
Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Guys a good Marvel fan fic, it's a TL, and for entertainment only. Real author: Mr.Mo Real Synopsis: Clark an 8 year old created a shoddy Hydra organisation with his friend in a toilet. "Gabri, it's your turn." A little boy with a strong build and a serious face handed a knife in his hand to a fat boy named Gabri. Gabri hesitated and reached out to take the knife, nervous even with the fat on his face. The flesh is trembling "Clark, do you really want to do this? Can't we just give a high five or shake hands or something?" Gabri slowly moved around his left hand with the knife, gesticulating around it, but in the end he couldn't muster up the courage to cut his finger. Many years later. The vast universe, the end of the starry sky. A desolate aura suddenly spread out, causing ripples in the space, and then he saw a door opening in the dark universe. On the other side of the door, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the edge of the door. The big blue hands had blue veins popping out on the surface. Just a hand stretched out from the door, and the terrifying aura it brought caused the entire universe to tremble, as if the entire universe was afraid of the existence on the other side of the door. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the universe "What's this?" Clark looked at the door in front of him and the big blue hand that appeared from the other side of the door, and tilted his head in confusion. The terrifying aura on the other hand's hand shocked even him. After a while later. He stepped into the door. Appearing again, people have arrived at an extremely towering tree. Behind him was a towering tree of unknown height, and where he came from was just an ordinary fruit on this towering tree. Through this fruit, Clark can even see some scenes happening inside the Marvel world "This is where I came from?!" Clark exclaimed. Then he turned around and looked at another door in the distance. Then he flew towards that direction resolutely!

Thangam_Robert · Films
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51 Chs

Chapter 251-255

Chapter 251

On this day, Clark was drinking alone in the bar.

Because Tony was trapped by Pepper and it was hard to come out recently, so Clark had to go out and play alone.

This bar is located between 26th and 27th Streets in Chelsea Park. It features a giant Hollywood-style dance floor, 30-foot ceilings, and burly black bodyguards, all of which make you feel like you are in a Hollywood movie.

There are also many guests here, and the giant dance floor in the center is almost packed with people, with no empty seats at all.

Loud music, dazzling psychedelic lights.

There are all kinds of handsome men and beauties, there is always one you like.

Clark was alone when he came, but after sitting for a while, there were already five people in his booth.

There are various high-end famous wines on the table, each bottle is equivalent to liquid US dollars, attracting the eyes of the girls in the bar.

Many people came over one after another, and Clark picked four that he liked and asked them to sit down.

There is no need to go into details about the subsequent process.

However, the lack of a companion to talk to tonight always made Clark a little uninterested.

However, in the hotel lobby, Clark met a somewhat familiar guy and couldn't help but look at him a few more times before getting into the elevator.....

The next day, at about 9 a.m.,

Clark came out of the elevator going downstairs.

He saw the familiar man from yesterday again.

The two of them happened to be in two elevators, one on the left and one on the right. When they got out of the elevator, they both saw each other almost at the same time.

"Hi~! We meet again."

The other party seemed to remember Clark.

He showed a smile that every man would understand.

"Where is your friend? Clark smiled and asked casually.

The other party laughed and said,"Still resting. Where are your friends?""

"Too. Clark said, looking him up and down,"Have I seen you somewhere?" Don't get me wrong, this is not a pick-up word!"

When the other party heard this, he immediately burst into laughter.

"I know you are not the only one who has said this. He smiled and took out his phone, pulled out a photo and showed it to Clark, and said,"Look, the one on the left is me, and the one on the right is the American counterpart. Don't we look alike?""

When Clark saw it, he suddenly realized. That's what he said!

Why does he always feel that the guy in front of him looks so familiar?

Now comparing the two photos, he really looks very similar!

I can't say that they are exactly the same, but they are at least 60 to 70% similar. Degree

"So you deliberately had the same hairstyle as Cap?"After Clark looked at the photo, he looked at the other person and said.

The other person smiled and smoothed his hair and said:

"I don't want to either, but it would make me more popular!"

Clark nodded understandingly.

Do you understand what he said about being more popular?

But in terms of being more popular, if Clark didn't deliberately become another person, he would definitely be more popular than any American team.

After all, the American team is Outdated.

Today's young people prefer superheroes like Superman.

After chatting with the young man in front of him for a few more words, Clark also knew the other person's name.

Jonathan. Johnny Stone!

As soon as he heard this The name, combined with the other person's appearance, it is not difficult for Clark to guess the other person's identity.

The Human Torch, a future member of the Fantastic Four! He is also the younger brother of the invisible woman Susan Tong.

Unexpectedly, he and Tony had just talked before Mr. Fantastic, in a blink of an eye, he met the future Human Torch again.

When he became popular, the Human Torch was also a fun-loving young man.

Clark was also able to chat with him.

The two exchanged each other's information before parting. Phone number and Twitter account, we made an appointment to go out for a drink or something the next time we have the chance.....

A few days passed quickly.

Since Tony became Iron Man, he has successively driven the Mark 1 to show his force in the chaotic area of ​​the Middle East, thus achieving the effect of shocking other countries.

But it is really because of his intimidating behavior that the United States is even more eager for his mechas.

Tony has also been involved in lawsuits in the past few days, but he doesn't seem to care at all. He spends all day either around Pepper or the laboratory.

Clark hadn't seen this guy for several days.

This day, Hydra, Zeus base.

A new production line has just been completed.

At this time, on the production line, the parts were assembled one by one, and soon it was assembled into a small mecha nearly ten meters high.

"Skynet, test it."

Clark stood in front, watching the many robotic arms in front of him controlling the assembly of this mecha.

But this is only the first step. Whether the next step can be started and run freely is the key.

"OK, Master."

The assembled mecha was in front of me. The lights in its eyes suddenly lit up, reflecting a scarlet light. The next moment, its tall body started to move. It walked down from the top step by step, and then showed kicks, Turning around, flying into the air, etc.

After a few minutes, the mecha stopped, and

Skynet's voice sounded.

"Master, everything is running normally inside the mecha, achieving the expected ideal results."

Clark nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, please name the mecha!"

"Just call it Hydra One. Clark randomly named it and said:"Continue to produce more mechas. For the time being, we will produce twelve units, all of which will be controlled by you.""

"Got it, master"

"Well, I'll go first."

After Clark finished speaking, he disappeared into the base.

Let Skynet build the mecha. It was Clark's whim after seeing Tony's achievements.

The mecha itself did not have much effect on improving Hydra's combat power. It's just that It just enriches Hydra's combat style.

After all, it has an army of millions of symbiotes as its trump card.

Hydra's combat effectiveness can no longer be improved by just a few mechas.

At least....

It cannot be improved by just a few small mechas.

To improve, it must be at least a large mecha that is 100 meters tall.

However, for that kind of mecha, not only is it difficult to manufacture the body, but the internal power source is also a big problem.


Chapter 252

Although Clark can use the energy of the Infinity Stones as a power source, it seems a bit uneconomical for Clark to waste the energy of the Infinity Stones for a toy.

The left and right are nothing more than a toy.

Whether you want to make it or not depends on your mood when the time comes.

Anyway, it is enough to get a few small mechas for now.

Look at those people who eagerly want to get technical information on mecha design. Let alone small mechas, they can't even build micro mechas!

Even S.H.I.E.L.D....

Secretly, Nick Fury was also instructing the researchers to try to overcome the difficulties of manufacturing mechas.

But if this kind of technical difficulty was so easy to overcome, Tony Stark wouldn't be called a man cursed by knowledge by Thanos.....

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Clark was playing games with Jessica in the villa. Wanda and the others had gone to school, so they were not at home. The remaining two of them did not need to go to the company, and Clark's Kent Pictures recently entered the game industry..

No, a game created by Clark and fully produced by Skynet was launched two days ago.

As soon as it was launched, 30 million copies were sold on the same day!

You know, although the price of this game is not very expensive, it is only $23.

But if it were 30 million copies, it would be a full 6 to 7 billion US dollars.

Plan away almost no finished product.

Coupled with the U.S. tax-free policy for Kent Films, it can be said that Clark easily earned six to seven billion.

In the past two days, Clark would play his own game when he had nothing to do.

Don't say...

It is indeed an idea provided by him!

The playability of this game is really high, and the exquisite graphics are definitely the best on the market.

For a game like this, $23 is a steal.

If it weren't for the impossibility of a temporary price increase, Clark would have wanted to raise the price again.

How can I say that $60 is not too much to buy? really...

Still so kind!

Didn't learn the essence of being a capitalist. otherwise....


Clark thinks this is possible.

When the time comes, the DLC will be sold for $15. If the response is good, more DLC can be sold in the future. You would be a fool not to make money!

"Ouch~! I die again!"

In the game screen, the character controlled by Jessica is already lying on the ground, motionless.

"It's okay, I'll take revenge on you."

Clark controlled his game character and launched a combo of moves directly at the monster in front of him. He was not hurt at all, but a series of damage appeared on the top of the monster opposite. After a while, the monster roared directly Falling to the ground with a sound


Clark put down the game controller, smiled and rubbed Jessica's head.

"How about it? Are you still playing?"

"No more playing. Jessica shook her head,"I have an appointment with Abigail to go shopping later. Do you want to go together?""

"Shopping....Clark thought for a while, shook his head and said,"Forget it, you two go shopping, I'll play for a while longer"

"That works."

Jessica didn't force Clark to go shopping with them.

Anyway, she usually went out with Abigail, and Clark rarely went together.

Clark was worried about the safety of the two of them.

Not that Jessica Her abilities were enough to protect herself and Abigail.

Instead, Clark sent a team of symbiotes to protect them, and with Skynet's surveillance, if there was any danger that the symbiote warriors could not handle, Clark would also Rush over as soon as possible.

With Clark's current strength, unless he is an enemy at the level of the five gods in the universe, even if Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet comes, he will just give away his head.

This is not because the infinite stones are not good, but The Thanos of this universe simply cannot unleash the true power of the Infinity Stones.

Did you know that Thanos was almost crippled with a snap of his fingers?

And erasing half of all life in the universe is by no means the maximum power of the Infinity Stones. It is just It can be said to be a very common application.

After all, it is a multiverse-level treasure. Not to mention erasing half of the life in the universe, even erasing the existence of dozens or hundreds of universes is very easy.

Afternoon, Jay Sika went shopping with Abigail.

Clark played games in the villa for a while and then received a message from Skynet.

"Master, there is new movement in the door you placed in the secret room."

When Clark received the news, he immediately paused the game and directly used teleportation to appear in the secret room on the ground floor of Zeus Base.

As soon as he arrived, he heard a knock on the other side of the door.

"What happened to the mutant world again? Clark thought to himself, while reaching out to open the door.

On the other side of the door, Katie raised her hand to knock on the door. Seeing Clark open the door, she looked curiously towards the door and found that it was just an empty room. The empty room made me lose interest.

"What happened?"

Clark walked to the mutant world on the other side of the door, closed the door into the system space, and then asked Katie in front of him. This was the first time Katie saw Clark closing the door, and she couldn't help being surprised. Blinking.

After hearing Clark's question, she quickly came back to her senses and said:

"That's it. Just a few hours ago, our people detected a huge energy reaction in outer space close to the earth. Didn't you, leader, say before that if any huge energy appeared in the universe, you would be notified immediately? What?"

"Well, Katie, you did a great job!"

Clark rubbed Katie's head appreciatively, causing Katie to blush and lower her head in embarrassment.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Clark said, walking in front.

Katie saw it and quickly followed....

In the space inspection room.

As soon as Clark arrived, he saw a picture on one of the screens.

The picture is a real-time picture in space outside the earth at this time. In the dark universe, a ball of fiery red energy is slowly moving like a nebula.


When Clark saw this picture, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Just as he guessed, the huge energy reaction observed in the space detection room was indeed the Phoenix Force he had been waiting for!

But he didn't expect that it had passed. It took several years for this thing to reach the earth.

It was quite slow!

"Clark, the energy contained in this thing is so terrifying. If it gets close to the earth, the whole world will be over!"

Magneto came over at this time, with a very solemn expression on his face.

Clark reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it"

"Then be careful, I think it is not simple!"

Magneto said

"Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't understand and are unsure about. Clark said with a smile, and after telling them to stay here, he disappeared into the observation room...

In space, in this void 600,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Clark's figure suddenly appeared here.

As soon as he appeared, the Phoenix Force a few kilometers ahead seemed to be attracted by something and quickly gathered towards him!

"Sure enough, the Phoenix Force has a certain attraction to each other."

Clark thought.

He had no intention of dodge.

He allowed the huge Phoenix Force, which was as big as a satellite, to continue to gather towards him.

And on the earth, those who observed this scene through satellites also came one after another. Opening his eyes wide, he stared at the figure in the picture.

At this time, Clark seemed to have transformed into a high-quality black hole. The Phoenix Power was like a star passing near the black hole. Energy is constantly being pulled and swallowed by black holes.....

A ray of light, one end connected to Clark, the other connected to the Phoenix Force.

As the Phoenix Power continues to shrink, Clark can clearly feel that the Phoenix Power in his body is increasing rapidly...

The entire process is completed in just a few minutes!

The entire Phoenix power, which was as big as a satellite, was absorbed by Clark.

The terrifying energy contained inside this small body is simply unimaginable!

At this time, Clark also felt a swelling sensation in his body.

If he hadn't been powerful enough and was considered a relatively powerful member of the single universe class, it would have been really unbearable for him to withstand such a huge Phoenix power suddenly entering his body.

After a while....

Clark felt the swelling gradually disappear.

At this time, he also called up his character panel to check the status of the Phoenix Power.

[Phoenix Force Lv7 (active) (one-tenth)]

The seventh level was reached by Clark using his destruction points in the past two years.

Without a big consumer of points like Template, Clark instead invested these points in other abilities, such as the Phoenix Power, super star energy, and energy absorption.

Chapter 253

Super star energy and energy absorption have each been upgraded by Clark by one level in the past few years, costing him a full two million destruction points.

If you want to improve it further, it will be tens of millions of points.

The points requirement, which is equivalent to an entire Kryptonian template going from zero to full level, cannot be met in a short period of time.

The upgrade of the Phoenix Power also becomes more and more expensive as it goes on.

It also cost Clark millions of points to upgrade from level 6 to level 7. If he wanted to upgrade to level 8, he would need 5 million destruction points, and Clark couldn't get that many points for the time being.

However, the seventh-level Phoenix Power is already powerful enough, and its use can be said to have reached an extremely advanced level.

But the most obvious change right now is that the word"incomplete" that was originally labeled has been replaced by the current word"one-tenth"

"In other words, the amount of Phoenix Power in my body now is already one-tenth of the complete Phoenix Power?!"

Clark couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Although he could clearly feel the hugeness of the Phoenix Power in his body just now, the terrifying power contained in it made him feel trembling.

That was definitely A force much more powerful than his own body!

But Clark couldn't tell what level it had reached.

And now...

Seeing the specific information given by the system, Clark was already sure.

The Phoenix Power in his body has definitely reached the multiverse level!!!

The complete Phoenix Force is an almighty universe-level power!

Now, Clark has collected one-tenth of the Phoenix Power. Although it cannot reach the omniverse level, and there is some lack of power due to incompleteness and imperfection, it can definitely reach the multiverse level!

No wonder...

Clark would find this power so terrifying!

Far beyond the power brought by his own Kryptonian template!

Stretching out his hand, Clark condensed a phoenix power on his palm. The red phoenix power turned into a small phoenix shape in Clark's palm, fluttering its wings in his palm.

"I can feel that this power is enough to easily destroy the entire solar system, and even spread further!"

Clark looked at the small energy phoenix in his palm. It looked small and even a little cute, but it was hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power it possessed!

And this...

Just one millionth of the Phoenix Force that Clark currently controls is less than powerful.

Just a little bit stuck out from between your fingernails!

It's enough to destroy the entire solar system.

Even if Clark wants to, he can use the power of the Phoenix Force to wipe out the existence of the entire universe in a single thought!


Multiverse level power! horrible!!!....

In the universe, Clark is experiencing the power of the Phoenix Force in his body. at this time...

Far far away in the depths of space, a space fleet is flying towards this side.

Clark sensed something and looked over there

"The ones chasing the Phoenix Force? Clark guessed in his mind.

The next moment, he disappeared and reappeared in front of the fleet.

The fleet consisted of six battleships, the largest of which was a space battleship that was a hundred times the size of an aircraft carrier on Earth. It was a huge thing.

At this time, in the main control room of the mothership, several aliens were standing in it, observing Clark in space.

"What kind of creature is this? Why can we survive in a vacuum?"

"I do not know! But the Phoenix Power seems to have been absorbed by him! what should we do?"

"Attack directly! Kill him and the Phoenix Power will be ours!"

"Don't mess around. The opponent has absorbed the power of the Phoenix and may be difficult to deal with!"

"impossible? Even if he absorbed the Phoenix Power, would he be able to use it?"

"It's always good to be careful!"


After several aliens discussed it, they decided to talk to the creature in front of them first.

Their target is the Phoenix Force. If the other party is willing to hand it over, they can avoid any conflict.

Of course, if the other party is ignorant!

The main guns on their mothership are not just for display!!!

At this time...

Clark in space sensed a mental wave coming from the mothership in front of him, and seemed to want to communicate with him.

Clark releases the barrier of psychic power

"Hello unknown existence, we are here for the Phoenix Power. As long as you are willing to hand over the Phoenix Power, there will be no need for any conflict between us."

Sure enough!

They are the aliens who are chasing the Phoenix Power.

Clark smiled contemptuously at this time.

Hand over the Phoenix Power?

How is it possible!

These aliens are really naive enough.

Or are they confident enough about their own power? of confidence?

"I need the power of the Phoenix. Clark stared coldly at the fleet in front of him, his spiritual power enveloped him, and his voice reached the brains of these aliens,"If you want it, I'll give it to you.""

As he spoke, the small phoenix in his hand shrank a lot.

Then he waved his hand, and a wisp of crimson phoenix power flew out.

When those aliens saw it, their faces suddenly changed wildly!

"not good! This creature knows how to use the Phoenix Power!!!"

It's a pity that it's too late to run away at this time.

The power of the red phoenix swept across and enveloped a void covering hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

In an instant...

Everything within this area was turned into powder.

Even the entire universe is twisting and deforming.

Clark reached out and grabbed the excess energy, thus preventing the space from being torn apart by the Phoenix Force.

"If you want the Phoenix Power, I'll give it to you, but it's a pity that you can't bear it!"

"You can't blame me for this, I can only blame you for your own incompetence."

Clark smiled faintly.

Then he shook his head and disappeared into the void....

Chapter 254


"It must have been absorbed by the leader! The leader is so awesome!"

"of course! That is a powerful leader beyond level five!!!"

"look! The leader is missing!"

In the picture, Clark's figure disappeared.

The next second...

He has returned to the observation room on Eden Island

"Are you OK?"

Qin asked with concern when she saw him coming back.

Clark shook his head.

"It's okay, just aliens."

Hearing this, Qin nodded slightly.

She didn't ask what those aliens were here for. Since she lost her memory, she seemed to have lost her curiosity about many things. Most of the time, she just liked one person. Sitting and practicing her abilities.

Occasionally, Clark would chat with her when she came over. Other times, Qin was extremely cold when facing those people.

Clark did not stay in the mutant world for too long.

After absorbing After using the Phoenix Force to deal with the aliens, he chatted with Eric and the others for a while, and after learning about the current progress of the mutant world, he left directly and returned to the main world.....

10 years, New Year's Eve.

Beach house.

Clark spends New Year's Eve at home every year.

He has never been to any invitations to banquets outside.

It's New Year's Eve!

I definitely want to spend it with my family.

Even the Kent couple, who travel all year round, come back every New Year's Eve.

This year's New Year's Eve was just like previous years, and the entire villa was decorated with a New Year's atmosphere. in the living room.

Pietro is being chased and beaten by Wanda.

Because Pietro had just opened a New Year's gift from Wanda without permission, which made Wanda very angry. They chased each other for more than ten minutes before the two stopped.

"Okay, okay, stop playing and come over for dinner!"

Mrs. Kent had a kind smile on her face and invited the children to come over for dinner.

At this time, Clark also pulled Jessica downstairs.

"Clark, Jessica, come here quickly, it's time to eat!"

Mrs. Kent had a kind smile on her face and pulled Jessica to sit next to her.

"It's already been 210 years in the blink of an eye, and you've all grown one year older. Now let's talk about your New Year's wishes."

Mrs. Kent looked at her children with a smile.

Although only Abigail was her biological child, her love for Clark and Daisy had never diminished by half because they were not her biological children.

And Wanda and Although Pietro was not adopted by the Kents, in this family, they are just like the Kents' own children.

"I'll go first! I'll go first!"

Pietro couldn't wait to raise his hands and shouted

"My New Year's resolution this year is to grow to 1.7 meters tall, and also to attend a party with Brother Clark!"

When talking about the latter part, Pietro, the kid, looked at Clark with expectant eyes.

Clark smiled after hearing this.

"It depends on your performance in school this year. If you don't perform well, I won't take you to any party."

Hearing this, Pietro's face suddenly fell.


That was his eternal pain!

He just couldn't understand why he was not as good as Peter, who was five years younger than him, in terms of learning even though he was so smart.

Seeing Pietro's pitiful look, everyone at the dinner table laughed.

The little guy snorted angrily and challenged himself in front of him.

"Next is me."

Wanda raised her little hand

"My New Year's wish this year is that Brother Ke will take me to play around the world. If possible, I would also like to play in space!"

The little girl looked at Clark expectantly.

"Okay, I'll definitely satisfy you then!"

Clark smiled and rubbed Wanda's little head.

Now, Pietro was even more depressed.

The knife and fork in his hand clinked on the plate.

Clark glanced at him and couldn't help but feel happy again.

The New Year's wish section ended quickly. Even Clark said a decent New Year's wish, and then the family started to have a happy meal. In Western countries, there is no rule not to chat during meals. On the contrary, families generally eat together. Sometimes they would communicate with each other about the current situation, chat about the day's work, or encounter any unsatisfactory things. Therefore

, they are usually busy when eating.

It is common for one or two hours to eat a meal..

And it goes without saying that there is a festival like New Year's Eve that only happens once a year.

There will also be links such as opening gifts.

When the dinner is over, the Kents go back. They usually don't live in Even if it is late at home, the child will still insist on not staying overnight.

This is probably related to the education from childhood.

The educational concepts in Western countries are still very different from those in Eastern countries.

Wait until the Kents After going back, it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

Usually at this time, Wanda and the others should go to bed and rest.

But today is New Year's Eve, so Clark allowed them to rest later.

Just like that, it was noisy After playing until about 12 o'clock, Wanda and the others yawned and went to wash up and rest.....

The next day, morning.

Clark was sitting in the courtyard of the villa, with a cup of tea on the table in front of him, still steaming.

"Don't know what to expect from this year's annual gift pack? Clark thought to himself, summoned the system interface, and received this year's annual gift package.

It was a small golden box.

Clark took it in his hand and opened it directly.

A faint golden light came from the box. Released, after waiting for a while.....

Clark saw the small object in the box.

It's a small, unknown device.

It has a square base with a slanted tube-like thing on top.

Clark took it out of the box.

As soon as it came out of the box, this thing became a lot bigger. The entire base was about half a meter in diameter, and the overall height was also close to half a meter.

The slanted, pipe-like thing has also become much larger, enough for Clark to put his fist in.

"System, check the information about this thing."

An interface appeared in Clark's mind, with a brief introduction about this item.

After a moment...

Clark finished reading the above introduction.

This is a machine called [Wishful Change Machine], which is somewhat similar to those weird props in Doraemon that don't comply with the rules at all.

The way to use it is to put an item you need to replace into the opening of the tube above, and then the machine will randomly replace an item of equal value for you. what is interesting is.

This so-called equal value is actually a very vague concept.

The concept is not Clark-based.

In other words, he might exchange a diamond for a biscuit, or he might exchange a biscuit for a powerful weapon.

The so-called equal value depends entirely on the other party of the replacement!

And who is the other party to the replacement?

Clark didn't know.

Even the machine doesn't know, because it's completely random.

Why is it called the wish-fulfillment replacement machine?

It is because it can sense the wishes of some creatures in other worlds, and thus fulfill the wishes of these people in a barter-for-thing manner.

This is what is called having your wishes come true!

Rather than what Clark thought at the beginning, all his wishes would come true.

"Give it a try."

Clark doesn't even think this machine is a scam.

When his strength reaches his level, he doesn't care about these things anymore. Even if a diamond is exchanged for an ordinary stone, Clark won't be affected by it. Angry.

After looking around, Clark simply picked up the cup of tea that he had taken a sip from on the table and put it into the entrance of the replacement machine.

The teacup disappeared immediately after being put in.

It was dark inside, just Even Clark couldn't see anything other than black.

And then....

It seemed like two or three seconds passed.

Something fell out from the exit.

Clark reached out and caught it.

This is a round metal ball. It's quite heavy. It weighs about several thousand kilograms, but it's only about the size of a table tennis ball.

"Is it some kind of metal that doesn't exist in this world?"

Clark's eyes directly saw through the molecular structure of the metal ball. He compared it with the existing metals and alloys in the world and found that they were not exactly the same.

He squeezed it a little harder.

A thumb was left on the surface of the metal ball. print

"The hardness is okay, close to gold-titanium alloy."

Soon, Clark shaped the metal ball into a small metal sculpture just like plasticine.


He nodded with satisfaction.

It was obviously a good deal to exchange a cup of ordinary hot tea for such a piece of metal.

Clark continued to test.

This time he directly threw the metal sculpture in.

Two seconds later...

A stack of banknotes that had never been seen before fell out of the exit.

Chapter 255

"This is...Coins from another world?"

Clark took out a piece. The patterns and words on it were all unfamiliar. It was a type of writing that he had never seen before.

"Is this money bought?"

He smiled, and then threw the stack of coins from another world that had been drawn out into the entrance of the machine.....

Half an hour later.

Clark held a syringe in his hand, with a rose-red potion embedded in it, reflecting a coquettish light in the sun.

[Potion of Immortality] is the name of this potion.

But the name seemed a bit exaggerated to Clark.

Because it doesn't really give the injector eternal life, it just makes the recovery ability much stronger, a bit like a low-end version of Wolverine's self-healing ability.

But what's interesting is that Clark exchanged a piece of bread for this immortality potion.

It wasn't any particularly delicious bread with any special functions, just an ordinary piece of butter bread, which was replaced by this immortality potion. can only say...

This thing is really random!

"But this thing is of no use to me."

Clark looked at the immortality potion in his hand and thought, should he give it to Wanda and the others? But to whom? There is only one potion, and it is impossible to give it to everyone equally.

"otherwise...Change it again?"

Clark took the immortality potion and hesitated to replace it again.

But according to the randomness of this machine, what he might get next time might just be a bitten apple. After all, Clark also used a piece of butter bread. What I got in exchange was not much better.

At this moment...

A portal opened in front of Clark.

Red sparks burst out!

Then, Master Gu Yi, wearing a white robe, walked out slowly.

"Mage, are there invaders from a parallel world arriving again? Clark asked.

After hearing this, Master Gu Yi shook her head.

She first glanced at the machine on the table in front of Clark, and then said:

"I'm here to tell you that the world's transition has reached a critical moment."

"What's the meaning?"

Clark invited Master Gu Yi to sit down and said.

After sitting down, Master Gu Yi explained:

"The world of the main timeline has undergone irreversible changes. This change has affected all universes in the entire parallel time and space, especially our universe, which has shown signs of upgrading."


"This is not enough!"

Master Gu Yi shook his head.

"Ask the mage for guidance."

Clark said

"There are not enough variables!"Master Gu Yi said,"The upgrading of the world is an extremely difficult and even impossible thing to happen, but everything you have done before has helped us achieve the prerequisites."

"Now, we just need to create as many variables as possible to make the whole world completely different from other parallel universes. Then our universe can complete this upgrade."

"Currently, our chances are the best!"

"But not the only one!"

After Clark pondered for a moment, he nodded.

"Master, I understand what you mean"

"In other words, as long as I can create more variables that do not follow the original trajectory, I can increase the possibility of our universe being upgraded, right?"

Master Gu Yi nodded.

"Then I know what to do. Clark said with a smile.

"If there's anything you need my help with, just ask."

Master Gu Yi said

"The upgrading of the world is not your business alone. Clark nodded and said with a smile:"I understand, if I really need help with anything, I will definitely not be polite to you, Master.""

The Ancient One Master smiled after hearing this, then got up and left.

The main reason she came here today was to inform Clark of the situation, and she had already made her attitude clear.

When the Ancient One Master left,

Clark glanced at the immortal on the table. Potion, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of curvature.....

Three days later.

In the villa yard.

At this time, there were many things placed on the table in front of Clark.

There are syringes similar to immortality potions, some strange-shaped crystals, or weird-looking fruits, etc.

These things were obtained by Clark one after another through replacement machines in the past three days.

All are things that can give ordinary people magical powers.

"The first stage is like this, first transform some important plot characters and let them deviate from their original historical trajectory."

As he spoke, Clark picked up a pink potion in front of him with a strange smile on his face.

"Let's start with our American team!"

The next moment, he disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was under a glacier, in an airplane that had been frozen for decades. A biting chill filled the vacuum-like environment.

Clark casually I swept away some ice and snow crystals above and saw Captain America covered in ice below.

"It's time for you to be born early. Clark said to himself.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to grab, and the ice block covering Captain America immediately turned into powder and disappeared.

With a wave of his hand, Captain America and his shield disappeared directly.

A few minutes later.In an abandoned apartment building in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York.

This is a boarding place for some homeless people.

There are at least a hundred homeless people living in the entire seven-story apartment building.

Clark casually Choosing a room, he directly decomposed the stunned Rangers into the basic particles of the universe, then waved his hand to clear a clean area and placed Captain America on it.

"Now is the time to witness the miracle!"

Clark smiled and took out the pink potion, with a very strange expression on his face.

He first restored Captain America's body that had been frozen for many years to the state before being frozen, and then directly injected the potion in his hand into into Captain America's body.

The pink potion was quickly injected.

Clark disassembled the syringe casually, then took a step back and looked at Captain America lying on the ground in front of him.

A minute later...

The changes have begun!

Sorry for the two day missing chapter updates, you may be thinking has the publisher loss intrest in this book?

Has his dicipline fallen?

Did he die from his construction work?

Yes, Slightly and No respectively.

I will continue to upload chapters but I might upload a new novel I am currently interested in.

Thangam_Robertcreators' thoughts