
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Films
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262 Chs

Stucker’s decision -171


[Alexander Pierce]


As soon as the meeting ended, Pierce leaned back in his seat and started thinking about everything happening with Hydra right now.


It really had been a rather rough patch this last year. The Mandarin is causing trouble in the East and now again across Europe. It was a problem, no doubt, but honestly, it was also an opportunity.


 He had never been particularly strong outside of the US, and while even SHIELD had been targeted heavily in Asia and had to retreat which had hurt him, that wasn't at all the case with the new wave of attacks.


SHEILD remained strong across the continent, with only Hydra being hit, which didn't hurt him at all since he had never had much power or reach over there. So it really didn't mind them taking a few hits and having to come under his umbrella.


He could use that for sure. Those extra resources would be better spent under him. Project insight was the true future of Hydra; everything else was secondary next to that.


Though the fact that it was some strange monster who might be behind it all was problematic, and it did bring up the Bulwark and the Chaos Insurgency. Those two organizations were wild cards, unknowns which he didn't know much about.


And worse yet, had little control over. One wanted to throw the world into chaos, and the other hoarded all kinds of monsters and objects of power. 


Finally, his eyes hardened, deciding that he had been in the dark for too long and that it was time for some answers.


Picking up his phone, he made a secure call. "I want information about the Bulwark and all their little monsters; I don't care what you have to do, just get me the information, check the internet, knock on doors and ask for security footage, get me every picture, every rumor, everything."


He quickly ended the call, having nothing more to say. He didn't really bother doing as Strucker had asked. Who was he to order him around? That old fool could die for all he cared; he would step in to pick up for the remainder of his division once that happened.


No, Pierce understood that other than the Bulwark and those monsters and things they dealt with, nothing would matter once the project insight would take off. So he would focus on those unknown elements to ensure the right Hydra, his Hydra would not face any unexpected problems.


With a determined glint in his eye, Pierce turned his attention to the plans for Project Insight. He would ensure its success and, in doing so, usher in a new age of humanity, one with him, Alexander Pierce, in charge! Hail, hydra, Hail pierce indeed.





[Baron Wolgang von Stucker]


The meeting had ended, but Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's mind was far from settled. He stared at the now blank screen in his dimly lit office, the shadows from the flickering light playing across his stern features. The weight of their current predicament hung heavily on his shoulders.


Strucker rose from his seat and walked over to the large window that overlooked the sprawling Hydra compound. The usually bustling facility was eerily quiet, a stark reminder of the attacks that had left them reeling. His reflection in the glass seemed to mock him, a silent reminder of the vulnerabilities that had been exposed.


"How could this have happened?" he muttered to himself, clenching his fists. The thought of a single intruder dismantling their operations was both infuriating and humiliating. Hydra, an organization built on secrecy and strength, was being brought to its knees by an unknown entity.


Worse yet, the different attitudes in the meeting didn't comfort him. Many were already unable to help due to the Mandarin, and those like Peirce or Malick, who could help, didn't seem willing to do so.


Others were still more worried about Whitehall, which was indeed troublesome. And if indeed there were two attackers, this unknown dark knight and someone milking Whitehall for information… then perhaps he needed to take drastic measures soon.


But that would be his last resort, doing that would put him back years, something he really didn't wish for. No, it would be better if the situation could be handled, he could only hope that Pierce would at least use his network to find some clues.


Strucker's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. His most trusted aide entered, saluting crisply.


"Baron, we have mobilized our best agents as you ordered. They are scouring for information on this intruder and monitoring Pierce closely."


Strucker nodded, his expression still grim. "Good. I want updates every hour. We cannot afford any more surprises."


The aide saluted again and left, leaving Strucker alone with his thoughts. He knew that time was of the essence. The survival of Hydra depended on their ability to adapt and overcome this new threat.


"We have faced threats before," he whispered to himself, a steely determination settling in his eyes. "And we will face them again. Hydra will prevail. Cut off one head, and two more shall take its place."


With renewed resolve, Strucker began to formulate a plan. He would gather intelligence, reinforce their defenses, and root out any traitors within their ranks. This mysterious Black Knight would learn that Hydra was not so easily defeated.





A few days later, Strucker prepared to visit another critical Hydra facility in Eastern Europe. Intelligence had suggested this location might be the next target, and he intended to personally oversee the fortifications and preparations.


However, as he was about to board his private jet, an aide rushed up to him, looking flustered. "Baron, we have a problem. The pilot is unfit for duty. He was found drunk in his quarters. We need to replace him immediately."


Strucker's face contorted with anger. "Incompetence! I want him dealt with. Find a replacement at once!"


The delay was frustrating, but Strucker knew he had no choice but to wait. The replacement pilot arrived after a few hours, and they finally took off. The delay gnawed at him, but he tried to focus on the task ahead.


As they approached the facility, Strucker received a frantic communication from the base. "Baron! We are under attack! The intruder is here! It's the same entity—he's moving through our defenses like a ghost!"


Strucker's blood ran cold. "Evacuate immediately! Do not engage! Get out of there!"


"Turn the plane around! We are going back to HQ, and send someone else over to investigate quickly! I want them there before the last body turns cold!" He quickly shouted to the crew before he had to hold on tightly to his seat as the plane made a sharp turn.


The jet banked sharply, the engines roaring as they changed course. Strucker's mind raced. The pattern was clear—no facility was safe. This unknown entity was systematically dismantling their operations, and now it had nearly caught him in its web. He couldn't afford to risk his own life; Hydra needed his leadership.


As the plane stabilized on its new course, Strucker turned to his aide. "Send a team to secure and investigate the site. We need answers, and I want a full report on my desk by the time we land."


"Yes, Baron," the aide replied, quickly relaying the orders through the secure communication channel.


Strucker leaned back in his seat, his jaw clenched with frustration. The close call had made one thing clear: Hydra was no longer safe, not even its highest leaders. This entity, this Black Knight, was unlike any threat they had faced before.


Returning to his jet, Strucker made a decision. "All current projects are to be halted. We need to rethink our strategy. It's time to go deep underground. We will regroup and ensure our survival."


As the orders were relayed, Strucker felt a grim determination settle within him. Hydra would survive. It always did. And when they emerged from the shadows, they would do so with a vengeance.


He understood that his survival had been nothing but a stroke of luck, had his usual pilot not been drunk, he would have been at the facility while the attack happened, meaning that he would likely have died himself.


So, while going dark was far from the best, scattering his forces into tiny groups and pretty much disbanding his Hydra cell, it didn't have much choice; he didn't know how to deal with the being.


He had seen plenty of footage of the attacks, and nothing seemed to be able to harm, slow down, and much less stop the dark knight. He was sure that if he did nothing, his men would start to abandon the course in fear.


If he could get some clue or some information from Pierce to help, he might not have decided to make this decision, but those he had watching him told him that Pierce wasn't really looking like he was trying to help him.


Likely, he was hoping for his death, hoping to take over his part of Hydra, wanting to be the next RedSkull, the sole leader of Hydra. While Stucker did agree that project insight held great potential, he wasn't about to become little more than a lacky.


So it was better to do this, attempt to spare his men and the remaining manpower he had left while looking around for clues. It was a costly move, but desperation was a powerful driving factor here.


 As the plane began its descent back to HQ, Strucker made a series of calls to his most trusted lieutenants, outlining his plan to go underground. Each was given specific instructions to disband their units, erase all traces of their operations, and lay low until further notice.


The Hydra compound back at HQ buzzed with activity as the orders came through. Agents scrambled to pack up equipment, destroy sensitive documents, and prepare for their sudden retreat into the shadows. Strucker watched the controlled chaos unfold from his command center, his mind racing with contingency plans.


A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. His aide entered, holding a secure tablet. "Baron, we have a preliminary report from the facility attack."


Strucker took the tablet, skimming through the details. The report confirmed his worst fears. The facility had been completely decimated, the Black Knight moving through their defenses effortlessly. The few survivors described a figure of pure terror, impervious to bullets and seemingly able to vanish and reappear at will.


"We need more information," Strucker said, his voice low. "I want every piece of data we can gather on this Black Knight. We need to find a way to counter it, or at least understand what we're up against."


"Understood, Baron," the aide replied. "We'll continue our investigations and keep you updated."


Strucker nodded, dismissing the aide. As he sat back in his chair, the weight of their predicament pressed down on him. Hydra had always prided itself on its secrecy and resilience, but this new enemy was unlike anything they had faced before. The Black Knight's attacks were relentless, surgical, and utterly devastating.


The days that followed were filled with a tense silence. Strucker's orders were executed with precision, and one by one, Hydra's facilities across Europe went dark. His forces melted away into the shadows, biding their time and waiting for the moment to strike back.


From his hidden command center, Strucker oversaw Hydra's transformation. What was once a sprawling, visible network became a ghostly whisper, impossible to track and even harder to eradicate. He knew it was a temporary measure, a way to preserve their strength while they regrouped and gathered the necessary intelligence to fight back.


And he might just have stumbled onto a tool that would allow that to happen. From one of the small hidden cells that were the current hydra under his command, he heard whispers of a mysterious artifact, a mask that seemed to hold many secrets.


If the chatter he was picking up was true, then it would indeed be a key to overturning the current situation. He wouldn't even have to rely on Pierce for information because it sure sounded like he had found a goldmine of it.


He had already sent some people he trusted to pick up this artifact. He needed to study it himself. It sounded all but impossible, but then again, so did the mysterious black knight.






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