
Breakfast with Wenwu -75


In the three days since Alex had gotten his new O5 suit, he had played around with it a lot. He used it while in his child form, the female form, and even in his Hitler form. His suit was indeed nothing short of a miracle in technology.


The suit didn't have any offensive power and didn't even increase his strength or speed at all. It was purely made for defence. It was however, very good at just that, making him unafraid of bullets and even most normal bombs.


This suit was a keystone for his future plans; after the damned assassination from the winter soldier, he wouldn't take as many risks as he had done before. Yet without any other means of extending his personal reach, he would be trapped at home, hiding in his bunker.


He was naturally unwilling to accept this, which is where the suit came into play. With this, he could meet with the more dangerous elements of the Marvel world without being at much risk. Even someone like the Hulk shouldn't be able to break the defence of the suit, which was designed to be even more shock-absorbing than Captain America's shield.


So he was feeling rather confident that he wouldn't be in too much danger with this new suit, it was also fucking cool and he couldn't wait to use it to mess with people like Star and Fury. They would surely give me some fun reactions to his darker-than-dark silhouette.


The first people who would witness his new glory would be Xu Wenwu and the fingers of the Hand. It wasn't the best place to test his new suit, given that the Mandarin might be one of the few people in the world able to still harm him through the suit. Stupid alien power rings.


"Alright, Markus, Please go over the plan for the visit of SCP-10000 one last time. Leave no detail out." Alex requested as he sat at his favourite place by the pool and played with the little high-tech pin.


Markus, standing with impeccable posture beside Alex, cleared his throat softly before beginning his briefing. "Certainly, Overseer. The visit to SCP-10000, also known as Xu Wenwu and the leader of the 10 Rings organization, is scheduled for tomorrow at dawn. The object will arrive here for a shared breakfast and business meeting before you will both continue to meet with the Hand."


Continuing, Markus elaborated on the intricate details of the upcoming encounter. "The breakfast will be held at our secure outdoor facility, designed to blend in with the natural surroundings yet fully equipped with state-of-the-art security measures. This setting not only provides a neutral ground for discussions but also allows us to maintain control over the environment."


"We've selected a menu that caters to cultural preferences while ensuring all food is prepared under strict safety protocols to avoid any potential... misunderstandings. A team of our best culinary experts has been briefed on the specific dietary requirements and tastes of our guests."


Markus showed off the menu and other documents, all showcasing and further explain everything he just said in even greater detail. Then, after receiving a nod from Alex, he went on with his explanation, after first also presenting maps for the location of the meeting place, where they would go to meet the hand.


"After breakfast, you and Xu Wenwu will then proceed to the location for your meeting with the Hand, which has been chosen for its strategic significance and secured against any potential threats. The meeting will take place at a somewhat neutral ground, headquarters of Fisk."


"He has very generously allowed us to meet under his roof. After what is suspected to be a short meeting we will most likely go to inspect the Hand's current project. Which isn't too far from Fisk's current place of operation."


"We expect that your part of these meetings will likely end there; once a plan for the successful execration has been agreed upon, we expect that the final part of the meeting, Xu Wenwu getting hold of a dose of SCP-10252 will take place, which isn't something that recures our presence."


Markus concluded his briefing, his demeanor calm but confident. "All teams are on standby, and final checks are being conducted. We are ready for any eventuality, Overseer."


Alex just sat back and lazily looked through the provided reading material, reports, and assorted dossiers. While listening to the verbal report and briefing. He identified the only time of major risk being doing the breakfast itself since he wouldn't be able to wear his new suit while eating.


However, since the meeting was happening in his home, other measures were taken to ensure his safety. Should there even be the slightest of threats towards him, well, let's just say that the Mandarin would find a rather unpleasant surprise arranged for him.


After that meeting, he would be suited up and safe from any sudden attack, that combined with the small army of powerful guards ready to move in and extract him. Not that any such situation was expected.


His dealings with Wenwu were so far rather pleasant, meaning that it was unlikely he would be the source of the threat. So, should someone else attack, well, Wenwu himself would properly take care of things in that case.


Alex, satisfied with the arrangement, nodded his head and waved away all the documents. "Sounds like everything has been taken into account. Ensure that nothing goes wrong, and we won't be having any problems." He dismissed Markus as he went back to relaxing and taking a small break after a day filled with work and acting classes.



The next morning came quickly, and with the first light of dawn, the mansion of the Ricci family greeted an honoured guest. Xu Wenwu, one of the most wanted people in all of America, casually rolled up in a small convoy of cars.


 As Wenwu stepped out of his vehicle, his presence commanded attention. The leader of the Ten Rings, a man whose legend was built on centuries of myth and a tangible record of power, moved with an air of confidence. His gaze took in the surroundings, assessing, always assessing, but there was a nod of approval for the setup that awaited him.


Within the mansion Alex greeted his guest while in his guise as a small child, keeping up the illusion that his means of dodging death wasn't without its price. "Mr. Xu, Welcome welcome to my humble home, I must say, its good to meet you in person again." Alex greeted his guest, no doubt his acts and words looking and sounding a bit comical due to his childish form.


Wenwu's response, though initially reserved, carried a hint of warmth, a rarity for those acquainted with his reputation. Yet a clear sign that he was thankful for the help Alex had given so far towards his hope of resurrecting his wife. "Not so humble home, my friend. It's quite alright, though not quite as peaceful as my own."


As they moved to the designated area for breakfast, the tranquility of the morning was underscored by the meticulous arrangements that had been made to accommodate the meeting. The blend of Eastern and Western cuisine on the table reflected the global influences that both men navigated in their respective spheres of influence.


Throughout the meal, conversation veered from polite inquiries about each other's well-being to more substantial discussions on the nature of power, the ethics of their actions, and the shared understanding that sometimes, the end does justify the means.


"Mr. Xu, I was hoping to discuss with you how to deal with our shared enemy, Hydra. You have so far dealt them some impressive blows, yet I fear that you might scare them underground should you continue to do so." Alex finally brought up the most important issue he wished to discuss.


Wenwu paused, his chopsticks mid-air, as he considered Alex's words. The mention of Hydra seemed to shift the atmosphere slightly, bringing an edge of seriousness to the breakfast table that hadn't been present before. He placed his chopsticks down, his expression contemplative.


"Hydra is like a many-headed serpent," Wenwu began, his tone measured. "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. A saying they're quite fond of, but it also reveals their weakness. They rely on their ability to regenerate, to multiply, but this also means they're spread thin, vulnerable in ways they prefer to hide."


He leaned forward slightly, locking eyes with Alex. "Your concern is valid. Driving them underground would only make them more difficult to eradicate. However, I Won't stop killing just because it becomes a bit more difficult to do so; I must have my revenge."


Alex nodded, understanding Wenwu's desire. "I understand. I too desire to see them undone for what they did to me. I do, after all, have a reputation to uphold, and I have some plans in motion, plans that can deal some truly devastating blows to them. However, those plans will need some time, time which I hope you can give me."


Wenwu contemplated Alex's words, the weight of his decision evident in his gaze. "Time is a luxury, one I don't wish for our enemy to enjoy, but one I might be willing to provide if it means a more decisive victory over Hydra. Your plans intrigue me."


Alex offered a sly smile with his childish face. "I have in my hands some of the greatest and most fearsome enemies of Hydra, some who have the ability and dive to root out our enemies completely and utterly, with our help that is. I'm sure they can provide you with names and locations."


Wenwu's interest was piqued, his earlier reservation giving way to curiosity. "Indeed? Then it seems our collaboration could prove even more fruitful than anticipated. Your resources and strategic mind, combined with the might of the Ten Rings, could very well spell the end for Hydra."


The two shared a moment of mutual understanding, their alliance strengthened by the promise of shared goals and victories. "I will extend the time you require," Wenwu declared. "In return, I expect to be kept abreast of developments and to have a hand in the planning. My men and I are more than capable of taking decisive action when the moment arrives."


"Agreed," Alex responded, already thinking ahead to the coordination and logistics that would be involved. "Together, we'll ensure Hydra has nowhere left to hide. And when we strike, it will be with such force and precision that they'll be unable to recover."


As the discussion and meal concluded, the two men shook hands, their partnership cemented by the shared vision of a future without Hydra's rot remaining in this world. Alex then showed Wenwu around his Mansion, slowing off pieces of precious art.


Wenwu, with a connoisseur's eye, admired each piece, his appreciation for the arts a well-known facet of his complex persona. "You have an exquisite collection," he commented, pausing before a particularly striking painting. "Even one as old as I didn't think some of these pieces existed to this day."


Alex, playing the part of the gracious host, elaborated on the origins and the stories behind some of the artworks. Some the works of famous names, others so old that even Wenwu himself was impressed.


However there didn't spend too much time on this merrymaking, as they soon had another meeting to attend to.


Their conversation gradually shifted back to the matters at hand as they prepared to depart for their meeting with the Hand. The transition from the leisurely pace of breakfast to the urgency of their agenda was seamless, a testament to the adaptability and focus of both leaders.


Before leaving, Alex showcased his defensive suit to Wenwu; after all, he needed to be aware of who the person dressed in this black silhouette was. "I will take part in the meeting dressed like this." He said and demonstrated his suit by tapping a finger onto the pin on his chest.


The transformation was instantaneous and silent, the suit enveloping Alex in its dark, sleek form. Wenwu observed with keen interest, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and admiration. "Impressive," he finally said, his voice betraying a hint of respect. "A formidable armor indeed. Vibranium I believe? That reminds me, I do owe you one for the very generous gift you gave my children."


Alex nodded, the suit's form fitting perfectly to his body, making no sound as he moved. "Yes, Vibranium. And regarding the gift, consider it a token of our partnership. Working together, we can achieve much more than we ever could alone."


Even as Alex said that the gift was but a token, both men knew very well that Wenwu would still be expected to repay the favour, and both also had no doubt that he would.


"If possible, my friend, I was hoping that you could avoid revealing my identity during this meeting," Alex said while pretending to be slightly embarrassed, no doubt not wanting to let others know of his current childlike state.


Wenwu nodded, understanding the request. "Of course, your secret is safe with me. In these times, the element of surprise and the unknown are among our greatest assets." His voice held a tone of solemnity, acknowledging the gravity of Alex's situation without belittling the peculiar condition that necessitated such secrecy.


Alex, thankful, once more, activated the suit as the two took their leave from his mansion, each having their own black convoy of cars and guards following them as they took different routes to their destination.




If you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem