
Mass Effect: Paragons Pursuit

What does a soul do when it needs to heal. What else, but to indulge itself.

Altered_State_127 · Jeux vidéo
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Shakedown Run

POV: Narrative

Deep in space there is a ship the likes of which have never been seen before. A frigate class of Human-Turrian design. However no one yet knows that it isn't the ship that is special, but someone abord it that will leave legends in her wake. 

Seen in the bowels of the ship is a woman strapping on her armor and weapon kit. Once she's finished equipping her gear a voice is heard over the intercom.

{JOKER: The Arcturus Prime relay is in range. Initiating transmission sequence.}

The woman nods to herself. 'Time to get a move on.' She walks over to the elevator and waits for it to descend. A minute later she's inside riding it back to the top. 'God this thing is always slow. Stupid Turian design.' Once the doors open she turns left and starts up the stairs. Walking through the automatic door she is greeted by a marine on shift. 

Jenkins stands at attention. "Shepherd." Shepherd nods back "At ease." Shepherd continues forward being greeted by the rest of the crew who see her.

{We are connected. Calculating transit mass and destination. The relay is hot. Acquiring approach vector. All stations secure for transit.}

Shepard walks toward the cockpit as the Normandy gets closer to the mass relay. She enters the cockpit and stands still next to a Turian. Both who are behind the pilot, Joker.

{The board is green. Approach run has begun. Hitting the relay in 3...2...1…}

The Normandy makes its first trip through a mass relay.

{Thrusters, check. Navigation, check. Internal emissions sink engaged. All systems online. Drift...just under 1500 K.}

The Turian speaks up at this point. "1500 is good. Your captain will be pleased."

The Turian leaves the cockpit. Joker looks at Kaidan, who is sitting next to him, on his right. "I hate that guy." "Nihlus gave you a compliment...so you hate him?"

"You remember to zip your jumpsuit on the way out of the bathroom? That's good. I just jumped us halfway across the galaxy and hit a target the size of a pinhead. So that's incredible. Besides, Spectres are trouble. I don't like having him on board. Call me paranoid."

"You're paranoid. The Council helped fund this project. They have a right to send someone to keep an eye on their investment."

"Yeah, that is the official story. But only an idiot believes the official story."

At this point Shepherd enters the conversation. "They don't send Spectres on shakedown runs." Joker nods his head. "So there's more going on here than the captain's letting on."

CAPTAIN ANDERSON: {Joker. Status report.}

{Just cleared the mass relay, Captain. Stealth systems engaged. Everything looks solid.}

{Good. Find a comm buoy and link us into the network. I want mission reports relayed back to Alliance brass before we reach Eden Prime.}

{Aye, aye, Captain. Better brace yourself, sir. I think Nihlus is headed your way.}

{He's already here, Lieutenant. Tell Commander Shepard to meet me in the comm room for a debriefing.}

Joker looks back at Shepard "You get that, Commander?"

Shep nods deep in thought. "He sounds angry. Something must have gone wrong with the mission."

"Pff. Captain always sounds like that when he's talking to me."

Kaiden shakes his head. "I can't possibly imagine why."

Shepard makes her way to the comm room and enters upon arrival. Nihlus stops watching a picture of Eden Prime from the projector in front of him and turns around to greet Shepard.

"Commander Shepard. I was hoping you'd get here first. It will give us a chance to talk." Shepherd crosses her arms. "The captain said he'd meet me here."

"He's on his way. I'm interested in this world we're going to — Eden Prime. I've heard it's quite beautiful." Shepherd nods."They say it's a paradise."

"Yes... a paradise. Serene. Tranquil. Safe. Eden Prime has become something of a symbol for your people, hasn't it? Proof that humanity can not only establish colonies across the galaxy, but also protect them. But how safe is it, really?" Shepherd drops her hands and stares at him. "Do you know something?"

"Your people are still newcomers, Shepard. The galaxy can be a very dangerous place. Is the Alliance truly ready for this?" Anderson enters the comm room. "I think it's about time we told the commander what's really going on."

Nihlus sighs and nods at Andersons words. "This mission is far more than a simple shakedown run." Shepherd goes back to crossing her arms "I figured there was something you weren't telling us."

Anderson steps in to speak. "We're making a covert pick-up on Eden Prime. That's why we needed the stealth systems operational."

"There must be a reason you didn't tell me about this, sir."

"This comes down from the top, Commander. Information strictly on a need-to-know basis. A research team on Eden Prime unearthed some kind of beacon during an excavation. It was Prothean."

"I thought the Protheans vanished ages ago".

Nihlus steps back into the conversation. "Their legacy still remains. The mass relays, the Citadel, our ship drives -- it's all based on Prothean technology."

Anderson nods. "This is big, Shepard. The last time humanity made a discovery like this, it jumped our technology forward two hundred years. But, Eden Prime doesn't have the facilities to handle something like this. We need to bring the beacon back to the Citadel for proper study."

"Look Shepherd, obviously this goes beyond mere human interests. This discovery could affect every species in Council space."

Shepherd looks at Anderson. "Why didn't we keep the beacon for ourselves?"

Nihlus is the one to answer. "You humans don't have the best reputation. Some species see you as selfish. Too unpredictable. Too independent. Even dangerous."

Anderson shakes his head. "Sharing that beacon will improve relations with the Council. Plus, we need their scientific expertise. They know more about the Protheans than we do."

Nihlus looks straight at Shepard. "The beacon's not the only reason I'm here, Shepard."

"Nihlus wants to see you in action, Jane. He's here to evaluate you."

"What's going on, Captain?" Jane looks back and forth from both.

Anderson walks up and places his hands on Shepards shoulders. "The Alliance has been pushing for this for a long time. Humanity wants a larger role in shaping interstellar policy. We want more say with the Citadel Council. The Spectres represent the Council's power and authority. If they accept a human into their ranks, it shows how far the Alliance has come."

Nihlus pulls up a recording of the Skyllian Blitz. "You held off an enemy assault during the Blitz single-handedly. You showed not only courage but also incredible skills. That's why I put your name forward as a candidate for the Spectres."

"Why would a turian want a human in the Spectres?"

Nihlus turns the project off. "Not all turians resent humanity. Some of us see the potential of your species. We see what you have to offer to the rest of the galaxy... and to the Spectres. We are an elite group. It's rare to find an individual with the skills we seek. I don't care that you're human, Shepard. I only care that you can do the job."

"I assume this is good for the Alliance Captain."

Anderson nods. "Earth needs this, Shepard. We're counting on you."

"I need to see your skills for myself, Commander. Eden Prime will be the first of several missions together."

"You'll be in charge of the ground team. Secure the beacon and get it onto the ship ASAP. Nihlus will accompany you to observe the mission."

Shepard nods her head. "Just give the word, Captain."

"We should be getting close to Eden-"

JOKER: {Captain! We've got a problem.}

"What's wrong, Joker?"

JOKER: {Transmission from Eden Prime, sir. You better see this!}

"Bring it up on screen."

Shepard, Anderson, and Nihlus look at the screen.

Alliance members are under attack. A soldier (Ashley Williams) gets close to the screen.


The camera shows her firing at an unseen enemy, followed by images of a ship.

A man appears and starts shouting out. "We are under attack! Taking heavy casualties. I repeat: heavy casualties! We can't…argh! –-eed evac! They came out of nowhere. We need–"

The man gets hurt by an unseen enemy. Other soldiers stare astonished at a ship. The camera shows its image and is followed by a grey screen.

JOKER: {Everything cuts out after that. No comm traffic at all. Just goes dead. There's nothing.}

"Reverse and hold at 38.5."

Anderson and Nihlus stare at the image of the ship on the screen.

"Status report."

JOKER: {Seventeen minutes out, Captain. No other Alliance ships in the area.}

"Take us in, Joker. Fast and quiet. This mission just got a lot more complicated."

"A small strike team can move quickly without drawing attention. It's our best chance to secure the beacon." States Nihlus.

Shepard stares at the image of the ship on the screen.

Anderson looks at Nihlus. "Grab your gear and meet us in the cargo hold."

Nihlus walks out of the comm room.

Anderson turns to Shepard. "Tell Alenko and Jenkins to suit up, Commander. You're going in."

The image of the ship is shown until the screen is turned off.

POV: Jason

Eden Prime is really beautiful at this time of the year. Giant cuttlefish attacking with robots. A shiny beacon that's just drawing in all the flies. Ahh… bliss. You know it would be such a terrible thing if this EMP went off and took out all the Geth. I guess it's a good thing Athena was able to find out which frequency they all operate on. Hehehe.

Pressing the button an unseen wave sweeps out from the bomb targeting all the Geth. Soon enough they all start dropping like flies. It'll only last for about a minute and thirty seconds but that should give the alliance stationed here enough time to regroup or possibly put down some of the rogue Geth. 

Storing the bomb away, I take position on the hill opposite of the Space port. Now we wait for little bitty Saren to show up. Maybe I'll take his other arm this time. Doesn't matter, I might just take a leg. 

While I wait for the legendary Shepard too appear I snipe some Geth units for the fun of it. Making sure the casualties stay in the lower range. After waiting for 13 minutes there she appears in all her glory. The SSV Normandy, oh so beautiful. Watching its approach I see it only stop once before flying off. Seems this world's Nihlus is actually doing his job and watching Shepard.

I fire a warning shot at Jenkins feet. After all, the idiot forgot to put his shield up. Moving locations I wait for the team to interact with the Ground forces here. Which consists of a lot more than Miss Pinky. Stupid fucking Alliance, seriously who gives there soldiers bright colors to fight in.

I watch as Shep talks to Ashley and then move on to the dig site. The group now consists of five. Shep, Nihlus, Kaiden, Jenkins, and Ashley. I have Athena hack into their Comms so I can listen in. Can't believe I forgot to do that when they dropped.

I hear Ashley not understanding what happened to the Relic. Well I'd tell them, but that's cheating. Seeing them move up I can't help but grimace at the dragon's teeth. They're out of my sight so I couldn't do anything about the Edeners that got put on them.

Listening in on Sheps team, I can hear the disgust and horror come from their voices. Thankfully more Edeners were able to hide so a lot more survived. As they cross the hill they can see the Space Port where itty bitty Saren stands. Nihlus tells them to hold postion and greets the fuck. 

After some dialogue Nihlus turns around and Saren brings up his gun. Unfortunately for him I do feel like taking his other arm. So with a press of a trigger he's now holding a stump instead of a gun. He calls for the Geth and Husks and runs off to his hoverboard. Nihlus doesn't know what the hell is going on and tries to give chase only to be pinned down with gunfire.

Shep rides in and in a minute or so they deal with the enemies. Nihlus runs ahead after Saren and Sheps team looks over the area. They find the Farmers hiding in the shed and then that smuggler guy.

They hear Nihlus requesting back up and head on forward. I make my way over to Saren's body part and store it for testing later. After all, even with all the cybernetics added to him, in his last moments he broke free of indoctrination.

Getting on my own hoverboard I keep an eye on everyone as they make their way to the Relic. I watch as Saren activates and absorbs the message from the Relic. I could take him out now but Shep needs this.

I watch as Saren runs off and the team advances. The Bombs barely slow them down and the last of the Geth are gunned down. The team finally finds the Relic and of course Kaiden approaches it and gets pulled. Shep runs in and tosses him out of the way, getting dragged instead.

The Relic lights up and then explodes, throwing Shepard quite a distance away. I watch as everyone scrambles except Nihlus, he just stands in front of the broken Relic. Soon enough the Normandy swoops in and the good Doctor looks over Shep before telling them to move her into the ship. 

Watching the ship leave orbit I return back to the ground. Looking around for anything, I see a pistol some distance away from where Shepard landed. Picking it up I can see the N7 logo etched into the grip. 

Having Athena go through the gun just in case, she finds a tracking device. I have her turn it off then toss it into my inventory. Looking around a little more I find pieces of the Relic here and there. Placing them in my Inventory I don't see anything else of interest.  

Taking out my board I fly away to the penthouse I have on Eden Prime. Once I arrive I put all my gear in my inventory and go take a shower. By the time I'm done I get a message telling me my private ship is ready for take off. Getting dressed I make my way over. I don't know what it is but this universe has the least appealing ship designs I've ever seen. So of course I did something about it.

Using all the designs I can recall, I launched a whole new line of ships during my third year here. I even used some inspiration from the past games and media that this earth has. It was a booming success after I got a few matriarchs to endorse the project. Plus it only cost me some credits and a few late night booty calls. A win-win in my book.

Using my personal ship I tail behind the Normandy and follow it to the Citadel. I dock in my personal spot and wait for my assistant. I mess around with some of the projects I have in mind to pass the time before she arrives. It only takes her ten minutes before I see my aircar touch down and open up. It may surprise you, but I also didn't care too much for how standardized the aircars were either. 

So I held a galactic wide competition for a month to see who could come up with a concept design that spoke to me, and I was not disappointed. The company was drowned in millions of designs from all different cultures and races. I was so surprised at the level of creativity given that I awarded all participants 500 credits just for posting a working concept. 

My favorite however was a Turrian design that was all sharp angles and badass ferocity mixed in with old earth muscle cars. I gave the woman in question 500,000 credits and a contact stating she would work on all my personal vehicles. To the ones that won the contest through votes, I gave 100,000 credits and a contract to work for my company. Since then I hold a contest every month and I have yet to regret my decision.

As I sit in the back seat we pull off and head for the penthouse I have here on the Citadel. My assistant is staying quiet while driving. I think I pissed her off by running away to Eden by myself. Can't be helped, Miss. Nought is very open about the stunts I pull without her being present. Last time I did something like this she tossed my ass out of a 20-story building into the pool below. When I ask her if she knew the pool was there of naught she would only smile and not say a word. Since then I always carry a jetpack in my inventory. Never know when you're going to need one.

We land after a few minutes of peace and quiet and then I feel my ear being pinched then pulled down. Bowing to the will of the universe, I let her pull me down without resistance. Last time I did she kept that awful crap they call music nowadays blaring for a week straight.

I let her lead us inside before she goes off on me. It doesn't help that a news report of the attack on Eden is going on in the background. "What the Fuck were you thinking leaving me behind with all this bullshit only to get caught up in a fucking fight you worthless piece of shit. Huh, tell me. Did you even consider what the Fuck you were doing when you went off galavanting again? I was worried sick that you did something stupid without me. We're a fucking team and you just left me here on my own. If I didn't know how smart you were I would think you'd have shit for brains!" 

This went on for a solid hour before her voice got hoarse. I hand her a bottle of water and she lays into me once more after taking a few drinks. God I love feisty women, I don't know what it is about them that I find so damn hot. If she goes any longer I might just have to seal those lips with a very aroused dragon. 

*Lemon ahead, watch out or skip.*

Not able to resist, I grab her by the ass and hoist her onto my shoulders. She starts hitting me because she knows exactly what's about to go down. I weather the hits and kick open the door to the bedroom before tossing her across the room onto the bed. It was a good twenty feet away but I've thrown her ass further before. Besides that bed can take a beating.

She bounces a few times before getting her bearings and sitting up and glaring at me. I just smirk before I slowly start to take off my shirt. For whatever reason strip teasing always gets her riled up. After I pull the shirt from my head I see her breathing hard while staring at my chiseled abs. Whether it's from her being pissed at me or her getting hot and bothered I could care less. Angry sex is amazing, especially when we use our Biotics on each other.

I'm across the room before she can blink and pressing my lips against hers. I begin the initial battle of the tongues and start the war of attrition. I run my hands all over her body as I press her down on the bed before deciding on just playing with her chest.

I break contact first so she can breathe and I'm not disappointed at the heaving breaths she takes. Before she can recover I rip the shirt she's wearing and I hear a hitch in her voice. Giving my best feral smile I rip her bra away and I see how her nipples harden at how rough I'm being with her. Then I decide they look lonely and start sucking and pinching them. I might have used more force than usual, but who told her to be so damn feisty with me, she knows better.

As I play with her I hear her moan as she pulls my hair and the sheets before grinding on the leg I've got placed between hers. Stopping my movements I raise myself back up and take in the view of the woman below me. Her face is flushed red and her eyes are burrowing into mine before she lurches forward and starts undoing my pants while kissing and nibbling on my chest. I chuckle and she shudders under the might of my baritone. She stops her advance and bites her lip before looking up at me. 

If I wasn't aroused before I am now. I get off the bed and turn away from her before I slowly start to take my pants off. Hearing what I can only assume is a growl I go even slower. I finally get them off and turn around. I see her pounce on me before she slowly starts kissing her way down to my briefs. She takes in a deep breath before she hooks her hands around the rim of my underwear and pulls them down in one fell stroke. 

She expertly avoids being nailed in the head by my raging boner before she starts slowly kissing it from the base to the head all 13ins of it. In my personal opinion it's a bit much. I would have been ecstatic at 9in. She goes back to the base and slowly licks her way back up, she does this two more times before she takes me in her mouth and starts sucking and rolling her tongue around my head before she starts bobbing away at what she can. 

I growl myself and she knows what that means. I hold her head and pull out of her mouth with a pop. Then I pick her up and toss her back into the bed. I flip her on her back and spin her around so her head lies off the side of the bed. I position my cock in front of her mouth and she greedily opens up for me. I slowly push more and more of myself until I see the bulge in her throat halfway down. I'm only a little under halfway in but experience has taught me not to go too far in. Last time I did she couldn't talk for days.

I rock my hips back and forth at a slow speed. I pull out just enough so she can catch her breath before I ram myself back in, but instead of moving I hold her head in position and keep my cock buried in her throat. She starts asphyxiating and tries moving her head back. I let her move a little before holding her in place. She can hold her breath for exactly four minutes before she starts to lose consciousness. Let's see if we can't make that four minutes and a few seconds.

The time slips by slowly and her throat is tightening each second I stay buried in her. I keep one hand on her head while the other explores her toned stomach before reaching her pants. It slips beneath and trails even farther down. Soon it's met with something damp and wet. I slowly play with anything I can touch and one of her hands is clamped to my wrist while the other plays with my impressive balls.

For being such a good girl I rock back and forth in small increments while I continue to play with her womanhood. We soon reach the four minute mark and I see that I'm losing her. With a sigh I pull out of her throat and let her breath. She flips over and starts coughing and gasping for air while I watch. I round the bed and crawl up behind her. I grab the fabric of her pants and rip it apart. She's still too busy gasping for air to notice my machinations. I position my dick and slide inside her without any resistance. She shudders and looks behind at me. I lean forward slowly allowing myself to be buried further before I'm completely over top of her.

I reach one hand forward and grab her jaw before forcing her head all the way back. I then start kissing and biting her neck while I rock back and forth. She's moaning underneath me and my cock gets even harder listening to her. I pick up the pace and really start leaning into my thrusts bringing her moans to a higher pitch.

I can't get enough of the feeling of her voice vibrating under my hand and lips. I let go of her jaw and shuffle a little backwards and slide her back into me so she isn't hanging off the side of the bed. I then slide my fingers through her hair before I grip her skull and shove her head down into the sheets. I then stop thrusting and start pounding into her. Her muffled screams are music to my ears and I finally feel the buildup churning forth. I press a considerable amount of my weight on top of her and go as fast as I can without giving her friction burns. 

I feel myself build up more and more before I pound forward once more and feel myself unleash inside her. I pound into her a few more times to the rhythm of my spurts and feel her stiffen before going boneless. I kiss behind her ear and whisper. "Ready for round two." The tightening of her pussy is all the answer I need before we lose ourselves in the act of passion.

*Lemon end, you dirty bastards.*

After our several rounds of love making she's out of energy and I still have a raging boner. I hold her in my arms and kiss the top of her sweaty head. I trace one of my more favorite tattoos on her back while I think of what the next three and a half years hold for me. 

She shuffles around and gets comfortable before going still once more. I hear her mumble she loves me and I look at her before tightening my hold on her. "I love you too Jack. For now until the reaper takes me." I kiss her head again and let sleep take me before the nightmares can.

I'll be honest here. I have no clue as to when I'll be posting shit. I'll try daily and see where that gets me, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Like always toss me your ideas so I can steal them for myself.

Peace bitches.✌️

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