
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Films
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77 Chs

Rapid Expansion

"Are you threatening me?" Caesar smiled contemptuously. "I don't respond to threats kindly."

Seeing that Caesar was unfazed, Taserface's eyes began to dart around wildly. He then shouted, "At least let me go! I swear I'll never dare oppose you again!"

"Charlie, are you planning to break your oath?" Stakar yelled, his voice thick with anger.

"Don't get so worked up. Do you want to die so much? Let me help you with that!" Caesar smirked.

With a flick of his right hand, he unleashed a burst of energy that activated the self-destruct mechanism on Taserface's chest.

The energy source's red light pulsed frantically, and Taserface stood there, stunned. He had never intended to actually set it off.

"Save me, save me, stop this!" Taserface cried out for help.

The Ravagers leaders stepped back.

"Ha! Let's die together then!" 

Seeing no way to halt the countdown, Taserface began to laugh maniacally, ready to drag everyone down with him.

There was a deafening explosion. Just as destruction seemed imminent, Caesar waved his hand, summoning a field of blue spatial energy that encapsulated and neutralized the shockwave layer by layer.

"You're entertaining, but sadly, it's the end for you!"

"Anyone else care to join him?" Caesar's voice was icy, presenting the Ravagerss with a grim choice.

Stakar exchanged a quick glance with Aleta and Charlie.

"You're always free to choose—surrender or flee. We are freedom fighters, after all!"

"We choose to surrender," Stakar declared, bowing deeply, with Aleta and Charlie following suit.

Seeing their leaders capitulate, most of the remaining Ravagerss also surrendered, while a few, truly desperate struggled. Without hesitation, Caesar dispatched those few to join the Taserface.

Once the Ravagerss surrendered, an imperceptible pulse flickered—a signal Caesar himself didn't catch.

All the Ravagerss, including Stakar and the leaders, momentarily showed confusion in their eyes before regaining composure. Then, all knelt before him.

"We pledge to follow you and give our all!"

Caesar laughed heartily. At that moment, all 53,823 members of the four major Ravagers factions became his loyal followers.


Inside the grand Sun Palace, Caesar sat majestically on his ornate golden throne, his commanding presence filling the vast, opulent hall.

Sunlight streamed in through towering windows, casting shimmering patterns on the polished marble floors and illuminating the intricate frescoes that adorned the high ceilings.

The air was heavy with the scent of incense, enhancing the aura of power that seemed to emanate from the ruler as he surveyed his domain with a steady, imperious gaze.

Arrayed below him, the high-ranking Angels, the raider leaders, and Valkyrie Valina stood in a formidable row. Each figure was clad in their distinct ceremonial attire, reflecting their ranks and roles, creating a striking visual against the opulence of the palace. Their faces were a mixture of reverence and anticipation, awaiting Caesar's words or commands.

Caesar had initially planned to spend ten years on Surya, amassing an Angel Legion before launching a full-scale invasion to conquer extensive territories.

However, the influx of new Ravagers and the rewards from the system could accelerate his plans.

The Andromeda Galaxy, once a stable realm under the dominion of the Skrull Empire, now found itself plunged into chaos. With the collapse of their protectors' rule, its numerous subordinate civilizations became vulnerable, facing invasions from various forces.

Caesar, ever strategic, was prepared to offer sanctuary to these civilizations. In exchange, he required their unwavering devotion.

The terms were clear: the construction of small temples, daily recitations of Angel scriptures, and weekly worship sessions. For these civilizations, caught between the imminent threat of annihilation and Caesar's relatively straightforward demands, the decision seemed like an obvious one.

Yet, doubts lingered. Could the same Ravagers who once ravaged their lands now be disguised as priests? Such thoughts were considered blasphemous and could lead to severe punishment.

As Caesar's Angels took action, they swiftly repelled the invaders that threatened the vulnerable civilizations. Alongside their military interventions, they presented sacred contracts that offered protection in exchange for allegiance. This dual approach not only secured their borders but also sowed the seeds of loyalty among the civilizations. Gradually, one by one, these groups began to see the benefits of aligning with Caesar's powerful faction.

The spread of Angelic faith wasn't just a matter of belief; it was strategically accelerated by the use of the Space Gem, a powerful artifact that enhanced their reach and influence. Additionally, the presence of numerous natural wormholes on the planet Luminara Primefacilitated quick and efficient travel across vast distances, allowing Caesar's decrees and the tenets of the new faith to spread rapidly throughout the galaxy.

In just three years, the impact of Caesar's governance was undeniable. His Sacred Sun Palace had not only consolidated power over most of the Andromeda Galaxy but had also begun to extend its influence into the territories once controlled by the Skrull Empire.

This expansion was not merely territorial but also cultural and religious that spanned even across enemy lines like the Kree empire.

This expansion was a clear provocation to the Kree Empire, who had long battled the Skrull and now saw their hard-won victories jeopardized by an emerging power.

Surya, bustling with activity from countless Angels and Ravagerss, was no longer a hidden haven. Millions of believers journeyed vast distances to make pilgrimages there.

Among these were saints whose devotion was so profound that they were granted residency on Luminara Primeand could even be transformed into Angels through the reincarnation pool. Although these new Angels were generally weaker—barely matching the lowest ranks of the Asgardians—their sheer numbers were a boon to Caesar's overstretched forces.

Amidst this celestial fervor, Luminara Primeflourished.


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