
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Films
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369 Chs

Chapter: 66

After a good night's rest at home, Mark got into his own Transformer sports car and pulled a trailer with a nutrient hibernation chamber back to his company's laboratory.

It was still the Christmas holiday, and all the busy employees of the company had gone home to relax or spend time with their families. The entire building was empty except for Mark.

He had sent Hover-cannon to the underground maintenance chamber for inspection and repair. Mark took out a headband from the storage cabinet at the front desk. It had an antenna to enhance the signal.

Mark put on the headband, and the indicator light on it immediately lit up. Soon, a series of small and chaotic noises emerged, and an indeterminate number of black particles surged towards Mark like a wave.

These were the miniature magnetic robots invented by Hiro Hamada in Big Hero 6, which had been stolen by the antagonist in the movie. The headband Mark wore was a Brain wave amplification controller designed for controlling the large quantity of miniature magnetic robots.

Yesterday, Mark had finished all his work and was planning to show off his three new inventions to Tony. However, he discovered that everyone in the company had already gone on vacation, and there was no one to help him move the 600-kilogram nutrient hibernation chamber from the top-floor laboratory to the underground garage.

So Mark decided to bring out the hidden treasure, the miniature magnetic robots. With the miniature magnetic robots, he could easily conduct experiments and move things around. Moreover, the technology was not too difficult, and with the help of Baymax, the 3D printer could mass-produce miniature magnetic robots. The headband controller was even simpler. Mark had already mastered the application of brain wave technology while researching the virtual reality console.

Summoning the miniature magnetic robots, Mark commanded them effortlessly to combine and form a huge palm, directly lifting the heavy nutrient hibernation chamber. He then followed behind and took the elevator to the top-floor laboratory.

After placing the nutrient hibernation chamber back in its original position, Mark started connecting it to the waste discharge pipe, allowing the hibernation chamber to drain the waste liquid left by Tony's previous usage from the waste tank.

Once these tasks were completed, Mark prepared to change his clothes and enter the virtual laboratory to work on the virtual reality game development and release platform, as well as fulfill his promise to Pepper regarding the virtual reality game "Sword Art Online."

However, as he stood in front of the hibernation chamber after changing his clothes, Baymax's reminder sounded, "Master, there is a problem with the waste treatment system."

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Mark asked curiously. He had personally designed the waste treatment system for the hibernation chamber, and theoretically, the filter didn't need to be replaced for up to 10 years. But now, after only a few installations, why was there a problem?

"According to the waste analyzer, the treated waste has exceeded the pollution limits and cannot meet the safe discharge standards. Even after several cycles of filtration, the problem remains unresolved.

"After activating the spectrometer, I discovered that all other pollutants in the waste have been completely removed, but there is a large amount of heavy metal palladium present, which has caused the final test results to be unacceptable.

"The waste treatment system was not designed to consider heavy metals, so it cannot completely purify the waste."

"Palladium, a heavy metal!" Mark suddenly realized, "The nutrient hibernation chamber has been used by Tony last night when I showed him the virtual laboratory. And in the future, Tony will indeed upgrade the Arc Reactor on his chest to use a second-generation reactor that uses a synthetic new element due to palladium poisoning."

"So, it means that my father's body has already begun to be eroded by palladium metal. I need to quickly find a method that ensures 100% safety to remove the shrapnel from my father's chest. Otherwise, I'll have to synthesize the new element myself and upgrade the Arc Reactor."

"But fortunately, now we have the nutrient hibernation chamber. Even if the process is slower, the repair function of the hibernation chamber can eliminate the worries about his life by eliminating the heavy metal elements in his body."

"Baymax, help me place an order for new materials. I need to add a heavy metal treatment pump to the sewage treatment system."

"(●─●) Understood, master."

Mark didn't expect that while he was showing off in front of Tony, he would discover such a huge hidden danger in Tony's body. Being immersed in technology research all the time almost made him forget about this major problem Tony had.


In the afternoon, Tony appeared in Mark's laboratory.

"Why did you call me in such a hurry? Have my Transformers and virtual laboratory been completed?"

In the morning, after Mark discovered Tony's health issue, he was contemplating whether to inform Tony or not. If he told him, they could identify and treat the problem earlier, and Tony might have been able to develop the second-generation Arc Reactor earlier to solve this issue. But Mark was also concerned that knowing about this hidden danger might affect Tony's state of mind and potentially change his attitude towards himself and Pepper.

However, if he didn't tell Tony, Tony would eventually find out on his own. After all, Baymax's main body was left at home, and if Tony had the urge to do a check-up, everything would become clear. Even if Tony didn't seek Baymax's examination, the changes in his body would not escape his own eyes.

After hesitating for a while, Mark decided to truthfully inform Tony about the matter. So he called him and arranged to meet in his own laboratory that afternoon.

"Do you know about your current Health condition?" Mark cautiously asked.

"Health condition? What condition could there be? Didn't I already get checked by Baymax when I returned from Afghanistan? Except for the injury on my chest that couldn't be healed, the rest were just minor injuries," Tony answered matter-of-factly, puzzled by Mark's question.

"Your current condition is very bad..."


You can read +16 advance chapters in my p@treon page!!


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