

My statement made Larry glare at me. I am pretty sure that he doesn't know about the information that I possess and he is most certainly glaring at me because of my interference when he could have gotten away with relative ease. 

"If it is related to the discussion, then of course." The representative of the United Kingdom said as the intensity of Larry's glare increased. 

Despite screwing up, he still put on his poker face quite fast. "I would like to know the information that you possess as well, Mr. Hanley." 

"Of course. After all, this is 'all' related to you and the Stallion Corporation." He was wary of the data that I possessed as the look on his face expressed that clearly. 

"Anyway." I looked at the representatives. "Firstly I would like to start with some facts before providing the files and evidence that I gathered." The representatives murmured amongst themselves before nodding their heads.

"You may state them." One of the representatives said. 

"Well then, Mr. Kington." The man raised an eyebrow. "About the allegations of you using medicines that are not up to standards… Your drugs constitute substances that were initially thought to be perfect to make cures but currently, they are not." 

"The drugs that are manufactured in our labs are certified. You can rest assured that those are allegations… and that's it. Accusations made without any proof." Larry said.

This made me smile.

"Who said that I don't have any evidence?" This made him flinch. "But I will be revealing them after… dealing with some of the 'important' things." 

"And what might that be?" The representative of America asked. 

I had a hard time stopping myself from cracking a smile, yet I managed to put on a sad face. 

"Larry Kington, born January 17th, 1929. Spent his early years studying and buying stocks using his family's fortune." Larry frowned when I said that.

"Whose money I spend has nothing to do with this case." Larry glared at me and the representatives seemed to be growing annoyed as well.

"Oh it does, Mr. Kington, trust me." I turned to look at the representatives. "It is true that under normal circumstances such a thing would not have mattered. But the problem is… your family has no history of dealing with big businesses, neither were there any instances where one could say that your family amassed such a big fortune." I turned to look at the representative of America.

"Me being a businessman couldn't help myself to look at my rival's history and what I found… shocked me to say the least." I sighed. "Gordon Kington was one of the lead researchers during the time Hitler started his first 'campaign'." 

This got the attention of all of the representatives. 

"But he went MIA while working on one of the secret war projects." And before anyone could ask, I said. "I do not know about the project, it was a secret and still is as the authorities have deemed it a top-secret." I knew about the project, but I also knew better than to reveal it.

"This made me interested in Mr. Kington's family history even more. So, I dug further… and I wish I didn't do that." I said making the last part barely audible. "Mr. Gordon was apparently making deals behind the authorities' back." 

"Lies! My father left my sister and me when we were barely teenagers!" Larry nearly roared. 

I nodded. "That he did… but that doesn't mean he wasn't working from the shadows and amassing a fortune through which you built your foundation."

The entire room was filled with murmuring voices, until the American representative calmed everyone down. 

"Silence!" He looked at me. "Mr. Hanley, I hope you have proof about your claims and if you do— we will make sure to look into this." He paused and frowned. "But this is not enough to take legal actions against the Stallion Corporation. A son cannot be punished for the sins committed by his father."

I know… This is going to harm Stallion and they are going to lose quite a lot but it's not enough. It harms the corporation, not Larry.

"Oh, it indeed doesn't." I am used to facing such authoritative figures. "But that's only a fraction of the dirt that I have found about Stallion Corporation."

Larry froze and glared furiously at me.

"Continue." The French representative said.

Giving the man a nod, I continued. "Mr. Kington's father passed away recently." I looked at Larry and gave him a nod. "My condolences, Mr. Larry." 

He died of cardiac arrest so nothing much there.

I turned to look at the representatives. "Gentlemen, please go through the documents that I have provided." 

I said as I have already provided them with a bunch of files— which they have yet to read.

"The files not only contain details of the Hanley Group's future plans… but it also contains some interesting information about Mr. Kington and his corporation, Stallion."

The representatives of the different countries started going through the files as I asked them to. And it didn't take them long to read through my files and reach the information about Larry. Once they did— they had their eyes wide open.

I had no intention of going this hard on Larry. I would have stopped after revealing his father's involvement with illegal parties… but the organisation that his father was leaking information to was something that affected me and my plans as well.

The American representative slammed his hands on the desk and yelled. This shocked Larry.


I smiled. "Of course."

Saying that, I turned to look at Larry. "Mr. Larry, would you like to tell us about the organisation that your father was working for? Or should I do the honours?"

Larry froze, his face paled as realisation dawned upon him. Never in his wildest dreams would he have expected me to figure out the organisation's background.

"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered. Panic and fear visible in his eyes.

Oh, I love this! Is this how a villain feels when he sees a helpless person?


"Well, since you don't seem to remember… let me refresh your memory." A smile appeared on my face that only Larry could see. "Johann Schmidt."

Larry flinched.

"Does that name ring any bells?" I asked as the entire room was filled with murmuring voices once again.

"Quiet!" The American representative roared. "Kington, explain!"

The man in question was too shocked to answer— so I answered on his behalf.

"Johann Schmidt or as the entire world knows him as— Red Skull… was who your father worked for." Before Larry could deny, I threw a picture towards him. "Take a look."

As he picked up the photograph, his hands shook. 

In that picture, a red-headed guy was shaking hands with Red Skull. That man was none other than Larry's father.

"Mr. Kington." The Chinese Representative said calmly. "Please explain what your father's relationship with the Nazi was." He squinted his sharp eyes. "And what is 'Your' relationship with them."

"I have no relationship with the Nazis!" He denied but the Chinese representative calmly shook his head.

"There is enough proof about your involvement in this, Mr. Kington."

Pictures, documents, contracts… I gathered everything I could find. How did I find them? Money does wonders.

"Lies!" Larry yelled. "He is framing me. These are forged."

Oh, Larry… You don't understand that situation you are in… Now, do you?

"Mr. Larry Kington." The Russian representative looked at him sternly. "Till everything is sorted out and your involvement in all these can be debunked— you are not allowed to leave this country. If you do… You will be deemed as an international criminal." 

"As for this project that you proposed… it's rejected." The Chinese representative said. 

"And as long as you cannot prove your innocence, Stallion Corporation is to be denied authority to carry out any projects and it will go through a thorough examination." The French representative said. 

Larry fell on his knees— defeated. 

Not that I care… but thanks to him and his involvement… I have received a valuable gift. If he never insulted or challenged me, I would have been at a loss for a long time but now I have a lead.

A major lead.

His involvement with Red Skull and Hydra had helped me to locate one of the monoliths. 

So thank you, Larry… I guess?


[A/N: Aight, enjoy.

Marvel Facts: (1) Franklin Richards is not a mutant… wtf Marvel?

(2) Thor is Phoenix's son… The Phoenix. Even bigger wtf Marvel?