
Steve Rogers

Alex, having satisfied his hunger by charming his way into a meal and enjoyed a good night's rest, embarked on his journey early the next morning. He oriented himself correctly and flew steadily toward the United States.

Recalling his knowledge of Captain America's story, he remembered that the scientist who developed the super serum had met his demise at the hands of HYDRA, leading to Captain America being the sole successful product of the serum.

During his flight, Alex passed through a bustling Western city and collected a substantial sum in charity funds, investing it in food supplies to sustain him during his journey. It was a turbulent time, and the specter of danger loomed unpredictably.

Fortunately, luck was on Alex's side. He navigated without losing his way and encountered no sudden storms during his journey.

After approximately seven days of travel, he arrived in the vicinity of San Francisco in the United States. Yet, his ultimate destination was not here; he aimed for the heart of the United States, New York City.

Even though Alex had escaped from a concentration camp operated by the enemy and entered the United States as an illicit traveler, wartime conditions had led to an influx of illegal immigrants and thriving black market activities. In the grand scheme of things, one more person like Alex hardly raised an eyebrow.

Upon reaching New York City, USA, it was already nighttime.

As he observed the vibrant scenes around him, Alex couldn't help but sigh. While Europe was torn apart by the ravages of war, here in the United States, there was a relative sense of peace.

Strolling down the bustling streets and immersing himself in the sights, the nighttime panorama of 1940s New York City was nothing short of impressive. At the very least, law and order seemed to prevail.

"Tomorrow's World Expo," Alex halted in front of the exhibition hall, gazing at the colossal advertisements. Memories of Captain America's narrative flooded his mind; it appeared that Tony Stark's father had played a role in this storyline.

However, the exhibition required an entrance fee, and Alex muttered, "If this continues I might as well go and rob a bank."

With empty pockets, Alex found himself standing outside, contemplating whether to sneak into the venue. However, his thoughts were interrupted when two familiar figures approached him, engaged in lively conversation.

Narrowing his eyes, Alex carefully observed the two individuals and instantly recognized them.

One of them was a slender young man who was unmistakably Steve Rogers, the future Captain America. The other gentleman was undoubtedly Steve's close friend, Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier.

It appeared that the events of Captain America's story were just unfolding, taking place nine months prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a pivotal moment marking the United States' entry into World War II. In terms of the historical timeline, it was now 1941.

"Hey, kid, would you like to join us?" Steve noticed Alex standing near the exhibition and kindly offered his assistance, clearly understanding the predicament. He even took a step forward to extend his help.

"Yes, sir, but it appears I've misplaced my money," Alex replied with a distressed expression, emptying his pockets as he spoke.

"No need to worry. Come along with us; I'll cover your ticket," Steve reassured him, patting Alex on the head and offering a warm smile.

Alex playfully swatted away Steve's hand and remarked, "Please don't touch my head."

Steve chuckled and turned to his friend Bucky, asking, "Isn't he just adorable, Bucky?"

"Yeah, it's hard to believe his parents let him out on his own," Bucky agreed with a grin.

Tickets to the exhibition were reasonably priced, especially with the discounted children's rate.

With Steve leading the way, they entered the exhibition, and Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had compromised his principles momentarily, but the outcome was undeniably positive.

In the grand scheme of things, did principles and morals hold their weight when one was faced with hunger and desperation?

Inside the exhibition, a young girl caught Bucky's attention, and another lady stood beside her.

Bucky turned to Steve and remarked, "Steve, this is the girl I've found for you. Why don't you give it a shot?"

He then glanced at Alex and added, "Kid, you're a bit too young to date. Go enjoy yourself with some toys."

Alex rolled his eyes, recognizing that he was only inhabiting a child's body, not actually too young.

"Kid, remember not to engage with strangers. If you ever feel unsafe, make your way to a crowded area and seek assistance at the conclusion of the exhibition, alright?"

"I understand, sir," Alex nodded in response. He couldn't help but be deeply moved by Steve's kindness. It was no wonder that Captain America held such a revered place in his world.

(End of this chapter)


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