper, whose childhood experiences forced her and her parents to put certain restrictions on her life. Following the set down rules religiously, she encountered no problems in her life until the first day she spoke with Veron Silver, the most feared and most wanted student on campus.  She soon realized that everything she had believed to be true, was a lie, forcing her to question her very existence.  But who knew that the person who opened her eyes to the truth was keeping his identity a secret from her? How would she react when she finds out he was not what she thought he was?

Veekee_Lee · Fantasy
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270 Chs

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Nori and Chloe responded at the same time, making Karina sigh tiredly and pinched the skin between her brows.

"What do you mean no? That is a very reasonable suggestion and you are saying no. I see you are bent on ruining my life." Chloe huffed, glaring at Nori.

"Who is ruining your life? Why are you scared of the police if you have nothing to hide?"

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"No. You are doing the accusation yourself."

"Nori," Karina called, hoping to get her sister's attention, but the latter didn't even glance at her. She kept her glaring gaze on Chloe.

"I don't even know why you are the one overreacting about this. You should let your sister make a decision for herself. She was the one affected, not you." Chloe sneered, agitated at Nori's insistence.

"It is no business of yours if I speak for her or not." Nori retorted, and Chloe snorted.

"Of course it is. She is older than you. Let her speak for herself. Stop acting like you're older than she is, or you're her mother."

"And I just told you to keep your nose out of our business."


"Stay out of this, Rina." Nori cut Karina off, surprising her and at the same time, infuriating her.

"No, you stay out of this, Nori. Why are you blowing this thing out of proportion? We'll go to the school authority once it's morning to report this, and we'll head to the police if there's a need for that." Karina decided before she turned to Chloe.

"And you, don't talk to my sister like that again. As she has said, keep your nose out of our business. Who speaks for who should not concern you." Karina narrowed her eyes as she gazed at Chloe.

"The way you are acting is even enough for someone to suspect you have done something wrong. You both should quit giving me a headache. I want to sleep." As soon as the words left her mouth, she turned from them and moved to her bunk, taking off the jacket Veron gave her earlier.

Folding the jacket, she kept it aside, with the intention of returning it to him later in the day after class. Just as she was about to take off the dress, Chloe's words before they left the hostel earlier re-echoed in her ears. "Don't ruin my dress."

Well, the dress was ruined beyond repair now, and she wasn't going to pay for it. After all, it was no fault of hers. If she wanted to blame someone for her misfortune tonight, she would put the blame on Chloe.

Even though she understood why Nori was insisting on involving the police, she didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. There were so many questions in her head about everything that happened, but now was not the time to talk about it.

After changing into her own comfortable clothes, she climbed up to the top bunk, ignoring Chloe and Nori, who were still eyeing each other unpleasantly. She could hear movements around the room, and someone muttering some words angrily, but she turned her face to the wall to properly ignore them.

Laying on her side, she tried to blank out every thought from her mind, so she could fall asleep, but it didn't work.

One particular thought just refused to go away. Veron helps her and later acts so cold toward her. Why did he do that? If he wasn't comfortable helping her, then why did he do it in the first place?

After a few minutes, the sleep she so much sought finally enveloped her, and before she knew it, she was already in dreamland.


Veron drove away from the front of the hostel, but didn't drive very far before he stopped the car by the roadside. Gripping the steering so hard that the shape of the metal distorted, he mentally bashed himself as his anger soared.

Why he was angry? He didn't know. Or maybe he knew, but didn't want to admit it. He had broken his vow of never talking to or having anything to do with Karina. Today was another mating ceremony, making it one year since he found her.

One year of indulging in her scent without speaking a word to her or caring what she did with her life - even though there was nothing much happening in her life that he could see.

Only for him to get angry because she was talking to another man, and jump in to rescue her at the mention of her being abducted.

'What the fuck is wrong with you, Veron? Why the hell did you do that?' He mentally asked himself, running his hand through his thick mane.

"Why are you quiet?" Veron asked after some time, frowning, realizing it was unusual for Gerrard to be quiet at a time like this. His wolf would have laughed at his woes, berated him, or even said something to make him angry.

"I'm in love," Gerrard uttered in an excited airy voice, making Veron grimace in disgust.

"Tsk... Talking to you is useless." Veron deadpanned, releasing the steering from his deadly grip, and leaning back against the headrest.

"What? Am I not supposed to fall in love again?" Gerrard asked in an irritated voice.

"I thought you were in love already." Veron reminded.

"Of course, I was. However, the feeling I got from meeting her and inhaling her scent every day is different from the one I just got when you touched her. You touched her, Veron, and damn... I felt that."

Hearing what Gerrard said, Veron unconsciously moved his right thumb over the rest of his fingers. He would be lying if he said he didn't hesitate before letting go of her hand at the garage. It was ridiculous, but he wanted to hold on to that hand forever.

"Veron?" Gerrard called in a sweet voice, and Veron's hand froze as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Whenever Gerrard sounded like that, he wanted to make a ridiculous request or suggestion.

"You have to—"

"No, Gerrard. Don't even think about it." Veron cut Gerrard off, but the latter just laughed mischievously.

"Hehe... I'm already thinking about it, Veron."

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