
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Films
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36 Chs


The sun is nothing much. It's just a giant gas ball, 100 times the size of Earth, with nothing on planet Earth capable of surviving a trip to its surface.

It's surface temperature is only around 7000 degrees Celsius, in comparison to its core, which reaches 15 million degrees Celsius.

Yeah, like I said, the sun is nothing much, especially when you compare it to the hottest known things in existence: a supernova or even the infamous reality-swallowing black holes.

It's not like a sun can become a supernova or a black hole, right? Wrong... A massive star, like the most massive of stars, when they collapse, they turn into a supernova.

What's even more impressive, although not always guaranteed, is that they can then become black holes.

Anyways, don't let me convince you; the sun is nothing much. After all, it's my mother and home.

That's why everyone calls me "The Sun God of the Godly Sun." Quite the mouthful, but I never really cared because everyone consisted of me and the sun. However, I should go back to when I was born physically.

A long, long time ago, like 1 second ago, I opened my eyes for the first time and witnessed the breathtaking scene of ever-expanding red. An absolute madness of plasma swirling, erupting, and engulfing me whole before blacking out and hearing my new name resounding as if totality was speaking.

Sun God of the Godly Sun, it screamed or spoke before fading.

Once again, I opened my eyes expecting to witness the dense fiery inferno, but instead, I was wrapped in a warm gold light and facing a planet I'm very familiar with... Earth.

Doubting my capabilities to see so far, I hoped my eyes were honest. Unwillingly, I blacked out again, which I later realized is just me blinking.

Due to the sheer speed I was moving at, the speed I blinked at was just too slow. After all, it only took one blink of mine for me to leave the sun's core and reach its surface while facing a straight path to Earth.

However, with the second blink, I knew I moved even faster as I was blacked out for even longer. When I opened my eyes I was already on a new but nostalgic and familiar surface, earth.

With no way of confirming the time, date, or location, I had no choice but to black out again, but for real this time. Closing my eyes, I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I was a bit taken aback, but only minutely. After all, only so few things can shock me after witnessing an infinite inferno.

First, I was in a police station, then I was taken straight to a hospital, followed by a series of check-ups, birth verifications, and a temporary name allocation. So for now, I am Baby John... Ridiculous, my previous name was, well, slightly longer.

After the check-ups, it was all a blur. A very tiresome, motionless blur. My ID was verified, and now I had to wait 6 months for adoption.






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Until the next sun🌅