
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Films
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135 Chs

The WSO meeting

"Marcel, we will be arriving in ten minutes." Howard said through the phone as I was waiting for him. Peggy was discussing something with the officials as the WSO meeting was about to begin. 

The cold war had started three years ago so the tension between the countries was still high. But this meeting was still important so they decided to organize it now. And since the Soviet haven't started backing North Korea yet, the situation was still not the worst.

"It's alright. There is still time before it starts." He released a sigh of relief as I said that. 

"I will be there in 8 minutes." With that, he cuts the call. 

[At the meeting]

"Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the meeting discussing two major topics today." S.H.I.E.L.D is a secret so that meeting will be held once these two topics are cleared. 

The five permanent members were seated towards the right with us sitting towards the left. The members were the same as the one in my previous world. China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and America. However, the non-permanent member selections were halted for this year as the friction from the war was still in effect. 

"Our first topic is about the weapons supply that the Stark Industries are providing." I am not going to involve myself in this matter and I already made it clear to Howard. This will cause major backlashes which I do not want. 

Howard agreed as he knew it quite well.

"The weapons that you supplied for the war are extremely dangerous. Some are on par with the Atomic Bombs from 1945 if not any more dangerous." The representative of Russia said. 

"The damage that a single one of your nuclear heads can cause, is enough to remove an entire country from the face of the planet." I agree with the representative of France. Those weapons are not toys, they are enough to blow off a country. 

The representative of America stood up. "*Sigh* Unfortunately, Mr. Stark. We will have to ask you to stop supplying those weapons and even stop the manufacturing of weapons of that caliber." 

Why did the representative of America say this despite Howard providing weapons to the Americans? 

Well, even if he provides the weapon to his own country… There are still moles within the official ranks that will illegally sell or transport those weapons to other countries.

And the main reason for the American representative to say this was because… He has no other choice. America cannot think of themselves in this situation. No matter how greedy they get, if they decide to allow this manufacturing, the other countries will be furious. The World Security Council is responsible for maintaining the safety of all the countries and if one country can harm a lot of other countries, they will of course stop that. 

The members of the UN cannot think of their countries alone… No matter how patriotic the person is… If they do that, then they will immediately lose their seat from the council. They are free to make arguments, but there is no chance of argument here. This is a matter of world security… And I am surprised that Howard has gotten away with it for so long. I warned him ages ago about this.

"Do you have anything to say, Mr. Stark?" The representative of China asked.

"I have a question… if I may?"

The five members looked at each other before the representatives of the United Kingdom said. "Go ahead."

"Does this decision apply to my other projects? I have many projects that are on the same level as those weapons… These are not weapons instead they can be used for the development of the countries. But still, they are things that can affect an entire country or even more. So thus this applies to them as well?" What are you trying to do here, Howard? That is totally irrelevant. Of course, there is no- wait!

I felt a smile creeping up my face as I realized what he was trying to do here. 

"We would like to discuss those projects in detail later." They looked at one another one more time. "And if we deem them safe, you are free to work on them." 

Howard's smirk told me that his plan was successful. I didn't know that he was this cunning… something to think about later. I have to reevaluate a few people. It's been a while since I last did that.

"Thank you." 

[20 minutes later]

I already know as to what the next discussion is about.

"Now, we would be discussing the recent events involving the newly formed group… The Stallion Corporation." My lips curved upwards when the name was taken. 

Larry Kington stood up and went towards the microphone. He gave a slight bow before speaking. "Thank you for allowing me to speak, gentlemen." The men nodded. 

"Your new projects are quite controversial and same as Mr. Howard Stark, you are also developing weapons that can cause destruction on a scale higher than previously imaginable." The France representative said.

"Indeed, and just like Mr. Stark, I am willing to stop manufacturing them." It's not like he got any other choice. At most he can manufacture them in secret which will be extremely difficult. "But just like Mr. Stark, I would also ask for you all to allow me to continue my other projects. " he smiled. "They are for the welfare of the people, like all my other works." 

The councilmen discussed and I felt myself smirking looking at the cocky attitude of this Larry guy.

"We would like to inspect your projects later just like Mr. Stark." They completely ignored his comment about working for the welfare of others. "But, you were called here for another reason today."

He nodded. "Indeed and when you have rivals as strong as mine, you are bound to get charged with such false accusations." 

His comment nearly made me laugh out loud.

"Your cases involve selling medicines made from cheaper materials or substitutes that are harmful in nature, Appointing non-professional individuals for schools, and many more. What do you have to say about this, Mr. Kington?" This question made me think of something.

How bad can a person be at covering his tracks? He provided services for prices that will not make him bankrupt and yet he got involved in such a case.

Whereas I, who is providing 'free' medical services to the poor, is making a fortune through the hospitals.

How am I doing it? Well, it's quite simple. It's all thanks to the greed of humans. Humans will run towards anything if it's free. The same thing happens in situations such as this. When I said that I was going to provide free medical services to the poor, many greedy people who were quite wealthy or were at least middle-classed… tried fooling us using fake documents.

But unknown to them, I make sure to get every information about the person and his family before providing free services. I know about them more than know about themselves. 

As for those who try to scam me… They get blackmailed through their own information… and sometimes they might also lose an organ or two while undergoing 'free' services. They cannot complain as their previous lies would be exposed and those who still try to reveal about the organ smuggling while not caring about themselves… are silenced. 

I only do that with the scammers though. Other than popularity, the reason I opened these free hospitals was that my mother wanted to provide free services to the poor. So, I did that on her behalf. 

And the amount that I make from the scammers are enough to provide free services to the poor while managing to get a hefty sum for myself. 

"So, Mr. Kington what is your defense?" 

Before he could say anything, I raised my hand. "Gentlemen, if I may… I have a little information that might help you to make the decision easily."

Kington looked at me with a frown on his face. 

Too bad for you, pal. You are over!


[A/N: Don't expect another chapter before a month. And I hope everyone is safe.]