
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime et bandes dessinées
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137 Chs

Avengers Side

General Pov

"Why wont Coulson wake up!" Sky yells out, but everybody has learned just to ignore her

Simmons who is by her side puts a hand on her shoulder "Give it time Sky"

Sky still worried "But Agent Hill is already awake."

"Agent Hill is a lot younger than Coulson, be reasonable" Simmons says trying to calm Sky down

May holding Coulson's hand sitting by his bed said "Maria will never walk on her own for the rest of her life. She accepted that, she said that Natasha had every right to shoot them. When Coulson wakes up he will be in the same situation as her"

The mood in the room turns even more depressing.

I'm going to look for Tony, he must have a way to heal them"

"Don't bother." Fizz stops her from doing something stupid

"H-he won't save Coulson, I'm not sure about Hill though. Did you see S-stark's reaction when Coulson confessed to knowing Black Widow was brainwashed and manipulated. I doubt he will help him now."

"But.." Sky looks like someone punched her in the gut

"Plus they are all busy with the 'Search for Bucky' " Fitz just continues, totally lacking a filter for his words

"Fitz stop what is wrong with you?!" Simmons yells at him

"EVERYTHING!" he screams out shocking everyone

"F-first Jemma, you leave me alone to go on an undercover mission without saying anything, and when you come back you act like a stranger. T-things have been tough for me since Shield fell and now I find out our boss, our close friend did and knew some horrifying things and didn't do anything about them. So that's what's wrong with me!!"

His words shock everyone until Stark slams the door open

"Hey, tone it down with the yelling!"

"I'm busy here. I'm looking through the Hydra encrypted documents that Nat released when Shield fell, its a safe bet that Fury at least knew something and didn't say anything. Ether way that's a butt load of data and I'm close to cracking it together with Jarvis, Emo girl helped earlier and she came back here. I don't need any interruptions right now, so tone it down or just leave" Stark turns around and leaves. The mood in the room turns even weirder now with the awkwardness in the mix

Banner sees Tony "What's wrong Tony?"

He just shrugs "The nerve of some people, at least keep quiet when others are working"

"Well they are under a lot of stress, their boss did get crippled for life, even with the technology that was used to heal Clint, we can't do anything about them, Nat shot them in the exact spot where the nerves gather, even if we healed it, the damage has already been done."

"I don't care. I thought of Coulson as a friend, his death hit me hard. Then he turns out to be alive, and now i learned about all the things he and Fury did. Look at what happened to them now, Fury was taken away by the wizard, he is probably dead or dying and Coulson is in a coma.

You know karma might be real, i should start doing good deeds, I did a lot of bad stuff and now its coming to bite me back in the ass, like the twins from Sokovia. Yea I'll..." Stark starts talking to himself at the end and Banner just stands there and watches him until he stops him from going further


"What?" Stark looks at him

Banner just looks at him with a 'really?' face

"Oh, my bad, started monologuing again."

Banner sighs "What do you plan to do with the twins"

Now Stark lets out a long sigh "I have no idea honestly. They are victims of my weapons, weapons that I thought were used to protect my country only to find them sold on the black market and used for terrorism. Those kids wont stop until they get their revenge, just like me. All I can do is wait and see what happens. And hope I am the one that comes out of it alive"

"... Tony" Banner doesn't know what to say

"Well, that's for later, lets focus on finding him first. We can figure out the rest after we do that" Stark tries to play it off, but he is stressed as well.

"I have narrowed down the search to look for anything related to Bucky, Winter solider and my parents. We should get a hit soon, Jarvis is running on overtime." Tony keeps snacking, but this time its more like stress eating

" Calm down Stark, we will find him. You said so yourself, no-one would be able to find him faster than you. So now we just have to wait, get some rest, eat a little, ever since the wizard left, you have been running around" Thor says from the couch

"Easy for you to say, you already got your revenge..."

Thor sees that his advice won't be taken and keeps quiet


"Sir I got a hit" Jarvis was heard through the speakers

"Yess, your the best! What do you have for me J!" Stark is euphoric

"With the search narrowed down I found 1... *ding* ...make that 2 files, and both are related to one and other. One is about a Soviet Colonel who is currently hiding in Cleaveland.

The other is Mission Report December. 16.1991 ."

"That.. that's the day my parents died"

Banner just puts his hand on Starks shoulder "We found a lead Tony. Let's go. You won't find your closure by just standing here"

Thor stands up "Banner is right. We need to move. Now! Things have not gone our way for a while. It's best we finish this as soon as possible. Someone inform Rogers that we found him"

Stark nods "Jarvis prepare the Quinn Jet, we are moving out"

Word Count 990

A/N I have been running around all day today and yesterday job hunting, didn't have a lot of time to write.

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