
Marvel: Play as Naruto at the beginning

Traversing the Marvel world, Wu Chen gains the most powerful acting system, where the more accurately one emulates the original character, the stronger the powers obtained. The Fourth Hokage, the Six Paths of Pain, Uchiha Madara, the Sage of the Six Paths... Hydra: Which village is Konoha really? To hide such terrifying power! S.H.I.E.L.D.: is merely a local snake! Thanos: The Sage of the Six Paths, huh? Claiming to be a sage, I'd like to see how strong you really are! As the characters played by Wu Chen make their appearances one after another, the people of this world suddenly realize, this is the 'true reality' of the world.

JiangJuShi · Films
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220 Chs

Chapter 219: Assault by Akatsuki

"First, tell us about the situation on your end," Nick Fury ushered everyone in and then asked, "Loki has been captured, but what about the Tesseract?"


Captain America stepped forward and reported the recent events. "Loki has been apprehended," he began.


"I see," Nick Fury stroked his chin. "Loki is my responsibility; I have ways to make him talk."


Thor quickly interjected, "Do not harm him; he is my brother!"


Nick Fury waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry! Please trust in our professionalism."


Following Nick Fury, everyone proceeded to the conference room on the Sky Carrier. There, under Nick Fury's guidance, Agent Hill activated the projector.


As the machine hummed, moments away from displaying the footage, Nick Fury spoke solemnly, "The Akatsuki has made a move!"


"What?!" The group exclaimed in shock, even Wu Chen, who already knew, feigned surprise. Of course, Wu Chen was acting, but the others were genuinely alarmed.


After all, the brutality of the Akatsuki was well-known. A single glance at a satellite map of New York revealed the truth. What was once a bustling city now resembled a low basin, with rows of modest buildings rebuilt within. Anyone who knew the truth would be filled with dread at the mention of the Akatsuki.


Feeling terrified, the group wanted to inquire about the specifics. But before they could speak, Nick Fury pointed to the screen in the conference room. "Watch and you'll understand."


With Nick Fury's instruction, the projector in the conference room cast the footage onto the screen, and the image began to play.


They saw a river, a forest beside it, surrounded by greenery, with wildflowers blooming—a breathtaking sight.


However, those familiar with the situation immediately recognized what it was.


"This is the seal site of the Two-Tails Jinchuriki?!" Wu Chen exclaimed.


As an advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of Konoha, it wasn't surprising that Wu Chen would know this. S.H.I.E.L.D. had obtained permission from Konoha to set up cameras around the Jinchuriki's seal site.


However, upon hearing this, the other superheroes felt a sense of foreboding. Tony and Thor, who had participated in the previous battles against the Jinchuriki, immediately speculated, "Could the Akatsuki be making another attempt to capture the Jinchuriki?"


Their speculation was correct.


As the footage played, the superheroes saw members of the Akatsuki appear. This time, the Akatsuki had mobilized their entire force—Deidara, Hidan, Pain Six Paths, and Konan! All members were present!


However, due to manpower issues, only Might Guy was guarding the Two-Tails Jinchuriki's seal. But at this moment, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, was also present. Thanks to his mastery of space-time ninjutsu, Minato served as support for the three Jinchuriki who hadn't been captured yet—the Two-Tails, Five-Tails, and Eight-Tails!


In fact, the only ones who hadn't been captured were the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, but since both of them possessed space-time ninjutsu, it would be difficult for the Akatsuki to capture them.


Therefore, only these three Jinchuriki, sealed in fixed locations, fell victim to the Akatsuki's assault.


Minato wasn't just providing support; he was also tasked with guarding the Eight-Tails!


Similarly, Tobirama Senju was in a similar position. He was not only providing support but also guarding the Eight-Tails!


However, Tobirama didn't know what was happening at the Two-Tails' location. So, he wasn't present at the moment!


Seeing the entire Akatsuki assemble, Minato wasted no time and disappeared with A, taking him away to guard the Five-Tails. Due to the overwhelming number of enemies, Minato used secret techniques to contact Tobirama, hoping to enlist his help.


But there was no response from Tobirama's end, leaving Minato deeply worried. Thinking it over, the situation could only mean that Tobirama was also facing enemies!


Sure enough, after the video of the Two-Tails' location finished playing, Agent Hill switched to the footage from the Eight-Tails' location, where everyone saw a long-haired man with a cold and aloof expression—a familiar face.