

Pov Peter

Peter was standing at the school gate, waiting for his girlfriend, Jessica. He looked at his watch and saw that it was only five minutes before the bell rang.

He saw Jessica walking towards him with a smile on her face. She was wearing a denim jacket, a red blouse and a black skirt. Her black hair was loose and swaying in the wind. She was beautiful.

Peter waited for her to arrive at the gate, approached her and kissed her softly on the lips and said:

Peter - Hi, love. I missed you.

Jessica - Hi, Peter. I missed you too.

They laughed and continued talking, not realizing that someone was watching them jealously.

Gwen Stacy was leaning against a tree with a bitter expression on her face. She had liked Peter ever since he moved into her class, but had never had the courage to declare it. She was devastated when she heard he was dating Jessica, one of the prettiest girls in school.

Gwen felt a pang of anger when she saw Peter kissing Jessica. She thought it was disrespectful to the other students, who were arriving for class. She decided to interrupt that sweet moment.

She approached them both and said in a harsh tone:

Gwen - Hey, you two. Don't you think it's about time you got to school? The bell's going to ring soon and you don't want to be late, do you?

Peter and Jessica separated, surprised by Gwen's intrusion. They looked at her and saw that she had a frown on her face.

Peter - Hi, Gwen. Good morning

Gwen - Good morning. Gwen replied dryly.

Jessica - What's wrong? Are you all right?

Gwen - I'm fine. I'm just worried about the time. You know the teacher hates lateness.

Peter - Oh, that's right. Thanks for reminding us.

Gwen - You're welcome.

She turned and started walking in front of them, without waiting for them. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, before they kissed again.

Jessica watched Gwen walk away and frowned. She noticed something strange about her behavior. She looked at Peter and said:

Jessica - Peter, I think Gwen likes you.

Peter laughed and pretended not to notice.

Peter - What? Don't be silly, Jessica. Gwen's just my friend.

Jessica - I know, but didn't you see how she looked when she saw us together? She was jealous, Peter.

Peter - Jealous? Of me? That's ridiculous, Jessica. Gwen is beautiful, intelligent and nice. She can have any boy she wants.

Jessica - Then why doesn't she have any boyfriends?

Peter - Maybe she hasn't found the right guy yet.

Jessica: Or maybe she already has, but he's dating someone else.

Peter stopped laughing and became serious. He looked at Jessica and saw that she was worried. He thought it was time to test the information he'd received, that the women he'd become involved with would be willing to share him with other women.

Peter - Jessica, are you serious?

Jessica - Yes, Peter. And I'm not jealous, before you think it. I trust you and I know you love me. But sometimes I think I'm not good enough for you, Jessica said, with tears in her eyes.

Peter sighed and hugged Jessica. He kissed her on the forehead and said:

Peter - Jessica, I need to tell you something. You're beautiful and you're not inferior to anyone. You're strong, brave and intelligent. You have a big heart and a great sense of justice. You're one of the most incredible people I've ever met.

Jessica - Peter, are you serious? You're not kidding me?

Peter - No, I'm telling you the truth. And there's one more thing. I love you, Jessica. I've loved you since the day I first saw you.

Jessica - Peter, I don't know what to say. I love you too, Peter. You're kind, loyal and generous.

Peter - Then give me a kiss.

Jessica - With pleasure.

They kiss passionately.

Jessica - Peter, I have to ask you something.

Peter - What is it?

Jessica - Do you like Gwen Stacy?

Peter - Well, I like her, she's beautiful and smart.

Jessica - I think you should do what makes you happy.

Peter - And what makes you happy?

Jessica - You make me happy, Peter.

Peter - So you wouldn't mind if I dated you and Gwen at the same time?

Jessica - Well, I'm not very jealous. And I like Gwen as a friend too. And I know you love me more than her.

Peter - So you'd accept that?

Jessica - Yes, Peter, I would accept that. If that's what you want.

Peter - Thank you, Jessica. You're amazing.

Jessica - You're welcome, Peter. You're amazing too.

After Peter used every romantic movie cliché he knew, Peter and Jessica finally went to the classroom, on the way Peter wondered in his mind whether or not he was a manipulative bastard.

Time jump ** Classroom **

Peter Parker was in class, listening boredly to his history lesson. He looked at his watch and saw that there were only a few minutes left until the break.

Peter - Brainiac, can you release the evidence of Norman's crimes to the press and the authorities?

Brainiac: Sure, I'll send the evidence to the main newspapers, TV channels and websites. And also to the FBI, the CIA and SHIELD.

Peter: Thanks, Brainiac. You're the best.

Brainiac: You're welcome, Peter. You're the best too.

The bell rang and all the students got up to leave the room. Peter prepared to follow the others, but before he could take a step, he heard a loud sound coming from the school's loudspeaker.

- Attention, attention! We have breaking news! Oscorp tycoon Norman Osborn has been charged with several serious crimes, including murder, corruption, fraud and terrorism! The evidence was sent by an anonymous source to the press and the authorities! Look at the shocking images on the internet!

All the students were paralyzed, staring at the screens of their cell phones showing the photos and videos of Norman Osborn's crimes. They couldn't believe their eyes. Some were horrified, others indignant, others curious.

Peter was surprised, he hadn't expected Brainiac to make someone announce this over the school loudspeaker.

He searched for Harry with his eyes and saw that he was pale and trembling. He had an expression of shock and pain on his face. He couldn't take his eyes off the screen that showed his father as a villain.

Mary Jane and Liz tried to console him, but he pushed them away and ran out of the room. He headed for the nearest restroom, trying to escape the stares and comments of the other students.

Peter was walking down the school corridor, hand in hand with Jessica.

They reached the cafeteria, where they saw Gwen sitting at a table by herself.

Peter - Hey, Gwen! - He called out, waving to her. - Come and have lunch with us!

Gwen looked at him in surprise. She hadn't expected him to invite her, especially not in front of his girlfriend. She hesitated for a moment, but decided to accept. She picked up her tray and joined them at another table.

Gwen - Hi, Peter. Hi, Jessica. - She said hello, a little awkwardly.

Jessica - Hi, Gwen. How are you?

Gwen - Fine, yeah. And you? - Gwen replied, trying to sound natural.

Peter - We're fine. - Peter said, smiling. - You know, Gwen, I wanted to ask you something.

Gwen - Go ahead. - Gwen said, curious.

Peter - Do you like me?

Gwen was shocked by the question. She couldn't believe he was asking that in front of his girlfriend. She looked at Jessica, expecting to see some sign of jealousy or anger, but all she saw was a quiet smile.

Jessica - You can answer, Gwen. No problem. - Jessica said, encouraging her.

Gwen didn't know what to do. She liked Peter, but she didn't want to be the other person in his relationship. She also didn't want to lie to him or to herself.

Gwen - I... I like you, Peter. Very much. - She admitted, lowering her gaze.

Gwen - I like you too, Gwen. Very much. - Peter said, taking her hand. - And I want to ask you to marry me.

Gwen looked up again, incredulous. She didn't know if she was hearing correctly.

Gwen - You want to propose? But what about Jessica? - She asked, confused.

Peter - Jessica has already accepted that I have more than one girlfriend.

Jessica - It's true, Gwen. I've accepted it. I love Peter, but I know he has room in his heart for more than one person. And I want him to be happy with the one he loves. And I know he loves you too. - Jessica said, smiling at Gwen.

Gwen was speechless. She had never heard of anything like this before. She didn't know if it was possible to love two people at the same time, or if it was right to share her boyfriend with another girl.

Gwen - I... I don't know what to say.

Peter - Say yes, Gwen. Say that you want to be my girlfriend too. Say that you want to be part of my life.

Gwen felt her heart beat faster. She looked into Peter's eyes and saw love and sincerity in them. She looked into Jessica's eyes and saw understanding and friendship in them. She felt a mixture of emotions inside her: fear, doubt, curiosity, desire...

She thought to herself for a moment, weighing up the pros and cons. She knew it was risky, that it could go wrong, that she could hurt someone, that she could be judged by others. But she also knew that this was a unique opportunity, that it could work out, that it could make someone happy, that it could be loved by both of them.

She took a deep breath and made her decision.

Gwen - Yes, Peter. I want to be your girlfriend too. I want to be part of your family. - She said, smiling.

Peter smiled back and kissed her softly on the lips. Jessica approached and hugged them both, congratulating them.

Jessica - I'm so happy for you both. Welcome to the family, Gwen. - She said, kissing her cheek.

Gwen - Thank you, Jessica. You're amazing.

Peter - You're both incredible. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. - Peter said, hugging them.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, happy and in love.

Gwen - There's just one problem.

Peter - What?

Gwen - My dad. He's overprotective. He'll never accept that. He'll kill me if he finds out. - Gwen said, worried.

Peter - Don't worry, Gwen. We'll manage. We'll keep it a secret for now. No one needs to know. Just the three of us.

Gwen - All right, then. But promise you'll be careful. I don't want to lose you because of my father. - Gwen said seriously.

Peter - We promise, Gwen. We'll be careful. We won't lose you for anything in this m world.


Is the way the characters interact with each other okay or should I change it?

Peter, who reveals to the world who owns Parker Industries, is better placed to divulge this information than a 22-year-old freelance reporter who shouldn't be in the Marvel universe to provide it.
